Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,459 The powerful lineup of the Evil God Fire Palace

Lin Xuan and others entered a huge rift valley! The ground beneath your feet is snow, and the deeper part is ice. The depth of the rift valley should be hundreds of meters, and the width on both sides is more than a hundred meters.

Why go through here? Because this is the place you must pass!

There are mountain peaks all around, and some may even have icebergs thousands of meters high, but this is the only flat land. Who would have nothing to do and would rather climb a mountain than walk on the flat ground below?

Although they have spatial attributes, God knows how many mountains are behind one mountain!

Originally, Lin Xuan wanted to use the space attribute to pass directly through here. Then Murong Yu told Lin Xuan a cruel fact. She said that the mountains here stretch for hundreds of kilometers, and the Great Rift Valley is also hundreds of kilometers long.

Lin Xuan was helpless!

With their strength, they can probably jump tens of kilometers in space, but the cruel fact is... this is a very dangerous area, an area infested by powerful monsters. If Lin Xuan and Murong Yu were to rush on their way, After consuming a lot of spiritual power, if you encounter a powerful monster, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Only the two of them have space attributes, and if their spiritual power is gone, it will be difficult to run even if they want to! And a warrior's combat power is directly reduced by 80% without his spiritual power.

Moreover, this place may even be haunted by Saint King realm monsters. The simple reason is that this kind of place is inaccessible, and no one may come here for many years, which will lead to the unscrupulous growth of monsters here! There may not be many monsters, but most of those that can survive here are powerful.

Anyway, there was still plenty of time, so they could just indirectly release space and hurry up.

“It seems like it’s very convenient to drive here.”

While walking, Lin Xuan suddenly realized something.

"Isn't the car already lost?" Wang Xintong said.

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose: "I found that the previous 80,000 yuan seemed to have been wasted."

After saying this, Lin Xuan's thoughts moved, the law of creation was released, and a car appeared directly in front of him.

Girls: "..."

Lin Xuan said he was also helpless!

As a person who has lived in the city for a long time, I already have a subconscious idea of ​​​​purchasing some things in the city. If I lack something, I subconsciously spend money to buy it, and I can only buy it with money!

But Lin Xuan has the law of creation! He always forgets the laws of creation! Many times, I always have to wait until there is really no other way before I suddenly remember, Damn! I have the law of creation!

And now that Lin Xuan has reached the sixth level of Tianzun Realm, it must not be difficult to create a car using the Law of Creation!

"You are sick!"

Ling Ying looked at the car, then looked at Lin Xuan, said silently, and then the girls got into the car.

Lin Xuan shrugged helplessly.

Mud, if I had known that in addition to countless peaks there was an iceberg rift like this here, I shouldn't have lost that car! However, even if it is an iceberg rift valley, it is not flat enough for you to drive smoothly. Maybe after driving for a few kilometers, there will be cliffs and faults in front of you. This is not something that a car can go up!


Then they drove on and continued on their way!

Another day has passed! Along the way, Lin Xuan and Murong Yu released their spatial attributes no less than two hundred times, just to move the car, because it was not as easy to drive as they thought!

"They're coming!"

There were several figures standing on both sides of the rift valley in the distance.

"Are you sure it's Lin Xuan and the others? Someone else passed by before and almost made a mistake."

one man asked.

"It's right this time."

Then a man waved his hand, and a mirror image appeared in front of him. In the mirror image were Lin Xuan who was driving at the moment, and Murong Yu in the passenger seat.

"Is that Murong Yu?"

One man glanced at it and frowned.

There are eight of them in total, four on this side and four on the other side above the canyon! As for the realm, I don’t know yet! But it is obvious that they are here for Lin Xuan, and it is obvious that they are...Evil God Fire Palace,

That is, people sent by the Xiao family!

Why did the Evil God Fire Palace send people to kill Lin Xuan?

The reason is very simple. With the instigation of Xiao Yun and Xiao Yun's father, all kinds of unfounded charges were pinned on Lin Xuan. Do you think the Evil God Fire Palace should take action against Lin Xuan?

In their eyes, Lin Xuan is a genius, but he is just a genius. Killing a genius... is it difficult?

Moreover, the most important thing is that Lin Xuan took the lead in destroying Lin'an City's Evil God's Temple. This alone was enough for the Evil God's Fire Temple to kill Lin Xuan!

Of course, Lin Xuan has great value. If we can avoid killing him and let him be used by the Evil Temple, this will be the greatest value! !

"Here it comes! Let's do it!"

Lin Xuan's attributes, at least the space attributes, are not a secret. If you want to kill a warrior with space attributes and whose realm is not weak, you must have stronger space attributes to suppress it. Therefore, knowing that Lin Xuan is space, against the evil temple They must have sent out powerful space attribute warriors!

Lin Xuan's car suddenly stopped moving while he was driving!

"go out!"

Lin Xuan frowned suddenly!


The next moment, his car exploded!

The figures of seven people flashed next to them, and then they all sacrificed their spiritual weapons in an instant!

"Mader! Another ambush!!"

Lin Xuan looked at the eight people in front and behind them, six men and two women, but they were all wearing masks!

When Lin Xuan saw them moving with masks, he probably knew... that they were from the Evil God Fire Palace.

The eye of the cave spirit glanced at the eight people, three were ten stars in the Tianzun realm, two... one star in the Taixu realm, and the remaining three must be higher than one star in the Taixu realm! Moreover... there are two Taixu realms with spatial attributes! They are determined to kill themselves.

"Everyone in the Evil Temple is really interesting. Are you guarding me in a place like this?"

Lin Xuan's eyes scanned in front of him!

It’s very bad. The eight of them are all at the lowest eight-star level of Tianzun Realm, and there are even five of them in Taixu Realm! Lin Xuan can indeed kill the Taixu realm, but there are two Taixu space warriors!

This battle cannot be fought! This is more dangerous than the previous time when the three Saint Taixu surrounded and suppressed Lin Xuan and the others!

"Hehehe... This is the only way to go. No normal person would choose to go over the mountains and ignore this rift valley."

A man looked at Lin Xuan and sneered.

"Stop talking nonsense and kill him quickly to avoid a long night of nightmares!"

An old man urged quickly.

He is Xiao Yun's great-grandfather, and he came here with the determination to kill Lin Xuan! No matter what, this Lin Xuan must be killed!


Then the power of several people began to surge.

Lin Xuan frowned suddenly!

"Let the war begin!"

Murong Yu said calmly!

"Don't worry..."

The voice of a woman in black dress came from the Evil Temple, and then she slowly walked forward from behind.

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