Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,480 Lin Xuan’s battle ends

This inexplicable scene stunned everyone!

She seems to be okay, and didn't she just release her domain power? How come after releasing the power of the domain, he gave up before the fight started?

What's going on?

Lin Xuan was also stunned for a moment!

This is not the character of this girl. Does she know that she can't fight?

No, no! With this chick's personality, even if she can't fight, she still has to fight! Lin Xuan felt that this girl would not give in easily even if she died in battle!

Lin Xuan returned to Ling Ying and the others.

"Why did she just give up?"

"Maybe she knows she can't beat me." Lin Xuan shrugged.

"But she is really powerful, and she also has the Law of Creation."

Xiao Xinyue said.

"It seems to be a double law." Wang Xintong said.

Lin Xuan nodded.

These two laws are simply rarer than the four attributes. Murong Yu only has one law, as you can imagine! Anyway, this wind chime is the only person with dual laws that Lin Xuan has met, there must be others!

After Lin Xuan's battle, there were others who needed to fight, but I have to say that Lin Xuan had shocked everyone. Although Feng Chime lost, she also surprised everyone.

"Why did you admit defeat?"

Feng Qingyang looked at her daughter.

He knows his daughter very well, even if she is killed in battle, she will not give in easily!

Wind Chime said: "I can't beat him."

"Second sister, this is the first time I have heard this sentence from you in so many years!"

Feng Qingyu looked at the wind chime in surprise!

Feng Chime was helpless and glanced at Lin Xuan over there!

It can't be beat!

Indeed, she had copied Lin Xuan's power and could fight her again, but she knew better that if Lin Xuan came up and used the field or there was still time and space, including the law of destruction that he had not used to fight her, she would Lost a long time ago!

Although she is so strong, she is very sensible! She knew that she was no match for Lin Xuan!

It’s just that she is very unwilling! ! Really unwilling! Why did this person provoke me, but I couldn't defeat him! Damn it!

"You copied his power. He has some powerful abilities that haven't been revealed yet, right?"

Feng Qingyang asked.

"The dual attributes of time and space, the dual laws of creation and destruction, the domain can forcibly reduce the opponent's strength by three stars regardless of the realm. Even the Heavenly Dao realm can be reduced by three stars. If he came up and fought like this, I would have lost long ago."

Wind Chime said.


Hearing Feng Chime's words, Feng Qingyang showed a shocked expression!

The most powerful power in the world, time, space, creation, and destruction are all in his hands? Then his field is to reduce the opponent's three-star cultivation level, which is okay, but the most terrifying thing is that he ignores the reduction in level!

"This person will be invincible when he grows up in the future."

Feng Qingyang looked at Lin Xuan's figure and said.

Feng Chime also nodded in agreement.

Although it is uncomfortable, it is indeed true!

Creation and destruction, space and time already tend to be invincible with his hands, and then he still has such a field! Really, I don’t know how he could lose! As long as he doesn't get too big and grows up completely, his abilities and terrifying level will increase as his realm improves!

"If such a person can become my Feng family member..."

Feng Qingyang looked at Lin Xuan with burning eyes.

Wind chimes: "..."

And Lin Xuan's dual laws of destruction and creation completely exploded among these strong men!

Everyone in the world thought that Murong Yu, Duan Lingxiao and others were the strongest, but then they discovered that they were not!

Lin Xuan, who has always seemed unknown, is the most terrifying person!

It's just that those people in front of mobile phones and computers don't know much about him. They only know that Lin Xuan seems to be very powerful. Even if they heard about the laws of creation and destruction, how many of them actually know him or have heard of him? ?

" seems there is still a big gap between me and Lin Xuan!"

Zhuge Feng sighed!

I thought there was no difference between him and Lin Xuan,

Then he lost. He felt that he did not lose unfairly, but he still felt that he had a chance to catch up with Lin Xuan, and now, he has completely given up on this idea!

As far as Lin Xuan's strength is concerned, it is not something he can catch up with just hard work.

"Are we... still going to cooperate?"

Xiao Yun said!

Su Zhiming clenched his fists.

There is an inexplicable feeling that even if they cooperate, they may not be able to stop Lin Xuan.


Duan Lingxiao clenched his fists!

Lin Xuan is already so powerful now. If he is allowed to go to the Gate of Divine Enlightenment again, he will make a complete leap! And to prevent Lin Xuan from going to the Gate of Divine Inspiration, if he goes, he will be able to shorten the gap with Lin Xuan after he comes out, or even overtake him!

Rumor has it that he also heard from the senior officials of the Inquisition that the Gate of Divine Enlightenment has the power to reshape life! What does it mean in simple terms? As long as you have this destiny, although the attributes and laws have been established, in the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, you have the opportunity to obtain other attributes and even laws, and even domains! You can even get other stuff too!

This Gate of Divine Enlightenment was not built by the three major forces. No one knows how the Gate of Divine Enlightenment was passed down. Anyway, it was very early, and there are too many things that can be obtained from it! As long as he gets time or space, or the power of creation, destruction, etc., he will definitely be able to crush Lin Xuan! So it is necessary to prevent Lin Xuan from entering the Gate of Divine Enlightenment!

"But depending on the few of us, I'm afraid..."

That's right, Lin Xuan has now made them fearful to this extent. Without killing him, there is no hope that several people can cooperate to prevent him from entering the Gate of Divine Enlightenment.

Duan Lingxiao then said calmly: "Don't worry, I can find the person! No need to kill him, just stop him!"

He believed that with his talent and ability, he would be able to surpass Lin Xuan if he entered the Gate of Divine Enlightenment!

"In this competition, the gap between everyone is not big. Lin Xuan didn't win fifteen consecutive games. He also gave up in one game, with only 13 points, which is about the same as us! So he has nothing ahead of us! Prevent him from entering the Divine Enlightenment The possibility of the door is great!”

"Okay! Since Mr. Duan said so, let's work together to stop Lin Xuan!"

"Come on!"

Lin Xuan said to Wang Xintong and the others.


In the next match, Murong Yu will fight for the fifteenth time. She has won fourteen times in a row, and next she will face someone who has also won fourteen times in a row. In this competition, anyone who can win fourteen times in a row will win. How strong? How many can there be? Therefore, it is easy for Murong Yu to meet his own people!

But I was quite lucky. I didn't meet my own person, Murong Yu's opponent in the fifteenth game...Chu He!

Who is Chuhe? A strong man with fourteen consecutive victories, Chu Feng's brother, the eldest son of the Chu family of Feng Country!

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