Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,461 They are all here

The woman in the black skirt and others watched with their own eyes as each of Lin Xuan and the others took the poison pill, and then Lin Xuan and the others passed by them.


The woman in black skirt said something, Lin Xuan and the others stopped, and then Lin Xuan looked at her: "Is there anything else?"

The woman in black skirt snorted, and then said: "I don't want you to play any tricks, reach out here!"

Lin Xuan then stretched out her hand, and then she tested Lin Xuan's pulse, frowning slightly.

He...really swallowed the poison pill? She had always felt that this Lin Xuan was very cunning. Normally, it looked like he had eaten the poison pill, but in fact he might have used other methods to confuse her. But now she sensed that the poison had penetrated into every part of his body. One place! It's just that this poison will not affect anything in your daily life, but only when you betray the Evil Temple, all the poison will burst out in an instant, killing people instantly.

This Lin Xuan didn't do any tricks?

He is a smart man! seems to be nothing more than that, not as awesome as the rumors say!

"Go over there!"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and walked over.

"your hands!"

The woman in black skirt looked at Ling Ying.


Ling Ying snorted and stretched out his hand.

"Go over there!"

Then one by one the girls passed her review.

"Remember my words, even if you join the Evil Temple, as long as you are unwilling to kill, no one will force you to kill innocent people! So, I hope you will be proud to join the Evil Temple in the future, and I look forward to you We have achieved good results in the Tianwu Conference and entered the Gate of Divine Enlightenment. After we come out, we will make greater contributions to the Evil Temple. Let’s go.”

On the other side, those people gathered together.

"Seventh Elder, is it too easy?"

One person frowned: "I always feel it's a little too relaxed."

"Yes, that Lin Xuan just killed several of us Heavenly Lords in an instant. If they really fought, they might not necessarily die!"

The woman in black skirt said: "It seems easy, but the main reason is that Lin Xuan is a smart person. Yes, each of them is indeed very powerful and can fight across levels, but we have five Taixu Realm. It's not important. What's important is that we have two space attribute warriors in the Taixu Realm. If there is only one of these two, they may take action! But with two of them, they don't dare to crush them with absolute power. Combined with space confinement and space blasting, they fell instantly!"

"That's right. Now that the poison pills have been taken, they can't make any trouble!"

"The harvest this time is good, there is Lin Xuan, and even Murong Yu, the daughter of the Lord of the Temple, Ling Ying, Han Chuxue from the eight major families in Tiandu, and Xiao Xinyue from the Xiao family of the Ice Kingdom, not bad!"

"But...Murong Yu...she actually took the poison pill. Is there something wrong?"

"Hmph! No one in this world will have trouble with his own life. The key is that Lin Xuan. I have to say that Lin Xuan is powerful. Those beautiful women, even Murong Yu, may be his women. Women obey Isn't it normal for a man to be cold and arrogant, and the nobler a woman is, the more obedient she is? And I didn't say it too harshly. I didn't even say that if you take this poison pill, you will become a member of the Evil Temple. This is a short-term compromise. No problem! Go back!”

the other side……

"Hey, we have all taken the poison pill from the Evil Temple, what should we do now?"

Ling Ying approached Lin Xuan and asked.

They all believed in Lin Xuan's choice and judgment, but they were curious and at a loss. What should they do now?


Lin Xuan took out a few pills and handed them to them.

"This is??"

The antidote to the poisonous elixir of the Evil Temple.

Women:? ? ?

"The antidote? The three major forces and the entire continent have been studying for so many years but they have not been able to crack the poisonous elixir of this evil temple. You..."

Murong Yu looked at Lin Xuan in shock.

Lin Xuan grinned: "How else can I become the best man in the world?"

Then the girls took the elixir without hesitation.


Lin Xuan nodded: "Of course! I have tried it."

"Then can you give the antidote to the temple when the time comes?"

Murong Yu asked.

Lin Xuan's lips curled up: "Okay, let's make a bid."

Murong Yu rolled his eyes.

This is something that will benefit the mainland... But what Lin Xuan said is right. The evil temple has always been the enemy of the three major forces. Obtaining this prescription will also be very useful to the three major forces.

In fact, Lin Xuan could make it himself, but after thinking about it, once it is revealed that Yaxuan Group can create the poison pill antidote, then Yaxuan Group will be doomed!

"Let's go! I hope there won't be any more surprises in the future!"

One day later, a huge snow peak appeared in front of them, reaching as high as the sky!

"Is this the top of the North Pole?"

Lin Xuan looked up.

Murong Yu nodded; "Well, it's eleven kilometers high, and the temperature can be as low as minus sixty degrees Celsius, and can even reach minus eighty or even lower. The air is thin, and ordinary people will die if they go up there, but for us , not bad! But if you want to go up there, if there is a competition in the Tianwu Tournament, there will be natural environmental interference for the warriors."

Lin Xuan said: "But this is definitely not the reason why they asked us to come here to participate in the Tianwu Conference. There must be a more special reason for coming to the top of the North Pole to participate in the Tianwu Conference. There must be a certain link in the Tianwu Conference that can only be seen on the top of the North Pole. It can only be completed at the top, but I don’t know what these thieves are thinking!”

Murong Yu: "..."

"Go up!"

Now that they know that the top is the North Pole, they don't need to waste time. They directly release a space attribute power, and then their figures disappear from the place and appear at the top of the North Pole!


Seven figures appeared there.

After landing, they glanced around.

All people!

They seemed to be a little late, there were already many people here!

The temperature is indeed very low, but as long as you have the Xuantian realm, there should be no problem in this situation!

Except for some young people, those who participated in the Tianwu Conference, there were hundreds of core members of the three major forces, their referees and other powerful people standing in a corner, and the rest were more than a thousand people , they are powerful men from major families and major forces. To put it simply, they come to watch every Tianwu Conference!

"Xiao Ying!"

A voice came, and Ling Ying's father, Ling Hai, walked over with a smile.

"First snow."

There was another voice, and beside Ling Hai, Han Guang also walked over with a smile.

Ling Ying and Han Chuxue's fathers are here too!

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