Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,445 When will you start?

Sure enough, Yi Renbing is Yi Renbing. To do such a thing, Linglong Yue has to be dragged along, so Linglong Yue is confused.

As her sister, Linglongxue was also stunned.

In fact, Yi Renbing knows very well that Ling Longyue is so beautiful. Although she looks small now, she will be no worse than her sister when she grows up. The difference is just in temperament. One is noble, and the other may be a little naughty, but Beautiful is really beautiful.

Based on Yi Renbing's understanding of Lin Xuan, the stinky gangster, Linglong Yue was obviously his target.

Sisters...tsk, tsk, tsk.

Thinking about her, Yi Renbing, is exciting, let alone this Lin Xuan?

It's not that Linglongxue hasn't thought about this matter. Anyway, she feels that with her sister's appearance and Lin Xuan's rogue character, he has indeed taken a liking to her, and she may even have done something to her. But she Just don’t know.

how to say?

The human race may have a strong grudge against this, but the demon race doesn’t have such a big grudge. If you are powerful, even if you are the five sisters, you can all do it together! Anyway, Linglongxue is already prepared.

"Cough cough cough——"

Lin Xuan's face turned slightly red.

"What are you talking about?"

Linglongyue's pretty face also turned red inexplicably.

"Only an idiot would do that to him."

she said hurriedly.

Linglong Snow;? ? ?

Yi Renbing:? ? ?

Bing Lingyue:? ? ?

Only then did Linglong Yue realize that she had said the wrong thing, and then quickly said: "I...I didn't say anything about you."

"It seems like someone hasn't succeeded yet, come on."

Yi Renbing looked at Lin Xuan with a smile on her lips.

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense, don't ruin my little Shishi and Xiaotian when the time comes."

Lin Xuan said.

"No matter how bad I am, I can't hurt you, really."

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Ahem, cough...what, I'm leaving first. I have to go see what progress can be made at the Evil Temple. If this Evil Temple is not eliminated, I will feel uneasy."

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he quickly ran away.

"He has a guilty conscience."

Yi Renbing hugged Xiao Tianyi and said while teasing him.

Then several people looked at Linglong Yue.

"Look...look at what I'm doing." Ling Longyue's face turned red.

"Let's see when you are captured by that gangster, and then you two sisters will...tsk, tsk, tsk."

Yi Renbing joked.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Linglong Yue quickly retorted.

In fact, these three girls, including Ling Longyue, probably know it well.

Lin Xuan on the other side found An Xin and the others.

"Beauty Qiyue? Why are you here too?"

Lin Xuan was also quite surprised when he saw Zi Qiyue here.

Zi Qiyue slightly pulled her hair, and then said to Lin Xuan with a smile: "I quit the entertainment industry. I don't know what to do. I thought there were so many lovely friends here, so I came here. By the way Ah, I also have a few friends who are taking me to grind monsters and level up.”

"Your family's power shouldn't be weak, right? Why don't you use them to take it with you?"

Lin Xuan smiled and then sat next to Miao Xiaomiao.

Zhao Yunqi looked at Lin Xuan with big eyes twinkling with stars.

In fact, she wanted to report good news to Lin Xuan, that is, she had successfully advanced to the Xuantian realm!

In fact, it's not fast, but how can I say it? It's not slow anymore.

It was also the first time that she felt how fascinating power was.

Lin Xuan knew all these things because he could see them all with his cave spirit eyes.

"Having friends, peace of mind, Yun Qi, Xiao Miaomiao, Fanfan, Yiyi and the others, how happy we all are together."

Zi Qiyue said with a smile.

"All right!"

"But we are going to Wushen Academy in a while, and we may not be able to accompany Sister Qiyue."

Lu Yufan said.

"It doesn't matter, you work hard and I can't be left behind, otherwise I'll be old and yellow.


There is no way, this is a very realistic thing. If you don't practice and improve your realm, then a person's lifespan will be a hundred years!

Zi Qiyue is already twenty-seven years old. This is why she quit the entertainment industry. She is not too young anymore. If she does not improve her level, she will have wrinkles by then and she will not look good! Then she must improve!

As for making music, how should I put it, if she has free time, she can do it as a hobby. Just like Anxin, Anxin has also quit the entertainment industry. She quit after winning ten Golden Melody Awards, and then Zi Qiyue quit, This really caused a sensation in the entire entertainment industry.

But there is no way, everyone has their right to choose life! An Xin likes music, but she has to work hard to improve her level. And there are so many good friends here, and she also likes this kind of life.

"That's right, otherwise no one will want it by then."

Lin Xuan nodded and said.


Zi Qiyue laughed, then looked at Lin Xuan and asked, "Do you want me?"

"Yes, I want it now anyway."

"Hmm, what do you say?"

Several girls looked back and forth at them!

Ahhhh! Dog thief!

Lu Yufan and Miao Xiaomiao are going crazy!

They were Lin Xuan's confirmed girlfriends, and they felt very unhappy when they saw Lin Xuan flirting with girls in front of them!


Alas, there is no other way.

In fact, they are not stupid. They know everything they should know and guess, but they really can't let it go!

They are all very good girls, and they all fell in love with Lin Xuan very early. In this world of martial arts, they would rather be a little aggrieved. Who made them fall in love with such a scumbag?

Miao Xiaomiao was okay, but what made Lu Yufan very unhappy was that she was already eighteen years old! He is really eighteen years old! Now that she is fully grown up, she has kissed Lin Xuan... twice! There will never be another one!

Ahhhh! It’s so uncomfortable!

Really, it's not that Lin Xuan doesn't want her, Lu Yufan and Ye Yiyi, including Miao Xiaomiao, are getting more and more beautiful as they grow older. Of course Lin Xuan likes them, but... let alone Lu Yufan, even if they haven't established a relationship with Lin Xuan Ye Yiyi and Lin Xuan felt that if he asked to have sex with her, she would agree.

It’s just...hey...

how to say?

Lin Xuan can't do it!

Why can't he, a scumbag, take action? Bullshit?

It's true!

Although they knew each other the earliest, yes, the first two girls Lin Xuan met were Lu Yufan and Ye Yiyi. On the contrary, the first two girls he met took the least advantage!

Lu Yufan kissed Ye Yiyi twice, not even once...

And what about them?

Even sometimes I haven't seen Lin Xuan for a long time, but instead I have been there diligently, thinking about everything for Lin Xuan, always thinking about Lin Xuan, and the girls around Lin Xuan always try their best to be with them The relationship is handled very well.

To be honest, Lin Xuan felt extremely guilty.

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