Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,400 Blood Demon, Blue Mist

Deep in the depths, two figures stood there!

One of them had blood-red eyes, and he was one of the demon gods beside Zhao Mengyue who inherited the power of the blood demon! After inheriting, he directly transformed into a strong man!

The other one is a trembling man with eyes! The only special thing about him is that one of his eyes seems to be blind.

In front of them, there was a platform. On the platform, there was a blue mist that was restlessly expanding, sometimes getting bigger and smaller. The souls from the outside world were pouring into this mist crazily!

"What on earth do you want to do?"

The young man wearing glasses looked desperately at the devil-like man next to him who looked young.

"What are you doing? Let you reborn as a soul bone, so that you can have the best power in the world!"

"I don't want it, I don't want it, I have to go back to study, I have to study."

The man glanced at him and sneered.

"Study? What's the use of studying? Huh? I used to be the best in the school, what's the use? Wasn't it humiliated by the goddess in public? But now...she was raped to death by me and drank up her blood, delicious ah."

The man sighed.


The boy with the eyes gulped.

"You haven't practiced cultivation, you haven't experienced the power of power, and you can only live less than a hundred years. As a low-level scum, what are you doing with your life? Don't you envy those people flying over walls and flying in the air?"

Gorefiend asked.


His words made the boy with glasses hesitate.

"Are you blind in one eye and willing to be laughed at? Don't you want to kill those people who laugh at you every day? Because they look down on you and laugh at you, but your eye is not blind, it's just you Very special! As long as you accept this power, you can become a strong person! In the future, you will have absolute say in the world!"


The Yanjing boy clenched his fists tightly!

"How do I get this power! I don't want to be a coward for the rest of my life! I want those who laugh at me to get the punishment they deserve!"

The blood demon laughed.

"That's right. It's very simple to get this power. You only need enough souls to blend with him to break through its power and break through this barrier. You can just go and inherit it!"


Time passed slowly, but what made the Blood Demon frown...

Where are the resentful spirits? What about the soul body?

Just a little bit different! Why is the soul and body broken? The steady flow of soul bodies that had just been poured in, why did it suddenly disappear?

Why did it suddenly disappear? Because the outside world was destroyed by Lin Xuan.

"Wait here, don't act rashly, I'll go see what's going on!"

Then the blood demon walked out.

At the same time, Lin Xuan came over with Xiao Longer. When he turned a corner, the two of them met each other. At that moment, they were both stunned.

Lin Xuan was stunned, Mader, is there anyone? And he's still so young? What are you doing here? Wait, why are his eyes blood red? wrong! It's an evil thing!

And the blood demon was stunned, why is there someone there? So young? Holy shit? Is that an elf on his chest? No, it must be destroyed!

The next moment...


The two released their power at the same time, the thunder and blood-red power collided, and then the two stumbled back at the same time.

At the same time, Xiao Longer seized the opportunity.

"Bad guy!"


A dragon god burst out!



The blood demon didn't have time to dodge, because he staggered and hadn't stopped yet. The key point was that he didn't expect that the little girl in Lin Xuan's arms would explode with such terrifying power!

The blood demon was seriously injured directly!


He gritted his teeth, then stepped on his feet, and his figure disappeared from the original place.


Lin Xuan also wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Paralyzed! Tianzun realm? And it’s a high-level Tianzun realm! Fortunately, the power he subconsciously released was strong, and he subconsciously exchanged strength and defense, otherwise he might have been seriously injured by this blow!

Who was that person just now?

Lin Xuan then frowned!

Xiao Long'er is a dragon, and she is very powerful. The power of the Dragon God's explosion is not the power of ordinary fire-attribute martial arts! It is absolutely normal to directly injure it seriously!

Fortunately, I had Xiao Longer with me! Lin Xuan sighed secretly! If it hadn't been for Xiao Long'er, he might have been in danger!

No, it's hard to say, because he has space attributes, and he is now close to the Tianzun realm. If he escapes with this space attribute, he can still run very far! But he can only run, not stay here!

That person was very strange just now, with blood-red eyes and a very strange breath! Doesn't look like a kind person! Moreover, the age seems to be not much different from mine. The level is so high!

Wait, what's going on here?

"Big brother, are you okay?"

Xiao Long'er touched Lin Xuan's chest and asked.

Lin Xuan shook his head; "It's okay, it's a minor injury. The law of creation was restored immediately."

Then Lin Xuan walked over, saw a blue mist somewhere, and saw a weak young man from the human race with no spiritual power standing there, and walked over.

"Who are you?"

The young man was stunned for a moment when he suddenly changed into a different person, while Xiao Longer got into Lin Xuan's arms early.

"Who are you?"

Lin Xuan asked with a frown, then looked at the blue mist.

Mist grass? What the hell is this? Why is this soul power so terrifying?

Lin Xuan was completely stunned!

"Where is the adult just now?"

the boy asked.

"Are you with him?"

The bespectacled boy nodded, "Well, Sir, you want me to inherit some power."

"Inherit the power?" Lin Xuan frowned.

"Then do you know who he is?"

The young man looked at Lin Xuan.

"Aren't you and him together?"

The next moment, Lin Xuan pinched his neck and exerted a slight force!

"Say! Otherwise you will die!"

Lin Xuan threatened!

This is a very ordinary human being, not even a warrior. It's strange, why does he appear here? Did that person just bring it?

"Cough cough cough - I said... I said."

Lin Xuan then let go of him.

"He said...he is a blood demon, ahem——"

"Blood Demon? What is that?"

Lin Xuan asked.

The young man also shook his head, "I don't know. I don't know either. I was brought here inexplicably and what kind of power was asked for me to inherit."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

magic? Blood Demon?

Is it a title or something?

Lin Xuan doesn't know.

He must have been thinking about the Twelve Demon Gods, but he didn't know what kind of demons the Twelve Demon Gods had or what they were called.

"anything else?"

The young man shook his head.

"Okay, I understand, you go to the back and stay away!"

"oh oh."

He ran away quickly, Lin Xuan stared at the blue mist.


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