Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,485 It turns out that it feels so good to pretend to be B

That's right, Lin Xuan showed the power of dark attributes and shocked everyone!

This is crazy! In other words, Lin Xuan still didn't use all his strength during the competition?

Wind chimes clenched their pink fists!

Really, she really couldn't beat him! !

Ahhhh! !

no! She must win! He must be defeated! And the only chance to defeat him is after coming out of the Gate of Divine Enlightenment!

As long as she gets more from the Gate of Divine Enlightenment than Lin Xuan, she can defeat Lin Xuan!

Lin Xuan's lips curled up slightly: "Double the power!"

That's right! He felt it was not enough!

"Create the law, give me all the power!"

Lin Xuan's punch looked like it was holding a thunderbolt, entwined with dark power, but the power of this punch would be lost in the Taixu realm, as long as it was not in the Taixu realm with a high star level!

Lin Xuan said, Damn, he forgot about the dark power, otherwise he would have used this dark power when fighting the wind chime!

Now, he should be full of firepower, right? Except for not using top-notch martial arts...

about there! Very strong!

"bring it on!"

Lin Xuan then focused his eyes. It looked like it was just a punch that gathered strength, but in fact it contained a punch that could kill the Taixu realm. Then he hit the raw stone of power!


This punch, not to mention anything else, just the explosive power of this punch on it was obvious to everyone. This punch was definitely stronger than anyone before!

At that moment, some people who were close did not react and stepped back continuously. Those who reacted had to release their spiritual power to resist!

"Hiss - so strong! Is this Lin Xuan's true power? He must be at full strength, right?"

"It should be so. No one has any reason not to go all out in this round of assessment. This is an area of ​​improvement. I guess Lin Xuan has a chance to hit deep purple!"

"Really, I thought the strongest people in this Tianwu Conference were Murong Yu, Duan Lingxiao and the like, and who knows, Lin Xuan showed up!"


The next moment, the light flashes!

Red, orange, red, green, blue, and purple, it is even difficult for everyone to see the light, medium, and deep changes of a certain color, and it goes directly to purple! Suddenly came the deep purple color!

Looking at the violently flashing deep purple light, everyone's pupils shrank!

"As expected! This Lin Xuan is indeed the strongest one!"

"With the power of the law of creation plus the power of purple thunder and dark power, he should shine with deep purple light!"

"Wait, wait a minute, look at the Power Stone!"


A sudden voice once again focused everyone's attention on the power stone.

What happened?

There are cracks in the power stone!

Everyone’s pupils tightened!

"What! The power stone is cracked?"

"I know the principle of this power stone.

It will make a response plan based on the attacker's realm. To put it simply, in theory, even if the power of the Heavenly Dao realm falls on it, the Power Stone can block it, and then test the results of the Heavenly Realm, but when the Power Stone The power released is far lower than the power it can handle, that is, when it exceeds its limit, it will be damaged! "

"I also know that, to put it simply, for a Tianzun-level attack power stone, the limit of the power stone's burst is 200, and the Tiandao-level attack power limit is 20,000. If the power of the Tianzun state exceeds 200, the power stone will be damaged! This …”

"This Lin Xuan actually... actually reached... such a heaven-defying level? Where did he get his power? Even if the law of creation, dark power and purple thunder are all blessed, shouldn't it be so terrifying?"


Everyone was really shocked.

The reason is very simple, because Lin Xuan also exchanged for doubled power!

When the combined power of the three is doubled again, it is not simply a matter of releasing the doubled power of Thunder!



The next moment, the original power stone exploded in front of everyone, and then... Lin Xuan was rushed away by the power of the impact!


A strong man rushed towards Lin Xuan and then caught Lin Xuan!


Everyone swallowed their saliva, and everyone's head was filled with questions.

"This...this td! This Lin Xuan is not only more powerful than top warriors like Murong Yu and others, he even crushed him?"

"What if this isn't crushing? If it's dark purple, it just means Lin Xuan is stronger than them, but now, it's crushing!"


Duan Lingxiao and the others saw this scene and subconsciously just held his fists!

He wants to die! He must die! If he had not died, in this life, there would be a person named Lin Xuan standing above any of them!

Even after seeing this scene, they had a feeling that even if they all entered the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, even if Lin Xuan did not enter the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, what they got would not necessarily allow them to surpass Lin Xuan! This Lin Xuan must die!

No, we must find a way to get rid of Lin Xuan before he completely rises! We must get rid of him!

He is still a Tianzun and still has a chance. If he reaches Taixu, the chance will be too small! And he can definitely reach the way of heaven! If they reach Heaven, they will completely lose the possibility of killing him!

"Holy shit!"

Ling Ying immediately cursed when he saw this scene!

Brother, you were not as strong as them when we met. How long has it been? Why are you like this? Wow!

Really, maybe in the past, Ling Ying felt extremely unhappy about being Lin Xuan's girlfriend and being ruined by him! But now, she even had the idea that she was no longer worthy of Lin Xuan.

Murong Yu looked at Lin Xuan!

He is really much stronger than me! Before, she didn't think that there was anyone in the world who was so much stronger than her. Of course she knew there was a way out there, but she never thought that there was someone who could be so much stronger than her...

In the God's Domain before, they could still win and lose, but now, Murong Yu felt that he was no longer a match for Lin Xuan!

She is a strong woman. Even if Lin Xuan is her man, she will not allow herself to be so far behind Lin Xuan! She can stay out of the limelight, but she can't just admit defeat! She will continue to become stronger! Lin Xuan has become Murong Yu's target.

Feng Ling watched this scene, clenching her pink fists tightly.

Before, she felt that she would be able to defeat Lin Xuan, but then she realized that she was not as good as Lin Xuan. Now, she was even thinking, could she still surpass him and defeat him?

It’s so exaggerated!

Lin Xuan landed on the ground and looked at everyone.

"Without a beating."

Lin Xuan sighed. .

Everyone: "..."

It turns feels so good to pretend.

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