Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,477 If you don’t need it, I won’t.

Everyone only knows that Lin Xuan's swordsmanship is really powerful. If he uses a sword, his combat power can definitely be improved a lot. Instead, if he faces a wind chime with a sword, it is equivalent to giving up his powerful strength. Swordsmanship is a natural disadvantage!

The wind chime felt the intense ridicule from Lin Xuan!

hateful! !


Then she raised her hand and the sword flew out!

"Since you don't use it, I certainly won't use the sword to bully you!"

Feng Chime looked at Lin Xuan and said.

Everyone "..."

"This girl! This girl!"

Feng Qingyang really convinced her daughter!

No education is good!

Lin Xuan gave her a chance to win. She had such a big advantage, but she even lost her sword! So angry!

Lin Xuan smiled.

Not to mention, although this girl is hot and a little pepper, she is really interesting!

"Are you sure you don't want to?"

"Stop talking nonsense! If it's time to hit, hit!"

The momentum of the wind chime began to surge!

Lin Xuan curled his lips and said, "Don't cry if you lose."

"If you lose to a woman, don't make excuses!"

After the wind chime finished speaking, the wind attribute power surged, the space was not even used, and it rushed directly in front of Lin Xuan at an unimaginable speed!

She is a proud woman, Lin Xuan doesn't need space, she definitely doesn't! Whoever uses it first will prove to be the loser in terms of momentum! It proves that anyone who doesn’t use it can’t beat it! Must use it!

Lin Xuan was secretly speechless. As expected of the Feng family, the power of the wind attribute is so strong! It's so fast! Then Lin Xuanfeng's attributes also surged.



The two rushed towards each other and collided with their fists!

The moment the force collided, the ground they stepped on cracked open, and the two of them sank directly. The surrounding airflow exploded, and the dust was directly shaken up.

"So strong! They are both so strong!"

"They are really strong! They should all be among the best in this competition!"

"I don't know who can win! I feel like neither of them revealed too many trump cards in the previous competition!"


"Sister, who can win?"

Linglongyue also asked Linglongxue curiously.

Although her level is not low, she doesn't have much experience.

"Lin Xuan."

Linglongxue said without thinking.

"Is Lin Xuan so powerful?"

Linglongyue said a little unhappy.

"You just need to know that Lin Xuantong is absolutely invincible in his realm!"

Linglongxue said.

At least in Linglongxue's eyes, no one in the world can be Lin Xuan's opponent in the same realm! Even being one star higher than Lin Xuan is useless! It is also an absolutely invincible existence! no way,

This is what this person showed Linglongxue!

"court death!"

Feng Ling sneered when he saw Lin Xuan actually competing with him for strength. Then his fist didn't move, but a secret energy burst out! This feeling is like a nail being hammered into the wall. The nail cannot move, but there is a hammer behind it that suddenly adds force to the nail. That's what it feels like!

"An Jin!"

Lin Xuan instantly stepped back a few meters!

This is a very powerful ability of Feng Chime. Her strength is normal, but she has a dark power. To put it simply, as long as she releases this dark power, each of her attacks actually has two powers, one in front and one in front. Finally, the dark power is even stronger! Just like her boxing match with Lin Xuan, no one can do anything to the other! But if An Jin successfully hits Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan's arm will appear to be fine on the surface, but the tendons and even bones in the arm will be directly broken!

This is the terrible thing about An Jin!

Lin Xuan had fought her once before and already knew that this woman had such power!

what is this? Lin Xuan doesn’t understand! This is neither a law nor a martial skill... I don't quite understand it, but it is indeed a bit tricky! very dangerous.

Seeing this scene, everyone


In the first move, Lin Xuan lost?

"Take the move!"


Following the wind chime's fierce rush, the two fists and feet began to collide and impact at a very fast frequency! Apart from the sound of the wind, the only sound in his ears was the muffled sound of each punch, from fist to flesh.

Lin Xuan does not intend to exchange attributes! I don’t intend to exchange it for doubled strength, doubled speed, and doubled defense to fight this girl!

He wanted to have a good fight with her without using any system power! He wants to see what he can do without some power in the system!

In fact, it is too easy for Lin Xuan to win. They are in the same realm. Lin Xuan's strength is directly doubled. Feng Chime is definitely not Lin Xuan's opponent in any case, and he will even be beaten to death by Lin Xuan! But this time, Lin Xuan wants to fight her with real power!

At the same time, he wants to know how strong his strength is among the top experts of the same level!

Is this wind chime strong? It must be strong! Although Lin Xuan and Murong Yu fought many times, winning and losing, Lin Xuan wanted to try fighting with someone else again.

"Tear apart the hurricane!"

After the wind chime punched Lin Xuan, the momentum surged. From behind her, the terrifying hurricane force struck Lin Xuan like a sharp blade.

"Wind and residual clouds!"

Brush brush brush——

The two sides seemed to have countless sharp blades colliding with each other!


Then the two distanced themselves!

The moment after the distance was opened, thunder began to wrap around Lin Xuan's body, and then he rushed forward!


This time, every punch of Lin Xuan was accompanied by the power of thunder!

And wind chimes also have thunder properties! However, this time, she was defeated steadily by Lin Xuan's offensive! Why?

Lin Xuan's thunder is too powerful for her! When others see that Lin Xuan is a purple thunder and her wind chime is only a blue thunder, they know that Lin Xuan can never lose to anyone in the same realm of fighting thunder!

"Lei Ling's Wrath!"

The wind chime once again distanced itself, and then pointed towards the sky. The terrifying thunder fell down and condensed on her fingertips. Then she swung at Lin Xuan! Hundreds of phoenix-like shadows condensed by thunder rushed toward Lin Xuan.

"Thunder surges all over the world!"



The forces collide again, and no one can defeat the other!

"You still don't need the space?"

Lin Xuan asked with a curl of his lips.

"you do not need?"

The wind chime does not scare Lin Xuan at all! Why should she use it first?

"After you use space, you will know that there are people in this world, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"


The wind chime laughed disdainfully!

"God-level martial arts, thousands of thunders fall!"


Lin Xuan curled his lips!

"God-level martial arts, ten thousand thunders and heavenly prison!"


Everyone in the distance released their strength to resist the terrifying shock wave caused by the collision of these two god-level martial arts!


The figure of the wind chime flew out from the thunder, then landed on the ground and retreated ten meters above the ground before stopping!


She can't stand it! She really can't compete with Lei!

However, the next moment, red marks suddenly appeared under her feet!


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