Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,479 I give up

And Feng Ling is desperate, she just wants to defeat Lin Xuan, the consequences... she doesn't care!

And what about Lin Xuan? calm down! How could he possibly be worried about this?

"Hey, aren't you afraid that your strength will be too great and you will die?"

Lin Xuan kept releasing the Law of Creation and then came to a sentence.

"You're almost out of spiritual power, aren't you?"

The wind chime then said something, and then the power of the law of creation increased!

Lin Xuan; "..."

This woman must be sick!

"Okay! If you want to play, I'll play with you!"

Lin Xuan's creation rules continued to improve!

Everyone around them swallowed their saliva!

The martial arts released by these two six-star Tianzun Realm warriors have now reached a level of power that exceeds the third level of Taixu Realm!

More and more people feel something is wrong!

"The Law of Creation! It's the Law of Creation! Both of them have the Law of Creation! They are now fighting for the Law of Creation! They are fighting for the strength of their spiritual power!"

Suddenly a person discovered this and shouted!

"The law of creation!"

Hearing this, they suddenly realized!

"It turns out to be the law of creation! No wonder, no wonder they can continue to increase their power after releasing their martial arts skills!"

"What is this law of creation?"

"One of the most powerful laws in the world, as famous as the law of destruction, wait... This Lin Xuan already has the law of destruction, and now he is releasing the power of the law of creation. He actually owns the two strongest laws in the world by himself?"

Suddenly realizing this, those people showed shocked expressions!

"The law of creation! It turns out to be the law of creation!"

Xiao Yun, Duan Lingxiao and other people who lost to Lin Xuan but didn't know why Lin Xuan was so strong suddenly realized!

"No wonder Lin Xuan is so powerful. It turns out to be this reason! He used the Law of Creation to enhance his own strength or martial arts power, and then he showed a power that does not belong to his realm!"

Duan Lingxiao clenched his fists!

Why? Why is this world so unfair? He has neither creation nor destruction laws, but Lin Xuan has two!


He did not lose unjustly, and at the same time he also understood that it was not Lin Xuan who was strong, but the law, and he was simply defeated by the law! If Lin Xuan didn't have this level of rules, why would he lose?

"Keep adding more!"

The wind chime roared, and its power soared again!

"Add it to me!"

Lin Xuan was not timid at all.

Gradually, their spiritual power was almost exhausted. Of course, Lin Xuan must have a lot more than the wind chimes!

Wind Chime secretly bit her silver teeth!

Even if this Lin Xuan has the Law of Creation, does he have more spiritual power than himself?


She finally stopped, and then the two forces officially collided!

"Be well protected!"

Murong Feng shouted loudly,

He was telling the other contestants and those who came over that there were many strong people, but there were also some who were not so strong in cultivation. When these two people's ever-increasing martial arts collided, the power was simply unimaginable!


The entire top of the North Pole trembled violently! Dust is everywhere and the airflow is turbulent!

"Who...who won?"

The dust was slowly dissipating, and everyone watched while swallowing their saliva.

None of the people in front of the mobile phones moved. They stared nervously at the thick dust on the mobile phone screen... They were looking forward to what would happen after the dust dispersed.

Although the others were nervous, they were not too panicked. Both of them had spatial attributes. With the spatial attributes, at least they would not be directly injured by this power, right?

The dust slowly dispersed, and a huge pit over 200 meters gradually appeared in everyone's eyes.


They gasped when they saw this scene.

This is the power they exploded from! this

It’s a bit too exaggerated!

"Quick, go see if they are okay!"

Then a group of people ran over from all around, and then they saw two people facing each other in the pit!

Seeing this scene, they breathed a sigh of relief!

Just be okay, be okay!

Lin Xuan was secretly speechless, this woman is really powerful!

How to put it this way, she may not be as powerful as Murong Yu, but she is definitely not worse than Ling Ying, Han Chuxue and the others. She is strong in the law of creation, including the attribute of space. Murong Yu has the law of destruction, so he can fight her, and Ling Ying They don't have this level of laws, and at the same level, it's hard to beat her! Top rules, that’s not a boast.

But if she gave up these powers and fought in other ways, she would be no match for Ling Ying, Han Chuxue, and Xiao Xinyue.

Lin Xuan also discovered that without the power of the system, although he was still not weak, he was no longer so brainless.

But still can't lose.

"Still fighting?"

Lin Xuan asked looking at the wind chime in front of him.

The wind chime gritted its silver teeth!

her! ! Hers was at the same spot where Lin Xuan had just thrown a stone, and now it was definitely purple even if there was no bleeding!

"I'm not done with you!"

Feng Chime stared at Lin Xuan angrily.

"You still have to have capital before it's over."

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders!

"Field, infinite copy field!"

The next moment, the momentum of the wind chime surged, and suddenly her pupils shrank!

This Lin Xuan...

Still have so much spiritual power? He...he he still has the attribute of time? From the beginning of the fight with him, he never used his full strength?

Yes, this is the domain of wind chimes!

If you say it is strong in this field, it is extremely strong. If you say it is weak, it may also be very weak! Anyway, if we really talk about the power of fields, each of Ling Ying and the others are not bad in their fields, they are all very strong, but the effects are different!

The domain of this wind chime is unlimited copying! What is the effect? ​​Select a target to copy his status, attributes, and abilities!

For example, now the wind chime has copied Lin Xuan's power. She has the same remaining spiritual power as Lin Xuan. She has the power of ice, time, fire, darkness, and other attributes. She has Lin Xuan's law of destruction. strength!

Of course, she can't copy things like Void Killing Eyes!

In this field, she has almost all the power of Lin Xuan, but of course, she has to give up her own power! So the more powerful the opponent, the more powerful she will be after copying! It would be terrible if the copied opponent was not as powerful as herself, but after copying, she would consume spiritual power every second!

Therefore, we cannot say that this field is particularly strong, but we cannot say that it is very weak either.

The wind chime was stunned!

In his field, he can actually reduce his opponent's cultivation to three stars regardless of his realm!

I felt the wind chime and was even more stunned!

Therefore, he still retains a lot of the battle with himself! Otherwise, she would have lost long ago!


Wind Chime clenched her pink fist, and then her spiritual power dissipated.

"I surrender!"

She gritted her silver teeth and said this, then jumped and flew out.


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