Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1401 Absorption, Tianzun

Lin Xuan really doesn't know what this thing is, does it feel like a spiritual creature from heaven and earth? Because Lin Xuan can sense that this thing contains a lot of soul power!

Warriors have a great desire for soul power. For example, in the Taixu Realm, if your soul power is not enough, even if you are stuck in the Ten Stars of the Tianzun Realm for ten thousand years, you will not be able to break through to the Taixu Realm. Only when you Only when your soul is strong enough can you have the standard to break through the Taixu Realm!

Of course, any realm requires sufficient soul power to advance, but the Taixu realm has the highest requirements for this thing.

"Do you know what this thing is?" Lin Xuan looked back at the boy with glasses and asked.

The boy with glasses quickly shook his head; "I don't know, that person didn't say it, but it seems like this thing is very powerful."

Anyway, his eyes were darkened. He knew roughly where he was. If he went out, he would definitely die. If he didn't go out, he wouldn't know whether he would be killed or not. But at least there was a chance of survival, so he still Choose to stay here honestly.

Lin Xuan sensed it and realized that this thing didn't seem too dangerous. The main reason was that there was still a seal outside?

Then Lin Xuan stretched out his hand.


The boy with glasses stopped Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan looked at him.

"The man said you couldn't touch this. It seemed like something wasn't finished yet. There were a lot of blue things pouring in, and suddenly they were gone, so he said he wanted to go out and have a look."

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows.

An influx of blue stuff? soul!

Why was it broken? Because Lin Xuan just destroyed all the soul bodies outside!

However, the aura of this thing is still attracting those soul bodies to enter! Soon, a large number of soul bodies poured in from behind, and the boy with glasses hurriedly hid not far away.

Lin Xuan stood there without any instructions, and the soul bodies were injected into it one after another. It felt more like... being forcibly absorbed.

Xiao Longer stuck out his little head and took a look.

"Brother, these seem to be many, many soul bodies."

Lin Xuan nodded; "I don't know what it is specifically, but that person seems to be absorbed by this little guy with glasses, and he has no realm. Can a person without realm absorb this?"

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin!


The next moment, perhaps because the amount of soul body injected had reached the requirement, the seal seemed to be lifted, and a terrifying soul impact came rushing towards me!


"Xiao Longer, you go to the back first."


Then Xiao Longer flew behind.

The boy with glasses also ran back quickly and looked at Xiao Longer in surprise.

"Are you an elf?"

The boy with glasses asked.

Xiao Longer flew in the air and glanced at him.

Lin Xuan frowned as he felt the impact on his soul!

to be honest,

He was very moved.

If you absorb such terrifying soul power, your improvement may be unimaginable, mainly...

What the hell is this?

Preliminary judgment shows that this thing does not seem to be anything particularly wrong.

"Try it!"

Lin Xuan gritted his teeth and walked forward.

"Brother, be careful."

Xiao Longer reminded.

Lin Xuan nodded and walked to the blue mist. Then his spiritual power surged and he tentatively stretched out his hand!

Lin Xuan's hand touched the blue mist!

Bing Bing Liang Liang...

"Get away!"

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

That's right, a woman's voice seemed to have entered Lin Xuan's mind inexplicably.

"Get away!"

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

Mist grass?

If the first sound was an illusion, then this second sound is definitely not a mistake


Is this blue mist talking?

"Paralyzed! Tell me to get out?"

Originally, Lin Xuan might have been afraid, but now he is not afraid. Why?

If this is a very scary thing, it should be forcibly seizing oneself, desperately trying to get something of oneself, but now, this voice tells oneself to get away, meaning that she is afraid of herself?

Then get out?

Get out of here, sister!

"I won't leave today!"

Lin Xuan then inserted his hand completely into the mist.

At that moment, Lin Xuan seemed to have some kind of connection with the fog!


Blue mist flew into the air and then rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan; "..."

The next moment, the blue mist poured into Lin Xuan's left eye crazily.


Lin Xuan staggered suddenly.

It’s an indescribable feeling, it hurts, it hurts!


Lin Xuan groaned in pain.

The boy with glasses quickly stepped back!

This... this looks so scary. If it were me, wouldn't it... wouldn't it hurt to death?

"Big brother……"

Xiao Longer looked at Lin Xuan worriedly.


Lin Xuan opened his arms, and his continuous shouts echoed in this space.


It hurts! It hurts!

This feeling is not physical pain, but a mental feeling, like nerve pain!

Some can't bear it.


Lin Xuan knelt there directly, but the blue mist continued to pour into Lin Xuan's left eye.


"Big brother……"

Xiao Longer was flying around Lin Xuan, but she didn't know what to do.

Soon, all the blue mist poured into Lin Xuan's left eye.


Lin Xuan's breathing was extremely rapid, and he stood up slowly. His left eye was emitting blue light, even blue water... It seemed like light, or mist dripping from his eyes, But it didn't fall down, but was suspended in front of the left eye.


The next moment, Lin Xuan's left eye burst out with a terrifying force, and the blue light turned into a laser-like force and shot out.

"Get out!"


Wherever this blue power hits, it seems to be able to penetrate all defenses in the world.



Lin Xuan fell to his knees on the ground, gasping for air.

Then Lin Xuan lay on the ground.

He wasn't dead, but he was in so much pain, so tired, and had no strength at all. He didn't even want to squat down, he just wanted to lie there.

Three stars in Tianzun realm!

That's right, he is in the Heavenly Realm!

And as he had guessed before, his soul power had made a qualitative leap!

There was a consciousness that seemed to be eroding my will just now, but it was swallowed up by myself! Otherwise, I'm afraid he will have to change to someone else!


What the hell is this thing? He really didn’t understand it!

Lin Xuan spread his hands.

The blue thing that looked like water, light and mist dripped into the palm of his hand, and Lin Xuan squeezed it.

Swish swish——.

Those dozens of blue forces blasted out from between the fingers! Maybe hundreds of meters of wall were directly penetrated...,

Lin Xuan: "..."

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