Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,447 I have to convince you

Bai Xuanxuan has actually been helping Lin Xuan these days.

She probably knew what kind of situation Leng Wuxin and Lin Xuan were in, and she was not unforgivable. She felt pretty good after being in contact with them for a month.

So, if someone from such a powerful Taixu Realm can become one of theirs, that would be really good news.

That's right, Bai Xuanxuan has completely become Lin Xuan's good wife.

Leng Wuxin said nothing because she was a little confused now.

To be honest, if it weren't for the poisonous pill, she might have quit the Evil Temple very early, but there was no way, because of the poisonous pill, she would have died as long as she left!

But Lin Xuan actually solved it for her, even though she took Lin Xuan's poison pill again.

In the past month, she has not contacted the Evil Temple. It is estimated that the poison pill has been detonated by the Evil Temple, and they probably think she is dead!

After all, she is one of the elders of the Evil God's Fire Temple. If she hasn't heard anything for a month, the Evil God's Temple will still pay attention.

At this time, Lin Xuan opened the door and walked in.

"good evening."

Lin Xuan looked at Bai Xuanxuan with a smile, and then looked at Leng Wuxin.

"What are you doing here!"

Leng Wuxin asked coldly after seeing Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan; "..."

"I'll wipe it! This is my territory. Do you have any control over whether I come or not?"

Lin Xuan said.

Leng Wuxin was speechless.

"Damn it! You're not good, are you?"

Lin Xuan then glared at her.

"Hey, she's been a lot of help this month."

Bai Xuanxuan then said.

"You can give advice to the boss by helping me?"

Leng Wuxin took a deep breath, then turned his head to the side and drank his coffee muffledly.

"How is the Shura Palace?"

Bai Xuanxuan nodded; "It's almost the same. It's basically stabilized. If you need a lot of experts in the future, we can also provide them. With the huge wealth of Yaxuan Group, it will be no problem for our development."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Thank you for your hard work these days."

"I'm fine. Leng Wuxin has been having a hard time as well."

Lin Xuan glanced at Leng Wuxin.


"Not tired." Leng Wuxin said coldly.

"Well, she said she's not tired anymore. Then I'll give her a little more work in the future, so you don't get tired."

Lin Xuan touched Bai Xuanxuan's face and said.

Leng Wuxin:? ? ?

Nima coins!

Bai Xuanxuan's face turned slightly red.

She is obviously older than this gangster, but why do she feel like a little girl in front of him now?

It’s actually very simple! Because I like it.

"Be honest. When you are really honest, I will give you freedom." Lin Xuan said.

"What does it mean to be honest? I haven't done anything this month. I'm already very honest, so can you give me freedom?"


Lin Xuan rubbed his chin and looked at her.

"But I don't feel it. This was the attitude towards me as soon as I came in. If I give you freedom now, when the time comes, as soon as I give you freedom, you will kill me with your backhand!" Lin Xuan said.

Leng Wuxin said nothing.

In this situation, it was useless for her to say anything.

Let her go? How could Lin Xuan let her go?

Then Lin Xuan sat on the chair, and Bai Xuanxuan wanted to pour tea for Lin Xuan.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't fall, come and fall."

Lin Xuan pointed at Leng Wuxin and said.

Leng Wuxin; "..."

She gritted her silver teeth, then took a deep breath and poured Lin Xuan a cup of tea.

"Rub my shoulders for me."

Lin Xuan twisted his neck and said.

Leng Wuxin then walked behind Lin Xuan and rubbed his shoulders.

Bai Xuanxuan looked at this scene helplessly.

"Come here."

Lin Xuan smiled and waved to Bai Xuanxuan.


She asked doubtfully, and then Lin Xuan pulled,

He held her in his arms and sat on his lap.

Bai Xuanxuan: "..."

She quickly stood up and glared at Lin Xuan.

"It's getting late, what are you doing here? Leng Wuxin and I made an appointment to go to the bar for a drink later."

Lin Xuan; "..."

"What's the point of going to a bar? Damn it! You're not going to catch Kaizi, are you?"

Lin Xuan glared at Bai Xuanxuan. ’

"Yeah, you won't give it?"

Bai Xuanxuan smiled sweetly.

Leng Wuxin helplessly squeezed Lin Xuan's shoulders.

so annoying! ! I really want to strangle him to death like this!

"Let's go! Let's go together."

"Forget it, forget it. It's better not to go. I won't disturb your time. You are a busy man. What do you want to do here?"

Lin Xuan turned his head and glanced at Leng Wuxin behind him, and then said: "I want to find a way to destroy the Evil God Fire Palace these days. Do you have any suggestions?"

Leng Wuxin said coldly: "No."

"Hey...Bai Xuanxuan, don't take her out to go shopping or eat in the future. Just let her stay here and she's not allowed to go out."

Leng Wuxin: "..."

"Don't go too far!"

"Excessive? Is this too much? If it is more excessive, I will lock you up and put you in a water prison. Do you think this is too much? I will also give you a mobile phone to play with and a TV to watch. This treatment is not bad. "

Leng Wuxin took a deep breath, and then said: "There is really nothing I can do! That is the Evil God Fire Palace, how can I do anything?"

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

Clearly, she longs for freedom! For her, being stuck here may not be freedom, but being able to hang out with Bai Xuanxuan is actually freedom! It just means that she can only stay in Lin'an City and follow Bai Xuanxuan.

"Well... let me ask another question. Since you are the elder of the Evil God's Fire Temple, then I need to know that the Xiao family is the Evil God's Temple. What should I do to find evidence that the Xiao family is the Evil God's Temple?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Bai Xuanxuan said: "Don't all the Evil God Tokens exist in the Evil God Temple? Can't you just find the Evil God Token?"

"Nonsense! I don't know, I mean, how to find it!"

"How do I know where each of them puts the Evil God Token!"

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Sister, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"

Lin Xuan stroked his forehead.

"Except for the Evil God Token, how can we find out that they are the Evil God's Temple?" Lin Xuan asked.

The Evil God Token is hard to find, and even if you find it, you can basically only convict one person.

"I can't help you with the specifics. You should know how secretive the Evil God Temple is, not to mention the Evil God Fire Temple. I don't know what to do if I want them to reveal their flaws. Didn't you give the Liao Group to Did you catch me? How did you do it? Wouldn’t it be better if you used this method again?”

Lin Xuan; "..."

"What do I need you for?"

"Then let me go!"

"Depend on!"

Lin Xuan doesn’t believe it! Lin Xuan really didn't believe that this woman didn't know anything. She was an elder, she was not an ordinary member!

"Let's go! Warm the bed for me!"

Lin Xuan had to convince her!

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