Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,176 Lin Xuan VS Feng Chime

Feng Chime's immediate admission of defeat left everyone stunned!

She is a top talent. Let’s not talk about the top few. At least the top ten and top twenty are stable. Han Chuxue is strong, but at least it was a 50-50 draw before fighting her, right? Why did you just give in like that?

Feng Qingyang's mouth twitched!

"This girl!! This girl!"

He was going crazy!

Of course he knew why his daughter would just admit defeat! Really, is it that important?

"Dad, is Ling Ling giving up just to meet Lin Xuan?"

Feng Qinghao asked.

"What do you think?"

Feng Qingyang sighed helplessly!

"Second sister is so kind. In order to meet Lin Xuan, she would rather admit defeat! So handsome!"

Feng Qingyu looked at the approaching wind chime with admiration.


Feng Qingyang slapped him directly!

handsome? This is called brainless!

Although Han Chuxue is powerful, his daughter is not weak either! You won’t necessarily lose! And she had a great chance of winning, because she also had spatial attributes, but she just gave up!

This is the Tianwu Conference, the final Tianwu Conference! This girl actually...


There was another reason why Feng Ling gave up directly. Even though she had space attributes, weakness, and the Law of Creation, she felt that her battle with Han Chuxue would be a tough one. She would definitely expose a lot of trump cards, so she just gave up! If you can't meet Lin Xuan in the next game, there's nothing you can do about it, but if you can meet him...


"You girl!"

Feng Qingyang looked like she hated iron.

Feng Qinghao shook his head helplessly beside him.

He, Feng Qinghao, won thirteen out of fourteen games, and lost to Han Chuxue in one of them. He still wanted to win fourteen times in a row, but this second sister gave up on his own initiative. It's true.

"I just want to compete with Lin Xuan!"

Wind Chime stood there with his arms folded and said.

"Then do you know that if things don't go well later, you are likely to... There are countless capable people and strangers in this Tianwu Conference. Do you think you can definitely be in the top ten? Murong Yu, Duan Lingxiao, Chi Tianqing Let’s not talk about them. Among the people around Lin Xuan, who do you dare to say can definitely beat them? "

Feng Qingyang really sighed!

"I just want to beat him!"

The wind chime is gritting its silver teeth!


Feng Qingyang was helpless.

And the barrage is full of question marks!

They don't understand! Wasn't this girl very fierce before? Thirteen consecutive victories, why did you admit defeat without even fighting? Is this cold, super beautiful goddess so powerful?

"Hey, it seems that the daughter of the Feng family has set her sights on you. She just gave up to Chu Xue just to have the same points as you so that she can have a chance to meet you."

Ling Ying elbowed Lin Xuan's waist and said.

"There's really something wrong with that woman! There's really something wrong with that woman!"

Lin Xuan has seen strong women before, but she has never seen such a strong one. She should not be called strong. She is simply arrogant. There is no one or thing that she can like. What she did is right. Typical spoiled, typical princess disease! It feels like the whole world has to revolve around her!

Damn, which girl next to him is not as beautiful as her? Is Murong Yu prettier than her? His status is still high, but he is just arrogant and arrogant. This is normal!


This woman also triggered a task! Triggering the mission proves that she is pretty and has a good nature, so she can be trained by Lin Xuan.

After fighting so many times, the strong men around them have a rough idea of ​​the strength and abilities of these people who are more concerned about them!

One after another continued.

"It's amazing to say that Lin Xuan used to be a waste, but in a short period of time he has become a being of this level, which even puts me under pressure! Tell me, what did he go through?"

Zhao Meng

Yue sat there and then looked at Lin Ya next to her.

"Weren't you a loser before?"

Lin Ya said lightly.

"That makes sense."

"Boss, do you want us to kill him?"

The blood demon next to him, the one who met Lin Xuan before and was seriously injured by Xiao Longer, asked.

"You loser, stop talking. The last time I lost the power of killing pupil, I didn't get it because you were such a loser! Are you Lin Xuan's opponent too?"

Zhao Mengyue was trembling with anger when she thought of this!

She didn't know what happened to the void-killing power now. She didn't dare to go there, for fear of an ambush there!

"It's not my fault...who knew he had such a powerful little guy in his arms."

"What kind of little guy?"

Zhao Mengyue then asked.

"I didn't pay much attention to it. It seems like an elf? Anyway, it looks like a person, but it's very small."

"Forget it, let's talk about this later! I hope that power does not fall on Lin Xuan, otherwise, he will be too much of a threat!"

Zhao Yingmeng bit her silver teeth!

The Void Killing Eye is one of the strongest forces among the twelve demon gods. It has the strongest attack ability. On the entire continent, the attack ability of the Void Killing Eye is almost unrivaled! It would be really bad if it happened to Lin Xuan!

Lin Ya looked at the screen.

Xiaoxuan has grown to become more and more powerful, and he must have got the news that she stayed in Zuixuan Pavilion at that time! hope everything is fine.

"Next game..."

Lin Xuan's name slowly appeared on the screen...

Feng Chime clenched her fists nervously.

It must be her! It must be her!

Then Feng Chime's name slowly appeared behind Lin Xuan!

"Lin Xuan Wind Chime!"

Feng Chime’s beautiful eyes suddenly lit up!

Lin Xuan "..."

Wow! ! Did you really meet this girl?


The wind chime appeared directly on the competition ground at the top of the North Pole, looking at Lin Xuan.

"come on!"

Several girls cheered for Lin Xuan behind Lin Xuan! Lin Xuan nodded and walked over.

"I hope you don't give in!"

Feng Chime looked at Lin Xuan and said coldly.

"It's impossible to admit defeat. It's obvious that you've been wanting to beat me up!"

"What do you think?"

Feng Chi clenched her silver teeth, then stretched out her hand, and a sword from the public earth-level five-star flew into her palm!

"What grudge does Lin Xuan have against the Feng Family Wind Chime? It seems that the Feng Family Wind Chime has been targeting Lin Xuan from the very beginning!"

Murong Feng looked at the two people present with interest.

"I heard that they had some friction in Binghai City. It seems that Feng Family Feng Chime was taught a lesson by Lin Xuan!"

"Oh? No wonder this wind chime is so unconvinced! It's interesting!"


Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders!

"let's start!"

"You don't use a sword?"

Feng Chimei frowned suddenly and looked at Lin Xuan.

"No need to deal with you!"

Everyone "..."


"Isn't Lin Xuan too arrogant?"

"Are you really arrogant and don't need it? Are you just pretending or do you really have no need?"


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