Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,402: Such rubbish?

That's right, Lin Xuan expressed his extreme confusion!

What the hell?

Then Lin Xuan took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

"Mist grass?"

Lin Xuan saw his left eye. Is this still a human eye? Why does it emit blue light?

Then Lin Xuan thought, and a blue light appeared in his eyes, suspended in mid-air.


Lin Xuan punched it, and the blue light seemed to be able to penetrate everything in the world, directly penetrating the hundred-meter-thick wall, and then flew into the void, maybe into the atmosphere...or into outer space?


Lin Xuan felt that this thing was very powerful, but...

Lin Xuan took a long tentative breath, then tentatively moved it with his mind. When he looked at his phone again, his eyes returned to normal.


Lin Xuan breathed out a breath.

I was so scared that I thought my eyes would have blue light from now on.

But what the hell is this? Lin Xuan still doesn’t understand it! Moreover, there was a consciousness that wanted to devour him just now, but that consciousness seemed to be very weak.

But what Lin Xuan knows now is that this thing contains a lot of soul power. Lin Xuan's soul strength has been sublimated. At the same time, the power shot out seems to be very terrifying. It seems not very destructive, but its penetrating power cannot Imagine!

And he...

It’s the Heavenly Realm!

Lin Xuan is about to be convinced!

He came out to kill monsters, but why did he encounter something flashy again for no apparent reason, and then he achieved three stars without much effort!

Wow! It’s so uncomfortable! It’s so uncomfortable!

"Brother...are you okay?"

Xiao Longer flew into Lin Xuan's arms and touched Lin Xuan's face with his little hands.

"It's okay." Lin Xuan shook his head.

"Huh... I'm scared to death of Xiao Long'er."

Lin Xuan then looked at the boy with glasses!

If he hadn't cut off his hair, would this thing have been his?

But the person with blood-red eyes just now didn't seem to be a kind person, and this blue thing didn't seem to be a good thing, but it just fell on Lin Xuan and seemed to turn into a good thing.

"Which city are you from?" Lin Xuan walked over and asked.

"Tian...Tianfeng City."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll take you back."

The boy with glasses showed an ecstatic expression.

"Thank you, brother, thank you, brother."

"You'd better not tell anyone what happened today, otherwise you may be killed."

The boy with glasses nodded quickly: "Yes, I know."

Then Lin Xuan took him out.

The Tianzun realm and the Domain realm are completely different, and Lin Xuan's realm weakening realm has also been improved, and he can ignore the realm and reduce the opponent's three-star strength! Could it be possible that this can reduce the number of stars by ten in the future?


Then when the time comes, if I am one star in the Heavenly Dao Realm,

It can lower the opponent's realm of seven or eight stars. If the opponent's seven-star realm of Heavenly Dao realm is the same as yours in an instant, then the opponent's mentality will be shattered!

Moreover, the improvement in the Tianzun realm is really unimaginable. Lin Xuan can really feel the qualitative changes in strength and other aspects!

Moreover, there is a very key point in improving the Tianzun realm, which is to fly in the air!

Although traveling in the air consumes spiritual energy, it is very convenient!

Lin Xuan drove back with the boy in glasses.

He didn't know anything, so Lin Xuan couldn't get any information from him.

But Lin Xuan really did a good deed unintentionally!

How to put it, because Lin Xuan's power is one of the twelve demon gods, but Lin Xuan doesn't know that if he doesn't appear, then another demon god will appear in the world, and this boy will also become Zhao Mengyue's subordinate and chess piece.

Maybe it can indeed change his life... but it will become an enemy of mankind and endanger the existence of the continent. Regardless of whether he wants such a change or not, it will

Standing at Lin Xuan, from the mainland's perspective, Lin Xuan's appearance was indeed correct.

"Brother, there is a big monster in front of us."

Xiao Longer stretched out his little finger and pointed ahead in the dark night.

"So... so scary!"

The boy with glasses looked at the monster in front of him with a horrified expression.

It was a monster that Lin Xuan was quite familiar with, because Lin Xuan had dealt with this kind of monster, and it was a long time ago.

Nether Flame Lion Beast!

A powerful monster beast with strong bloodline and large body, similar to a lion, but wrapped in ghostly ghost-like fire! And the one at this moment is much more powerful than the one I encountered before!


Lin Xuan braked suddenly and stopped.

"No matter what, it can't be the Taixu Realm or the high-level Tianzun Realm, right? Then I just want to test how powerful this thing I just got is."

Lin Xuan then got out of the car, and the bespectacled boy stayed in the car in fear.

Nothing will happen to him, nothing will happen to him. If something happens to him, he himself will die!

Lin Xuan's Cave Spirit Eye explored it.

One star in the Heavenly Realm!

In fact, it is not easy to encounter Tianzun realm monsters outside, but Lin Xuan is so lucky!

The destructive power of this Netherworld Flame Lion Beast, a star in the Heavenly Venerable Realm, is unimaginable!


The Nether Flame Lion Beast was eating, and then he saw a human standing in front of him looking for death!

It might not even care if you drive around because it's eating, but now, you've come down to seek death?


The next moment, the terrifying blue power penetrated everything and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan; "..."

"What the hell! The thing released by my eyes is not as thick as yours!"

Lin Xuan disappeared with a space force!

"Come on, let me try!"

The next moment, Lin Xuan thought, and his left eye flashed blue light again.

Then Lin Xuan stretched out his right hand to cover his left eye. When he took his hand out, he held a blue ball like water and mist in his palm.


The next moment, Lin Xuan let go of it, and the blue light ball was suspended in mid-air. Lin Xuan took aim, came up with an upside-down golden hook, and kicked it.

At that moment, the blue mass turned into dozens of stars and shot towards it.


The Nether Flame Lion Beast didn't believe this evil, so it directly exploded with powerful blue power and bombarded it!


The blue power released by the Nether Flame Lion Beast, which was several meters thick, was released by dozens of Lin Xuan, which was probably only a few centimeters thick. The blue power penetrated, that's right! Lin Xuan's power did not collide with the power of the Nether Flame Lion Beast at all, but penetrated his power!


The power of the Nether Flame Lion Beast bombarded the area where Lin Xuan was, but Lin Xuan's space power dodged it!

"So rubbish?"

Lin Xuan was a little confused!

No, is it because I am not even qualified to fight against the Nether Flame Lion Beast due to my own strength? Was he instantly swallowed up by the demonic skills of the Nether Flame Lion Beast? ?


Lin Xuan took a closer look, I'm crazy

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