Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,486 Pain Test

Linglongxue and the others watched this scene...

"I still underestimate him."

Linglongxue said helplessly.

"It's really not simple." Yi Renbing said.

Xiao Shishi in Linglongxue's arms was clapping her hands happily. She didn't know why. Maybe it was because she saw Lin Xuan's special dazzling appearance and clapped her hands to Lin Xuan?

Who knows?

On the other side, Zhao Mengyue frowned and looked at Lin Xuan in the picture.

She originally thought that Lin Xuan could only be dark purple, but she didn't expect that she would directly destroy the power stone?

Damn it!

Lin Ya looked at Lin Xuan with beautiful eyes.

Has he grown to this extent? She was really happy for Lin Xuan!

Among all the geniuses in the continent, he is already the most outstanding one. Lin Ya is really very proud of Lin Xuan.

"Boss, do you want to take action?"

Zhao Mengyue frowned!

She was afraid that if she didn't take action, when Lin Xuan fully grew up, she might...

However, because Lin Ya is here, she can't attack Lin Xuan directly. She now feels that the best result is that she does her thing and Lin Xuan doesn't interfere with her thing, and she doesn't have to deal with it. Lin Xuan, she thinks this is the best. Really, she somehow feels that if she attacks Lin Xuan, she will be the one who suffers. She always has this intuition.

"Don't move for now."

"But boss, didn't you just say that if Lin Xuan's grades were too good, you would take action?"

Zhao Mengyue glanced at him and said, "I won't move even if I say I won't. Are you disobedient or something? If you are disobedient, others will inherit the power in your body."

"I...I know."

Lin Xuan shocked everyone, but what can these people do?

This Lin Xuan martial arts competition has shocked everyone, this... seems to be reasonable!

No, no, no, but you just destroyed the original power stone. What the hell is this? This is stronger than they expected, much stronger.

"Okay, this first round of assessment has ended, and everyone's scores have been displayed on the big screen."

Murong Feng said.

"Wait, I have a question."

Lin Xuan said.

"Lin Xuan, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Xuan then said: "It's true that I got the highest score, but I completed this assessment exceptionally, shouldn't I get extra points?"

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, the strong men looked at each other.

In theory, there are indeed extra points, but there is no such extra point content at all.

" theoretically true, but there is no such content in the rules, and the rules cannot be changed temporarily, so this point cannot be added."

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders, then why is he working so hard? To pretend to be a b? seems pretty good.

"All right!"

"Then everyone, get ready.

We will conduct the second item of the second round in the order just mentioned, the defense assessment! Everyone, please take a look! "

Then everyone's eyes were focused on a bed! There were handcuffs and legcuffs, and it looked just like an execution place.

"This is a modified click bed. After you lie on it, all the handcuffs and footcuffs are cuffed, and the electric shocks are started. There are twenty levels of electric shocks. They are the same as the first round, and the scores are also the same. Each level is passed. You can get 500 points by receiving an electric shock. This electric shock will only cause pain on the spot, but will not have any impact on your body afterwards. This electric shock simulates the power of thunder. What you feel is the same as what you feel after being hit by a thunder. The feeling is the same!”

Everyone was secretly speechless.

Warriors who advance to the Taixu Realm and the Heavenly Realm will attract the Thunder of Heavenly Punishment. According to the talent of each warrior, the number of Heavenly Thunders attracted is also different. The more defiant the warrior is, the more the Heavenly Thunders will be, which can be up to ninety. There are nine heaven-defying thunders, but no one in history has experienced ninety-nine!

You can only stop this thunder from the sky by yourself.

When you withstand all the power of thunder, you will successfully advance.

, and if you die under the thunder, it means you have failed! Therefore, this is like a test of heaven. If you fail to pass the test, you will die. If you pass, you will enter a powerful realm.

So, this round makes sense! It is also a helpful assessment for them.

"As for the realm issue, you don't need to worry. The intensity is different. The six-star Tianzun realm will bear the power that the six-star Tianzun realm should bear, and the five-star Tianzun realm will bear the power that the five-star star should bear. We have already done data comparison on these! In this round of assessment, you can lie on it and release all your power to resist, but what I want to say is that the effect may not be great, because the power of the electric shock is not an external force, but an internal force, regardless of your earth attribute. Whether it is to increase defense or to increase defense by metal, the effect is not significant! What may be more effective is the healing of water, light and wood!”

Murong Feng said.

"As for how to judge whether it is over, there will be a decibel detector next to your head. When the sound you make exceeds 30 decibels, it is deemed to be over. The level you have endured at that time will be the level, and the score will be , this decibel is not just the sound you make in your mouth because of pain, your limbs collide with this jade bed, you shake your arms, and the sound made by the handcuffs is also regarded as the final collected sound. Okay, what else do you have? got it?"

Murong Feng glanced at everyone.

They are strong people who think this is necessary. When they heard that the defense was to be assessed, they were still puzzled. It turned out that it was to assess the resistance of Thunder. This is really necessary. Every child here can definitely reach the realm of heaven in the future. Yes, Taixu, the way of heaven is tested by the thunder of punishment, and it is also a good opportunity for them to experience it in advance!

Moreover, seeing how the Light Association is doing, there may be something about the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment in the Gate of Divine Enlightenment.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Okay, Feng Qingyu, you come first."

Feng Qingyu shrank his head.

Ahhhh! He is so miserable! First one again, guinea pig again.

Then Feng Qingyu walked over and lay there with his limbs shackled. The handcuffs and footcuffs were also specially made and they could not break free.

"Are you ready?"

Feng Qingyu took a deep breath: "Okay!"

"Start, level one!"


Then a faint sound came from his throat.

As the level of the electric shock slowly increased, Feng Qinghao's face also changed, and his body twisted slightly unconsciously. Then he released his spiritual power. It was useful, but the effect was not too great!

Finally, when the level reached thirteen, the sound in his throat became louder. When the level reached fourteen, he cried out in pain.

"End! Your final score is level fourteen, with a score of seven thousand!".

Feng Qingyu walked away with sweat dripping from his head.

"Next person!"

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