Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,484 Does he still have dark power?

Ling Ying walked up!

Not far away, Ling Hai stared at his daughter!

Be a little worried!

Because this daughter is wind and darkness, and darkness is completely useless, so the only choice is to use wind to increase the power! I guess even if his grades were good, they wouldn't be much better than him.

Ling Ying naturally knew that there was nothing that could be done about it. This round of assessment was actually a test for warriors with rare attributes like them! but……

There is something extraordinary about her! where?

Dark attribute!

Others' dark attributes are useless attributes, but her dark attributes possess dark energy, including Wu Yuhan's! Where does dark energy come from? The power that was discovered through his own understanding after the purity of the dark attribute was 100. Lin Xuan also had dark energy, but his dark energy was given by completing the mission, but it was the same, it didn't matter!

What's so great about dark energy?

Break the defense!

Even if this is a power stone, it will definitely help increase your own strength if you break your defense!

Ling Ying then condensed dark energy, blessed with wind attributes, and punched directly forward!

Everyone: "..."

"Purple...medium purple? What? Medium purple?"

"I'll go! Why? Why can she get a mid-purple result? Is she stronger than Duan Lingxiao? Impossible, we can feel it when we are around, how can she be stronger than Duan Lingxiao? And Duan Lingxiao has a thunder attribute Ah, you have the biggest advantage, you actually lost to her? She is indeed a goddess!"

"It's incredible. I got such a high score. It's the highest score so far!"


Those strong men were stunned for a moment, Ling Hai was even more stunned, and Lin Xuan was also stunned!

"Dark power?"

Lin Xuan frowned and then his eyes lit up!

It’s definitely a dark force!

Holy shit! He also has dark power!

"It's darkness, dark power! The legendary dark power!"

"What? Is it the kind of defense-breaking dark power that can only be comprehended with a free 100 dark attribute purity?"

"That's right! This is the reason why the dark attribute is evaluated as the strongest attribute under time and space. There is no one. The defense breaking of dark power is simply terrifying, but... there is no such attribute of any person in this world. The purity reaches 100%, wait! It’s Lin Xuan!”

"Yes, it's Lin Xuan! Don't forget Yaxuan Group's attribute-enhancing potion! Since it can be improved by ten percent, I dare to believe that this ten percent is not the limit! So..."

"Hiss - what is the origin of this Yaxuan Group! It's so terrifying! It can actually create a 100% pure being! No wonder Lin Xuan's power is so strong, he must have raised himself to the maximum, no wonder this Lin Xuan Xuan’s space is stronger than any one person’s space, and this is the main reason!”


What Ling Ying showed instantly caused an uproar, and Yaxuan Group once again became the god in the hearts of these people!

Unfortunately, it is difficult for them to obtain this attribute-enhancing potion from Yaxuan Group!

Ling Ying was also a little shocked,

She really didn't expect that this dark power could be so effective!

Next, Han Chuxue achieved light purple results, and Murong Yu achieved medium purple results. After all, she was top-notch, and she also had thunder attributes!

Wu Yuhan, medium purple! Dark power! Xiao Xinyue, light purple! Wind chimes, medium purple!

Yes, the most unpleasant thing is the wind chime!

Ahhhh! ! !

She also has thunder attributes. Why can't she compare to Murong Yu? Why is she just a little bit behind! ! Murong Yu can hit purple, and she can hit purple too! But she used the Law of Creation to increase her power. She thought she had the Law of Creation and could create the only dark purple one. She was so angry! !

There may be two reasons. First, Murong Yu has a divine body, and her strength is not weak. Although the increase in divine body is not mainly about strength, it still has some effect. Second, the purity of thunder!

Zhuge Feng only played light purple!

After that, there was only one person, Chuhe played the middle purple, and there was no more

People can hit the purple mark now!

Finally, we finally arrived at the last person, Lin Xuan!

What everyone pays most attention to is Lin Xuan! He has created a lot of legends, and he is the last one!

Whether it was the people in front of the screen or the strong men and contestants around them, they were all staring at Lin Xuan closely.

"This Lin Xuan has the Law of Creation and the attribute of thunder, so his performance will not be weak!"

Duan Lingxiao frowned!

Medium purple!

Yes, his prediction for Lin Xuan was medium purple. After all, Feng Chime also has the law of creation and the attribute of thunder, and it was hard to tell the difference between Feng Chime and Lin Xuan at that time, although Feng Chime gave up.

"Come on Lin Xuan!"

Lu Yufan, Ye Yiyi and the others looked at Lin Xuan nervously.

"He should be great!"

Zi Qiyue looked at the screen and said lightly.

"come on! Come on!"

Blue Star stared at it without blinking while eating potato chips.

"Do you think Lin Xuan can play deep purple?"

Yi Renbing hugged Xiao Tianyi and looked at Linglongxue.

"He's the only one who has the potential to play deep purple."

Linglongxue is relatively confident in Lin Xuan.

"Big brother can definitely do it! Big brother, come on!" Xiao Long'er flew around excitedly.

"If Lin Xuan doesn't make any mistakes, the Gate of Divine Enlightenment will definitely go. But if the Gate of Divine Enlightenment goes away, is it a good thing?"

Murong Yu pondered for a moment.

"Why isn't it a good thing?"

Luo Chenxi asked puzzledly.

"Because the mortality rate is very high! Forget it, don't think about it anymore. For him, this life is very important, so it should be no problem."

"What do you think?"

Bai Xuanxuan asked.

Leng Wuxin said: "Medium purple is the lowest, dark purple is possible."

Although I really don't want to admit it and I hate him, this man does have something.

In the Tenth Demon Temple, Xue Bingxin, Xue Binglan sisters and a group of beautiful ladies around Yi Renbing were also staring.

"If this Lin Xuan can play deep purple, I must find an opportunity to kill him."

Zhao Mengyue said lightly.

Lin Ya frowned slightly.

"Then I will kill you as soon as possible!"

"Hehehe, you can try it!"

Lin Xuan walked to the front of the Power Stone, and everyone's eyes were fixed on him.

"I needed to keep a low profile before, but the facts always didn't allow me to keep a low profile. So this time, well, I won't keep a low profile anymore!"

Lin Xuan laughed in his heart, and then condensed thunder in his right fist, and then condensed dark power! !

"Dark power? Does Lin Xuan have dark attributes?"

"Oh my god? What attributes does Lin Xuan have? As far as I know, fire, wind, thunder, ice, time, space, and now there is another darkness? Wait, does he have other attributes? Doesn't he have something else? Will it be all attributes?

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