Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,448 Not very obedient

Leng Wuxin is desperate!

asshole! asshole! Bastard! !

When had she ever received such an insult! ! He warms the bed when he asks him to?

Bai Xuanxuan is helpless!

She can't control Lin Xuan. He can do whatever he wants, so what can she do?

The main reason is that Leng Wuxin... is not the kind of person who gets along well. Although they have been getting along quite harmoniously this month, she knows her identity, so she can't control what Lin Xuan does! If it was another girl, she might help.

"Let's go."

Lin Xuan glared at Leng Wuxin.

Leng Wuxin didn't move.

"I won't say anything, I won't move, why are you left here?"

Lin Xuan said.

Leng Wuxin: "..."

"Members of the Evil God Fire Palace have a secret code that only the Evil God Fire Palace knows."

Leng Wuxin said very helplessly.


Leng Wuxin then said: "Only people from the Evil God Fire Palace know it, and if you can tell the secret code, then you are from the Evil God Fire Palace, and you can enter the Evil God Fire Palace, that is, the Xiao family! This secret code is usually only used by elders, The people brought by the elders are those whom the Evil God Fire Palace trusts, so there will be some people they don’t know but who know the secret code.”

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"So, if I have this secret code, even though they don't know me, if I go to the Xiao family and report this secret code, I can enter the Xiao family, right?"

Leng Wuxin nodded: "Yes, the Xiao family is very big, and there is a very, very large space underground under the Xiao family. On the surface, the Xiao family is the Xiao family, and of course they are also members of the Evil God Fire Palace. Other members of the Evil God Fire Palace People can enter directly through the Xiao family guards and tell the secret code, and then go underground. The underground is the real Evil God Fire Palace. They usually work and practice underground. "

Lin Xuan nodded; "So that's it! It seems like this project is not small."

“The Evil God Fire Palace has been around for so long, so it’s normal to have such a big project!”

"What's the code?"

"Heaven and earth are infinite, uniting the eight wastelands."

Lin Xuan; "..."

"They are the same as the evil spirits. You evil temples are all a group of evil spirits, and they still dominate the whole world."

Lin Xuan said helplessly.

Leng Wuxin then said: "What to do, you directly pretend to be a member of the Evil God Temple, tell the secret code and then enter the Xiao family. Entering the underground Evil God Fire Temple is better than anything else, but you don't have the identity token of the Evil God Fire Temple. Once needed, Where the identity token is, you're in danger."

"Give me your token."

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand.

"It's useless. Mine is an elder's token. Others will know it's an elder's token at a glance. How could there be someone the elder doesn't know?"

Lin Xuan said: "If the elders of the Evil God Temple ask me, then I can't help it, but I can scare the core members of the ordinary Evil God Fire Temple no matter what I do with this Elder Token, right?"

Leng Wuxin then threw the token to Lin Xuan.

"It finally worked."

Lin Xuan said.

Leng Wuxin: "..."

"Hey, then you said that there is a large space underground in the Xiao family where people from the Evil God Fire Palace live and work. Then I will directly lead my troops to rush over and find the underground space. I will take the stolen goods together. ?"

Leng Wuxin then asked: "First of all, the Xiao family can say that this underground was specially built by them. It is reasonable for them to build a hidden hiding place in their own home!"

"Second, there is a teleportation formation in the underground space. Once something goes wrong, even if those people have identity tokens in their hands, they can enter the space formation and leave immediately, destroying the space formation at the same time. In this way, , you lead the troops and rush in, but you can’t catch anyone, you can’t find any evidence, and you can only alert the enemy yourself.”

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"Let me just say, how can this Evil God Fire Palace be so idiotic, but if I destroy the space teleportation array..."

"Then you're exposed too."

Leng Wuxin said.

"Well... I have to think about this matter carefully! Let's go,

Go and warm the bed. "

Leng Wuxin:? ? ?

"Why do you need to warm the bed?"

"Holy crap! Does it have anything to do with whether you tell me or not and whether you warm the bed or not?"

"Didn't you say I told you that I wouldn't need it!"

Leng Wuxin gritted his silver teeth!

"I never said that! I just wanted you to tell me, but I never said that if you tell me, you don't need to warm the bed, right?"

Leng Wuxin:? ? ?

Bai Xuanxuan secretly shook her head.

It seems that she still has too little contact with Lin Xuan.

"Xiao Xuanxuan, I'll pamper you next time."

Lin Xuan smiled at Bai Xuanxuan.

"what ever."

Bai Xuanxuan said helplessly, and then Lin Xuan reached out and took Leng Wuxin's hand, and dragged her away.

As for what happened next, there is no need to say more.

The next morning, Lin Xuan opened his eyes and looked at Leng Wuxin, who was sleeping soundly with his back to her.


Lin Xuan smiled.

It feels so good to be strong. No wonder many men like it.

Then Lin Xuan hugged her delicate body from behind.

I have to say, she is very, very good!

However, the reason why Lin Xuan is afraid of this woman is also very simple, because the system has not triggered a task for her, and she is a member of the Evil Temple. Lin Xuan is not sure what the character of this woman is! Therefore, it is best to be careful.

Being hugged by Lin Xuan, Leng Wuxin instantly opened her beautiful eyes, and then frowned!


She said coldly.

"Holy shit? You want me to get out? Say it again!"

Lin Xuan said something from behind.

Leng Wuxin: "..."

say it again?

Well, she really didn't dare anymore.

"If you don't behave well, if you don't behave well, then I'll do it again."

Leng Wuxin;? ? ?

There was another big battle, Leng Wuxin huddled there panting, while Lin Xuan happily lit a cigarette.

"Don't you think it would be enough if you just behaved earlier? You have to suffer a little bit before you behave again. It's really not smart at all."

Lin Xuan blew a puff of smoke and said calmly.

"I will definitely kill you!"

Leng Wuxin said coldly.

Lin Xuan; "..."

No, this woman still has murderous intentions towards me! So what should be done?

nonsense! There must be murderous intent, and it doesn't matter what Lin Xuan did to her.

"You are not good again. You can think about this in your heart, but if you just say it out loud, you are looking down on me."

Lin Xuan took the cigarette away with his backhand, and then pressed it again.

Leng Wuxin:? ? ?

This time she had a slightly horrified expression on her face.


"Is it my fault?"

Lin Xuan walked out of the room, and Leng Wuxin lay there motionless and unwilling to move.


Bai Xuanxuan was sitting in the yard drinking tea, then looked at Lin Xuan who was walking over and said.

"It's okay, not very obedient."

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