Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,475 I give up!

Lin Xuan has indeed shown these powers before! His power can suddenly be much stronger than others! He showed a power that was totally not what he should have at this level!

At first, many people thought these were some props, but now that the props can’t be used, they shouldn’t be props anymore, and he wouldn’t dare to use them! So it's martial arts?

Amplify martial arts? Is this the only possibility? Or is it a law, a realm?

Anyway, this increase is too much!


Duan Lingxiao's figure flew out directly! He was crushed and knocked over by Lin Xuan.

That's right, from the very beginning of the sword fight, he had already completely lost!

The invincible domain, well, it was very powerful, and it was directly broken by Lin Xuan's Law of Destruction, and the Law of Killing... well... seemed to be nothing in front of him.

Then Lin Xuan's strength doubled, and he also had god-level martial arts. How could he fight?

Everyone swallowed and looked in front of them!

Duan Lingxiao flew out!


Duan Tianming jumped up and caught Duan Lingxiao as he flew down to the top of the North Pole!

"In this martial arts competition, Lin Xuan wins!"

Really, they didn't feel their true power in this match, and then Duan Lingxiao lost!

That means...Lin Xuan didn't show his true power? In fact, Duan Lingxiao's true power has not been revealed. He can only unleash a god-level martial skill? Of course not!

But when this move collided, Lin Xuan's power was so strong that he crushed Duan Lingxiao!


Duan Lingxiao stood up holding his chest.

"Lin Xuan...why are you so powerful? Are you sure you didn't use any props?"

Duan Lingxiao didn't want to believe it!

Duan Lingxiao is famous for his strength! However... he was crushed by Lin Xuan! He didn't want to believe that he could be crushed by Lin Xuan's god-level martial arts when he unleashed his god-level martial arts! This is impossible!

This is that the higher the level of attribute exchange, the stronger the effect shown!

Doubling your power at the Xuantian realm and doubling your power at the Tianzun realm are the same concepts? Not at all!

After hearing Duan Lingxiao's words, everyone was also puzzled!

Seriously, they want to know too!

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "The space rings are all there, and my whole body has been checked. What props do you think I can have?"

"That's not necessarily true. Who knows if you have any other ways to hide it?"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "Then in the virtual warehouse before, I couldn't use props when fighting you, right?"

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, Duan Lingxiao suddenly realized!

yes! In the virtual warehouse before, his power was much beyond what it should be, but the virtual warehouse contained spirit. How could he bring real props in reality? So...he really isn't using props!

"Master Lin's power is really strong. I am convinced that I lost!"

After Duan Lingxiao finished speaking, he walked away to recover from his injuries.

Murong Feng looked at Lin Xuan.

This kid is getting better and better.

Well, I have more and more urge to be his father-in-law.

"Okay, Lin Xuan, you should go and rest." Murong Feng said.

Lin Xuan gave a fist and then retreated.

And the girls around Lin Xuan know that he is the amplification of the law of creation!

But they don’t know that it’s actually the system!

Game by game it goes on.

The round is over and it’s Lin Xuan again!

"The next match is Lin Xuan vs. Murong Yu."

Lin Xuan: "..."

The two looked at each other.

Both of these two have won thirteen games in a row, and as expected they still met! The chances of them encountering each other are too high.

Then the two of them walked over!

The wind chime clenched its pink fist!

It’s the fourteenth game, it’s the fourteenth game! She hasn't met Lin Xuan yet! ! She still has the last fifteenth chance, her last chance. If she can't meet Lin Xuan again, then she will really

I can't find it!

Ahhhh! !

Even though Lin Xuan showed such great abilities, she still felt that she could win! She is definitely not weak! !

Of all the people here, she was only worried about the power of Murong Yu and Zhuge Feng. She didn't care much about the other people, there might be Lin Xuan!

Because of her dual laws, she is destined to crush everyone!

"The contest begins!"

Lin Xuan and Murong Yu faced each other head-on!


Murong Yu's momentum immediately increased! She wants to have a good fight with Lin Xuan!

I didn’t have much fun playing the game last time!

"Still fighting?"

Lin Xuan said helplessly.


Murong Yu stared at Lin Xuan and said lightly.

"Okay...I admit defeat."

Everyone:? ? ?

Murong Yu: "..."

"Why admit defeat?"

Murong Yu frowned!

"I don't want to fight you."

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said.

Murong Yu bit his silver teeth secretly.

"Don't admit defeat!"

Lin Xuan smiled; "Slip away! I'm preparing for the last competition!"

After saying that, Lin Xuan walked away!

Murong Yu: "..."

hateful! Damn it! !

"He just gave up?"

"It seems that he has absolute confidence in himself. Even if he loses this game, he is sure to get into the top ten in the Tianwu Conference!"

"From the current point of view, there shouldn't be much of a problem. Let's see how it goes in the future!"


"Master Murong, your daughter seems to have a good relationship with Lin Xuan."

Duan Tianming glanced at Murong Feng and then asked.

"Hahaha, not bad, they should be very good friends."

"Not boyfriend and girlfriend?"

To be honest, he was a little worried that Murong Yu and Lin Xuan were boyfriend and girlfriend. Murong Yu was already troublesome enough. His son, the future leader of the trial, was no match for Murong Yu, and now there was Lin Xuan. , if Lin Xuan and Murong Yu get together, the strength of the temple will be greatly increased because of Lin Xuan's joining. At the same time, there will be Yaxuan Group, Shura Temple...

And he still knew that his son liked Murong Yu...

"Hahaha, I don't know either. It's up to them to decide what happens to this junior. We old guys definitely don't care!"

Murong Feng knew what Duan Tianming wanted to say later. He wanted to talk about the marriage of their two families, so he directly talked about the junior's affairs and let them decide for themselves, which also made Duan Tianming unable to ask the question!

"Next game, Feng Chime vs. Han Chuxue!"

Then the two girls walked up!

"Han Chuxue from the Han family is quite strong, but I guess it will be a bit difficult to fight against Feng Chime!"

"It's a bit difficult!"

"But it's hard to say. In terms of personal ability, this wind chime may not be as good as Han Chuxue!"


Feng Qingyang looked at her daughter.

"I surrender!"

Feng Chime said directly.

Everyone:? ? ?

Feng Qingyang staggered.

Give up?

For Feng Ling, the reason for admitting defeat is very simple. Lin Xuan has won 13 out of 14 games. If she wants to meet Lin Xuan, she must lose this game! She didn't know if she could win a battle with Han Chuxue, so she just didn't waste her spiritual power! Just admit defeat!

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