Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,410 They are not human

Lin Xuan has been here before, so Lin Xuan knows what the situation here should be. However, now all the human corpses are gone. Even if they become bones, there must be bones here. Are there any monsters to eat? Are the bones broken?

Something is wrong, very wrong!

Lin Xuan then ran into the shop. Lin Xuan still remembered the place where Lin Kexin's brother died. After arriving there, Lin Xuan looked at that location!

There was still dried blood there, but the person was gone.


What did Lin Xuan suddenly see?

He saw a very blurry but obvious drag mark on the ground! This kind of mark is like someone dragging his bloody body out!

The reason why there is nothing outside is because it has been covered up and washed away by the wind and rain!

With doubtful thoughts, Lin Xuan went to other houses, looking for signs of being dragged!


It seemed like a monster dragged all the human corpses away after the battle!

Normally no one would suspect anything, so what if they saw drag marks on the ground? But Lin Xuan just felt baffled!

At this time Murong Yu came over.

"What's wrong?" Murong Yu asked doubtfully.

"Before, this was the main battlefield of the war between humans and monsters. Many people died, but now the corpses are gone. There are traces of dragging here. It should be that the monsters gathered the human corpses, but...why? "

Lin Xuan expressed confusion.

"Have the monsters gathered the corpses?"

Murong Yu pondered slightly.

"Is it some kind of monster that likes to collect human corpses and then eat them?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "I don't know either, are you a god?"

Murong Yu nodded; "Tianzun feels really good."

"Does that mean you can hold on longer?" Lin Xuan curled his lips.

"Hold on to what?"

"What do you think?"

Murong Yu: "..."

She got it!


This person is talking pornographically all the time.

"Go on! I estimate that I will stay in Changfeng City for more than five days." Murong Yu said.

Their mission is not to come and kill a few monsters, but to regain Changfeng City to the human territory, so they need to kill all the monsters they can see. It is normal that they cannot kill them all, but the next three There will be no problem with the influx of big forces.

So they may have to stay here for about a week, and this week they will be killing and killing.


Murong Yu asked.


One day...two days passed like this!

Lin Xuan also successfully advanced to the fourth level of Tianzun Realm!


In his memory, Lin Xuan had never fought like this for several days in a row.

The impression of killing monsters.

"Phew—rest and rest."

It’s night again…

Lin Xuan breathed a long sigh of relief, then released his water attribute power, took off his clothes in front of Murong Yu, and then got under the continuously gushing water to take a bath!

Murong Yu looked at this scene with longing. Although Lin Xuan's thing was disgusting, she wanted to take a bath...

After fighting for two days, her body was soaked with sweat and blood. Her clothes felt stinky and she felt uncomfortable all over. But now that Lin Xuan actually had water attributes and could take a bath so comfortably, she couldn't stand it.

"I want to wash too."

They are now in a well-decorated apartment, and they have not been entered by monsters. There is just some dust. Of course, you will definitely not be able to put water out of the faucet. Even if there is water in the water heater, after such a long time, the water in it will It's probably all gone.

"Then you can come and wash it. I'm not asking you to wash it."

"You start first."

Murong Yu said.

Lin Xuan: "..."


Oh, I won't get up today because I want to see if you can take a shower. "

Lin Xuan said with a smile.


Murong Yu gritted his silver teeth!

After hesitating there for more than ten minutes, Lin Xuan refused to get up.

"It feels so comfortable! The pores all over my body are opened. It feels so good!"

Lin Xuan sighed!

Murong Yu gritted his teeth and then took off his clothes.

Anyway, they have been honest with each other so many times, no, she has to take a shower! feels awful!

It is usually easy to find some rivers to wash in outside, but there are few, because the battles outside are not as fierce and frequent as here.

When Murong Yu entered the place, Lin Xuan made a blister on the top of his head, and the water kept flowing.


The next moment, Lin Xuan hugged Murong Yu from behind.

"you you!!"

"Come in."

Then Lin Xuan nodded slightly.

Murong Yu:? ? ?

Twenty minutes later, Lin Xuan washed up and put on new clothes, looking at Murong Yu who was holding on to the wall and panting.


Murong Yu pointed at Lin Xuan and was so angry that he was speechless!

This man is simply a devil.

"Wow! We've been killing monsters for two days. Can't we just relax?"

Lin Xuan grinned.


Murong Yu gritted his silver teeth, then washed himself and quickly put on new clothes.

"Take a rest and continue fighting."

Lin Xuan stretched, then lit a cigarette and sat there puffing away.

Murong Yu breathed out.

"Xiao Yuyu, just agree to be my girlfriend."

Murong Yu glanced at Lin Xuan.

"You already have a girlfriend."

She said calmly.

"Then we are not boyfriend and girlfriend doing this every day, do you feel comfortable with it?"

"Never again! Don't even think about it."


Lin Xuan then walked up to Murong Yu with a smirk.

Murong Yu frowned slightly.

"That won't work. Either you will have sex with me for the rest of your life and not be my girlfriend, or you will be my girlfriend and have sex with me for the rest of your life. It's your choice."


How can you be so shameless!

"Oh, don't be so rigid." Lin Xuan pinched her pretty face.

Murong turned his face to one side.

Stop talking about this, she is really confused.

"If you don't agree, then I will have to do it again."

Lin Xuan then took off his coat.


Murong Yu quickly stepped back.

" still want to run? Time stops!"

Because Lin Xuan's level is already higher than that of Murong Yu, so no matter how powerful Murong Yu is, he has to be controlled by himself! Then Lin Xuan hugged her.

Time stopped and Murong Yu went crazy.

The most humble person is invincible!

Suddenly she frowned.

"Look outside!"

Lin Xuan then looked over!

On the street outside, figures rushed in all directions.

They are not members of the Martial God Academy, nor can they be some other third-party force. What is the most important thing? Are they wearing the clothes of the three major forces? Although some are not, most of them are from the three major forces!

"Three major forces?".

Murong Yu shook his head: "No, they are not human!"

Murong Yu's pupils flashed with blue light.

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