Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,449 The Top of the North Pole

Bai Xuanxuan secretly shook her head.

how to say?

This Lin Xuan is good at everything else, but he's too horny.

"Are you really not afraid that she will find an opportunity to kill you?"

Lin Xuan sat in front of Bai Xuanxuan, then took the tea she pushed over and said, "I'm afraid."

"Then you still humiliate people like this?"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's okay. Anyway, you are watching. Her cultivation level has been sealed. With her ability, if Xiao Linglong doesn't unblock it, she will never be able to unblock it in her lifetime! Now she is just an ordinary person. People, and I think...she enjoys it."

Bai Xuanxuan: "..."

"What a scumbag!"

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Okay, okay, I admit it!"

At this time, Lin Xuan's cell phone rang, and he took it out and took a look.

"The location of the Tianwu Conference has been determined." Lin Xuan said.


"The top of the North Pole."

Bai Xuanxuan: "..."

"Where to fight?"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders: "How do I know where to fight? There are glaciers and snowy mountains there, right?"

Bai Xuanxuan nodded: "Yes, but there must be a reason. Is that the entrance to the Gate of Divine Enlightenment?"

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows: "That's possible, but it's not necessary, right?"

"Who knows, it's all the same anyway, and don't forget, the Tianwu Tournament may not just be a martial arts competition."

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! The Tianwu Conference is not just about martial arts. The rules of the Tianwu Conference in Tianhua City were changed last time. Although the previous imperial-level Tianwu Conference was just a competition, this time the continental-level Tianwu Conference should be more than that. Since I choose If there is something very wrong, it must make sense." Lin Xuan nodded.

"Come on, it is said that being able to enter the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, as long as you get some opportunities, will be a great improvement."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Well, I know, then I'll leave it to you for now."


Lin Xuan then left.

The top of the North Pole is the highest point of the Arctic snowfield. It is very cold there. Of course, to a warrior, that kind of coldness is nothing! But this time they only gave a location. The Tianwu Conference will be held in six days! The top of the North Pole is extremely far away, which means that they should set off from various places on all continents in the next two days!

As for how you will go and how many people will go, we don’t know! Anyway, I didn’t say it, so it’s definitely up to you. You can go as you like. Anyway, just pay attention to safety!

"its not right."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"The journey to the top of the North Pole is long. Even if you take a plane, you can only drop off in the nearest city. After landing, you will still be hundreds of kilometers away from the top of the North Pole, and more than half of these hundreds of kilometers are inaccessible. Driving, there are monsters all over the road!”

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin and pondered slightly.

The danger is very dangerous. There may even be Tiandao realm monsters in that place. Although it is unlikely, that place is inaccessible. Think about it, a place with dozens of degrees below zero and constant wind and snow every day is not suitable for people at all. How many people will live there? At most, warriors from nearby cities are just going to level up, but they don't dare to go too far! Those with a low level would not dare to go out!

If the wind and snow breaks out, you lose your way, and encounter monsters, you will be in trouble if you are at a slightly lower level.

"If you don't take us, we have to go by ourselves. The journey is dangerous. Is this also a test?"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly.

"Maybe, but not necessarily. After all, there may be a similar link later."

Lin Xuan pondered slightly, and then on the phone, Ling Ying and the others were already chatting in the group.

"Hey, hey, let's go together."

Lin Xuan replied.

"Where are you?"

Ling Ying asked in the group.

"I'm in Lin'an City."

"Nonsense, of course I know. Which sister's house are you at?"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose: "I'm at home.


"Oh, I'm at your house too."

Lin Xuan:? ? ? ?

"There's Chuxue, Xinyue, Murong Yu, Wu Yuhan, and..."

Lin Xuan; "..."

"I...I mean, I'm going to be home soon!"


Lin Xuan: "..."

Wow! ! It’s so hard for a man!


Lin Xuan then quickly jumped to the door of his home, and then opened the door!

A group of beautiful girls gathered at his home!

They are all promoted!

Fifty people are promoted from each empire, so five empires have 250 people!

Hmm...the numbers are pretty good!

With their abilities, it is absolutely normal for them to successfully advance!

Ling Ying, Han Chuxue, Xiao Xinyue, Wu Yuhan, Murong Yu, Wang Xintong, they advanced easily, they are all Heavenly Lords! Those who can advance are basically Tianzun. How can those who cannot reach Tianzun advance?

As for the others, Xiao Yun, Su Zhiming, and Qin Ming can certainly advance!

Unfortunately, yes, Blue Star is a bit worse!

There is no way, although this girl is powerful, she is too delicious, and she does not spend much time on training. She is not a Tianzun yet, so it is normal for her to be kicked down.

But this girl, Lan Xingxing, also came to Lin Xuan's place today, just to get some food! Xiao Runing is also here. As a tutor, there hasn't been much going on at Wushen Academy recently, so she also took a small break.

Anyway, they are a group of beautiful girls! Only Lin Xuan could enjoy this scene.

Bing Lingyue entertains them here.

"Isn't someone at home?"

Ling Ying sneered after seeing Lin Xuan.

"Ahem, I said the wrong thing. I said we're almost home! Really."

Lin Xuan explained quickly.

"Just now I felt a surge of space-attribute power outside. Someone may have come back from somewhere in a hurry to release space power, right?"

Xiao Runing looked at Lin Xuan with a smile and said.

Ahhhh! !

devil! These women! !

"Hey, hey, hey, can you be nice to me?"

Lin Xuan said aggrievedly.

"Hurry up and cook, I'm hungry."

Ling Ying said.

Big blue star eyes sparkle with little stars.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to cook. Can you prepare some other things, fruits, drinks, etc."

"no problem."

Then Murong Yu followed Lin Xuan into the kitchen.

"I'll help you."


Soon, the feast will be ready! All the beauties gathered around the table!

Blue Star swallowed his saliva!

I can't bear it anymore! I can't bear it anymore!

"After today, let's go to the top of the North Pole together at dawn tomorrow."

Xiao Xinyue said.

"Okay! We must go together. It's safer together!"


One night passed like this, what should I say? Drunk!

Lin Xuan is also drunk! He didn't know what happened until Lin Xuan opened his eyes the next morning. He was dumbfounded!

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