Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,460 I choose to join

The woman in the black dress looked at Lin Xuan, and then said calmly: "The palace master means that if Lin Xuan's life can be spared, then he must keep it. Who gave you such courage? Before you finish speaking, Are you going to kill someone?"

Grandpa Xiao Yunt frowned when he heard what the woman in black skirt said.

"Seventh Elder, looking at Lin Xuan's past deeds, this person is extremely cunning and will never obey our Evil Temple. There should be nothing wrong with taking action directly, right?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa6,"Thirteen fragrant nine-color farts by you, have you asked me what I mean? How did you know that I didn't obey? I will chop your own mother into pieces!"

Lin Xuan scolded that person vehemently.

Everyone:? ? ?

"you wanna die!"

Then Xiao Yun's great-grandfather's terrifying thunder struck Lin Xuan directly.


The next moment, the woman in the black dress gave the other woman a look. The woman in the blue dress blocked his power with a wave of her hand, and at the same time kicked out Xiao Yun's great-grandfather!

"The most important thing in the Evil Temple is the rules. If you don't even obey the rules, you, as an elder, may not be qualified to be an elder!"

The woman in black skirt said coldly.

Although she and Grandpa Xiao Yun are both elders, elders are also hierarchical!

"I... am just too worried about this boy's insidiousness!"

Grandpa Xiao Yunt gritted his teeth and hugged him unwillingly.

"No need for you to worry!"

Then she looked at Lin Xuan and asked: "The Evil Temple intends to recruit you, so what do you mean?"

"I agree."

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Lin Xuan!"

The girls at the back frowned and looked at Lin Xuan.

"Oh? You agreed so decisively, you will make me very suspicious." The woman in black skirt looked at Lin Xuan and said lightly.

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "I didn't agree before because I could beat the members of the Evil Temple, but now, I can't beat them. Instead of dying, wouldn't it be better to seek a way out?"

In fact, what Lin Xuan said is indeed correct. If he insists on fighting, I'm afraid they will all be in danger! It would be better to take advantage of this opportunity, join the Evil God Temple, and then overthrow the Evil God Fire Temple!

"You are a smart person, but you are too smart, so I don't feel too reassured!" the woman in black skirt said lightly.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "If I am not wrong, according to the wishes of the master of the Evil God Fire Palace, it must be more to recruit me than to kill me, right?"


Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders: "Let them go, and I will join the Evil Temple."

The woman in black skirt smiled and said: "That's not possible, let them go? They all know that you will be a member of the Evil God Fire Palace in the future. You say... how can I let them go? They... just Can die."

"If they can only die, then let's fight to the death. I don't believe you don't know that we have even killed the Taixu Realm, which has pushed us into a panic. The eight of you who are in the Tianzun Realm will probably die. Taixu Realm We can take away at least one, do you believe it?"

Lin Xuan glanced at them and said.

"I don't believe it!"

Lin Xuan's lips curled up: "Xintong!"


Then Wang Xintong opened up his own field! Lin Xuan opens his own field!



Then the two Heavenly Realm Eight Stars fell directly to the ground, no longer breathing.

Everyone’s pupils suddenly tightened!

"Do you believe it now?"

Lin Xuan's mouth curled up slightly.

But don't look at Lin Xuan doing it so easily, most of his spiritual power is gone! Because he used the Law of Destruction to instantly kill the Eight Stars of the Heavenly Realm. It was really not that easy, but he just wanted to deter these people, because Lin Xuan knew that if he did not deter them, they would all die! If you hit them hard, they will really die! It is true that a large part of these people can be taken away, but they will really die!

Seeing this shocking scene, they looked at each other.

This...killed two Eighth Heavenly Realm Stars without any sound! It seems what he said is true!

If we really want to get into a fight,

Although they can kill all these people, there is a real possibility that someone will be taken away, including Taixu. As for which Taixu, or which Taixu will be killed, no one knows. It may be them, It could be someone else!

Then the woman looked at them and said: "But the solution is very simple, just join the Evil Temple together!"

"Even if I die in battle, it is impossible for me to join the Evil Temple!"

Ling Ying said coldly!

"Lin Xuan, if you join the Evil Temple, I will look down on you!"

Then Ling Ying said to Lin Xuan.

She is so smart, she is actually acting!

She doesn't know what Lin Xuan wants to do, but she knows that Lin Xuan's choice must have meaning. As Lin Xuan's woman, she must choose to believe and support!

"Shut up, woman!"

Lin Xuan said, then looked at the woman and said: "It is impossible for them to join the Evil Temple!"

Then the woman in black skirt stretched out her hand: "Then it's easy to solve!"

There were several pills in her palm.

"Everyone, please take this. I believe you all know what it is. If you don't accept it, you can only kill me! Lin Xuan, you are a smart man. I shouldn't need to say more about the rest, right?"

They never expected that Lin Xuan would refine the antidote to this poisonous elixir that the entire continent had no solution for!

This is what Lin Xuan expected!


Lin Xuan took the poison pill.

"Don't try any tricks, I'll keep an eye on you!"

Lin Xuan nodded and gave them the poison pill. When he turned to look at them, he gave them a reassuring look.

"Eat it, it's better than death!"


Ling Ying cursed again in cooperation.

"Eat quickly! Otherwise I will be angry!" Lin Xuan glared at them.

"Don't eat!"

"Hehehe... Everyone, Lin Xuan is a smart man, you are really not as smart as him."

The woman in black skirt smiled and said.

As long as they take this poison pill, even if they say not to join the Evil Temple, they are still members of the Evil Temple. You cannot tell the outside world any news about the Evil Temple. You have to listen to the Evil Temple...

"Eat it!"

Lin Xuan said.

Then Murong Yu and the others took the poison pill!

They chose to believe Lin Xuan unconditionally.

"By the way, I have another request. After I become a member of the Evil Temple, I will continue to participate in the Tianwu Conference, and maybe even go to the Gate of Divine Inspiration! Is that okay?"

"Of course there is no problem. We will discuss some things after you come out! Being able to become stronger is naturally the best! And joining the Evil Temple is just to join a force. If you don't want to kill, then just don't kill. No. People ask you to kill innocent people when you join the Evil Temple, right?”

Lin Xuan nodded, and then drank the poison pill!

"let's go!"

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