Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,409 Strange, so strange

It doesn’t mean anything, I’m just worried!

Holy shit!

After hundreds of years of hard work, he finally sat in the position of the demon god. From now on, he can play with as many women as he wants and do whatever he wants. How comfortable is this?

What if they send troops to Changfeng City and their Ninth Demon Temple is severely damaged?

The entire demon clan is so powerful. If their Ten Thousand Poison Sky Python clan is severely damaged, other powerful races will replace them at any time and become the new masters of the Ninth Demon Temple, and their Ten Thousand Poison Sky Python clan may have to go. He doesn't want to live in a snail's nest somewhere!

"But...the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance requires us to take action! Because this is a rare opportunity."

Xie Qiufeng thought for a while and said, "Then send three people from the Taixu Realm over there. In addition, send two hundred Heavenly Lords and a thousand Domain Realm monsters. Remember, except for the Taixu Realm, we cannot send our Ten Thousand Poison Sky Pythons to anyone else." Otherwise, we, the Ten Thousand Poison Heavenly Pythons, will become pawns to die. When our Ten Thousand Poisons Heavenly Pythons are weakened and have no value to the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, they can kick us out at any time!"

"My subordinate understands!"

"Hmm... Two hundred Tianzun, three Taixu, and thousands of domain realms have poured into Changfeng City. They should be able to explain to the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance!"

"By the way, what the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance means is to mainly kill a person named Lin Xuan."

"Lin Xuan? I know!"

On the other side, everyone has poured into Changfeng City!

Lin Xuan and Murong Yu were together the whole time, killing and killing!

Time passed slowly, and soon it was night.

Lin Xuan was sitting in a corner and was chatting with Ling Ying and the others, while Murong Yu had just come over to investigate.

Lin Xuan turned off his phone and looked at Murong Yu.

"How much is left to advance to the rank of Heavenly Lord?"

Murong Yu said, "Kill one or two Heavenly Realm monsters, or even dozens of Domain Realm monsters."

"Tianzun Realm... Damn it, we have been here for so many hours and we haven't seen a single Tianzun Realm monster."

Lin Xuan felt incredible, this was Changfeng City.

"Have they all been solved by the mentors?"

"That's impossible. They are solving the Taixu Realm, right? And how can it be possible that the instructor is so young and can solve it? Wait, I know there is a place."

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows.


Lin Xuandao, "At that time, the human race had a plan to clear Changfeng City, but it failed. That place was the main battlefield."

That was also the place where Wang Xintong's brother died, and it was also the place where Linglong Yue took action against him for the first time.

There were the most corpses of monsters there at that time, and there were all corpses there. It was definitely a good place for many monsters later, so it is estimated that the level of monsters in that place would not be too low.


Both of them have space and time attributes, so they are quite courageous!

Ahead, many monsters of various kinds were wandering.

The next moment,

Their eyes turned to Lin Xuan and Murong Yu at the same time.


Lin Xuan and Murong Yu rushed over directly!

Lin Xuan said he was helpless. He wanted to fight at the Tianzun Realm, but the highest one he had encountered so far was the Domain Realm. There was no pressure at all!

"Nebula Fist!"

Lin Xuan even just released a yellow-level martial arts skill and punched the monster in front of him. The sound of broken bones was heard, and then the monster's body flew into the distance and collapsed. Got a house.

"Hey, it's not challenging!"

Lin Xuan glanced at the monsters on the street.

"Broken the law!"


The next moment, all the monsters exploded and shattered!

Murong Yu "..."

She looked at Lin Xuan.

"Broken the law?"

She looked at Lin Xuan in shock.


Murong Yu; "..."r /\u003e

No, doesn’t he have the law of creation? How can there still be laws of destruction?

Could it be said... that he has two laws from the beginning?

Murong Yu's realm is not that of Tianzun, so releasing the law of destruction on these monsters consumes a lot of energy. However, because he has been promoted to Tianzun, if he wants to kill those in the realm of realms, he can do it with just one thought!

"You actually have two laws!"

"So I'm better than you."

Murong Yu nodded.

She admitted this.

The aura and power of the two people attracted a lot of monsters!

If it were anyone else, it would really scare them to death, but the two of them, working together, are really invincible!

"You can use the Law of Destruction as boldly as you want to kill these monsters instantly. I will use the Law of Creation to help you create new spiritual power. You don't have to worry about the consumption of spiritual power! The most important thing is that you advance to the Heavenly Realm first."

Lin Xuan said.


Murong Yu then closed his eyes!



A small Nether Flame Lion Beast sprayed out blue flames at Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan reached out and blocked it!

Damn it! The power of Tianzun Realm is really powerful!

In all directions, there were probably close to a hundred monsters appearing in total. Some rushed towards them, while others watched vigilantly from a distance.


Murong Yu's beautiful eyes suddenly opened!


The next moment, all the monsters within sight, including those who were watching, fell straight down! Because their hearts were all destroyed by Murong Yu's law of destruction in an instant!

This is the terrible thing about breaking the law.

You said that even if you can't defeat other powers, you can try to block them, right? Can you at least see the power being released to you? But break the law with just your thoughts!

If I make you lose arms and legs, you will lose arms and legs. If I make your heart explode, if I make your whole body explode, then you won’t survive! As long as your realm is lower than mine, then you are definitely within the killing line of breaking the law!

Murong Yu half-knelt on the ground in the next moment, gasping for air.

Such a large amount of release caused her spiritual power to be exhausted instantly, and Lin Xuan then created laws to improve her.

Because Lin Xuan is a three-star Tianzun Realm, his spiritual power is really very strong. Mainly because he has not encountered a more powerful Tianzun Realm!

The next moment, Murong Yu's delicate body burst out with powerful power!

She is advancing to become a Heavenly Master!

"Finally made the cut!"

Lin Xuan looked at her and smiled.

She should have been a god long ago!

If Murong Yu is ten now, then Tianzun's is one hundred! even more!

Murong Yu was advancing, and Lin Xuan was looking around.


Lin Xuan suddenly felt that something was not right, something was missing. .

There are many corpses of monsters here, and most of them have been eaten. Although there is still a smell in the air, the remains and bones are left here!

Lin Xuan remembered that many people from the three major forces died here, but where were their bodies? Forget about the corpse, where are the bones? Where are the bones left behind? Why is there no one left?

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