Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,493 Then let’s go to the bottom of the sea

This may be their advantage. Whoever follows them can also see his route. They take the initiative and can formulate plans.

What these strong men are focused on is nothing more than Lin Xuan's team, Feng Ling's pair, and Zhuge Feng's personal team. There are also strong ones, but as long as Lin Xuan or Duan Lingxiao's team, no team is completely wiped out. , or if they don’t perform any miracles, it will be difficult for them to enter the top ten! But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Because this round is really very good.

"There are only three S-class forces and two SS-class forces over there, and they will be the first to rush there, so the three S-class and two SS-class forces over there may have to be contracted by their team. ”

Chi Tianqing said lightly.

"SS-level forces have the Taixu Realm, which is very dangerous, but since we all plan to go to SS-level forces, Lin Xuan and the others are even less likely to give up!"

Su Zhiming said.

The Taixu Realm is very strong. They are five or six stars in the Tianzun Realm, but that doesn’t mean they can’t fight the Taixu Realm. How could a few top geniuses with various laws, fields, and attributes not be able to fight the Taixu Realm? As long as this Taixu Realm is not one with a high star rating, it will be fine.

Then they glanced at the map.

"Further forward are the demon clan forces in the sea. Among the forces in this sea, the one further ahead is the SSS level. I guess they don't dare to do it. The right side is mostly A and B level forces, and the left side is S level and above. Most of them, so after they defeat the five forces here, they will most likely go left! "

Chu He said.

"That's very clear. In fifteen days, we don't need to go head-to-head with them for the time being. We develop our own, but we also have to stop them. We go to their left. There shouldn't be a third group of people better than us. It’s faster, and we also have two space attribute warriors, Xiao Yun and Feng Chime! Although we fell behind at the beginning, we won’t be far behind in the future!”

Duan Lingxiao said.

Chu He and other powerful people are not in space, Chu He has time.

"Well, just go to the left. After they finished fighting, they went to the left and found that the forces on the left with high scores had been defeated by us, and we had even gone to other places. In this way, they could only take a long way around, and We took the initiative!”

Qin Ming nodded and said.

"Okay! Is the wind chime ready to be made?"

They looked at the wind chimes!

Wind Chime nodded.

"Everyone, equip yourself and let's go!"

Whoosh whoosh——

Then their team of nine people rushed out!

"It seems clear that Feng Chi's team and Lin Xuan's team are going in the same direction."

The strong men said after seeing this.

"Yeah, these two teams have seven people in one team and nine people in the other team. It depends on which team can stand out. Either one team will stand out, or the two teams will kill each other and the others will benefit. But I think the former "

"Yes, the former is more likely, but if the strength of the two teams is compared..."

"It's hard to say. A team of nine and a team of seven. If the score is evenly divided, Lin Xuan's team must have the advantage. But if they want to obstruct it, nine people are still stronger than seven people. They are all top-notch. Two more rules. With a few more attribute powers in the two fields, the gap is quite big! Although they have Lin Xuan, Murong Yu, and others who are not weak, the other team has Feng Ling, Duan Lingxiao, Chi Tianqing, Chu He, and Feng! Qinghao, they are not weak either!”

"Hey... it's a pity. If possible, I really hope that these children can go to the Gate of Divine Inspiration. But the rules are like this. I don't know what the secret is in the Gate of Divine Inspiration. It is obviously such a great improvement for human beings. , but why can only ten people go there every five years? Is it because of the high mortality rate?”


"Lin Xuan,

Duan Lingxiao's team came in our direction. "

In the air, Ling Ying took out her phone and took a look, and then saw this scene.

"You guessed it! They can either avoid us completely or compete with us to the end. It seems they have chosen the latter!"

Lin Xuan said.

"The combined power of the nine of them is definitely not weak! Especially when Feng Chime joins them, it will greatly improve them, and the space and creation will be greatly unknown."

Murong Yu said.


Lin Xuan glanced at the phone and then said: "They plan to go to our left."

Lin Xuan's mouth curled up slightly.

"Then what should we do? Our original plan was to go to the left after defeating the five here. The right side is full of A-class and B-class forces. Going to the left will only have S-class and SS forces. They fought on the left and kept going Going left, we keep eating their exhaust, and we will gradually fall into a disadvantage! Do we have to spend a lot of time to choose another direction? "

Ling Ying asked.

Approximately, these three hundred forces are formed into a square. The top of the North Pole is in the middle of this square. The square where Lin Xuan and the others are going is in the upper left corner. Further ahead is the sea and SSS, and to the right are B and A. Super forces, there are only S and SS along the way to the left, to the left corner, or to the other two corners, halfway, etc.! But in the direction of the other two corners, they have to walk a long way, which is equivalent to walking the distance from the top of the North Pole to where they are going now in vain!

About...half a day! Twelve hours!

"Then let's... go to the bottom of the sea!"

Lin Xuan said with a curl of his lips.

"Huh? SSS-level forces?"

Several girls were stunned for a moment.

Although SSS-level forces are indeed their mission target, SSS-level forces are indeed too dangerous. SS has about one or two Taixu Realm, but SSS-level forces, that Taixu Realm may have three bases, or even more than ten All are possible!

Therefore, although there are SSS-level forces, it is not a good choice. The mortality rate is too high!

Moreover, don’t underestimate the powerful monsters in the sea!

There are many powerful monsters on this continent, but the powerful monsters in this endless deep sea are no less than those on the mainland!

Because this sea is too big, there may even be monsters in the sea that are like empires, which is extremely scary. However, most of them live in the sea and are indifferent to worldly affairs, because this sea is no better than those on land. The area needs to be smaller!

Moreover, under the deep sea, there are many monsters with long lifespans and powers that are beyond your imagination!

Although this place is not an endless deep sea, it is not too weak. Once you reach the sea, although the standard above is SS and SSS-level submarine forces, you know that you will not encounter more powerful forces on the way to the sea. Strong?

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