Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,494 In the Underground Palace

Lin Xuan and the others quickly arrived not far from the nearest S-class force.

The five forces here should all be solved by them!

After taking a look, except for Duan Lingxiao's team rushing towards the forces on their left, no one else came here at all!

Because they know that what they come here is purely for gifts. They can't snatch it from people like Lin Xuan, so why are they here? It's better to just go somewhere else.

"I don't know what kind of clan this is."

Lin Xuan looked at the territory in the distance!

What does it probably look like? The surface of this territory is made of manufactured buildings, which are just relatively simple houses!

As an S-class force, they live in a place like this. It is not easy to build a simple appearance! After all, there are many S-class forces who are at the level of Tianzun. As for the demon clan, as long as they can reach the level of Tianzun, they can basically transform into human form. It depends on whether you are willing to transform into human form!

It takes a long time to transform into a human form. During this period, you are very dangerous and weak! So this is why you will see a lot of demonic beasts in the Heavenly Realm or even the Taixu Realm, and they don't even turn into human form, that is, they just don't choose to turn into human form.

"This is the Snow Wind Leopard clan."

Wu Yuhan looked at a ferocious snow-white leopard monster from a distance and said.

"A kind of monster that can release cold power. As a leopard, it is also very fast. I checked in advance. They are a group of monsters that seriously harm Binghai City and several surrounding cities. The leader of the S-class force is Tianzun. The realm should even be higher than ours, and the number of Tianzun should be at least ten or twenty. "

Xiao Xinyue said.

"That's okay, Lin Xuan even wants to go to SSS level forces."

Ling Ying rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan.

"I'm telling you, you have to fight me no matter what I do."

Lin Xuan glared at Ling Ying.

This girl needs to be dealt with! If you find an opportunity, you must deal with her severely!


"So what's our plan of action?"

Murong Yu asked.

"It's just an S-class force. There's no need for any plan. The seven of us go forward and fight. We'll fight when it's time to fight. The S-class force is still not worth our time."

Lin Xuan twisted his neck!


Then the seven of them walked directly towards the Snow Wind Leopard clan.


A Snow Wind Leopard outside the territory roared directly at them, and then terrifying blue power surged towards them.

As soon as Lin Xuan stretched out his hand, the power was easily blocked.

"Broken the law!"


The next moment, the Snow Wind Leopard was directly destroyed!


There was movement here, followed by a roar from inside, and figures flashed out!


The man who spoke was obviously the boss of the Snow Wind Leopard. He looked like a middle-aged man, who seemed to have not yet completely transformed. His skin still had some leopard patterns, and his eyes were still like those of a leopard. Similar to a cat, quite scary.

Then his eyes fell on the six girls Wang Xintong, and his eyes suddenly lit up! I couldn't help but lick my lips!

"What beautiful human beauties, you have made me reluctant to kill you!"

The man licked his lips and stared at them greedily.

"It's so disgusting, just kill it."

Wu Yuhan said calmly.

There's nothing you can do about it, that's what beauty looks like. How could these ordinary men in human form not be interested in beautiful women? Not to mention beauties of their level! This demon race is the same as the human race. It would be fine if you didn't turn into a human form, but if you turned into a human form, then you must like women who look like humans. It's impossible for you to like all kinds of weird things without turning into a human form. Monster, right?

Lin Xuan investigated.

This is the strongest Cai Tianzun Realm Seven Stars!

It seems that the Seven Stars of Tianzun Realm are not weak anymore.

This is an S-level force. At least few of the two hundred and fifty of them are in the Seven Stars of the Heavenly Realm!

Lin Xuan then said: "Stop talking nonsense, just kill him!"

Whoosh whoosh——

Ten minutes later, they slaughtered this place and headed to the next S-class force!

In just two hours, they had destroyed three S-class forces!

On the other side, Duan Lingxiao and the others had just defeated an S-class force!

"They've already taken care of three."

They glanced at their mobile phones, and the map showed that the three forces over there had been eliminated by them.

"It's only fifteen days, don't worry! We stay in the best condition, and the most important thing is that no one gets hurt!"

Duan Lingxiao said!

"Yes, once someone is seriously injured, it will directly affect the entire group. We would rather go a little slower to ensure everyone's safety! Lin Xuan and the others are so anxious, huh! Then I want to see if they destroy After defeating the five forces here, how do we go? "

On the other side, Lin Xuan and the others arrived near the first SS-level force.

"It should be around here, right? Why didn't you see it?"

Wang Xintong took a look.

"It's true, I didn't see it."

Xiao Xinyue looked at the map and said: "It's around here. As an SS-level force, there are already Taixu Realm, and there may even be more than one. Their territory will definitely not be too bad!"

Lin Xuan said: "Let's look for it. These have been investigated by the strong people of the human race. There should be nothing wrong!"

Then Lin Xuan opened the Eye of the Cave Spirit and explored it.

"This is……"

Han Chuxue discovered something, then poked into the snow, pulled out a human skull, and quickly threw it out.

Lin Xuan took a look, and then said: "In front, on the back slope, there is an entrance."

They then walked over.

This assessment is actually equivalent to an opportunity for them to level up! In the fifteen days of leveling up, normally, each of them would have to upgrade at least one star, no, at least two stars, because they have to face a lot of realms, including Tianzun realm and even Taixu realm!

They came to the back slope, which was a huge underground palace, and there were two monsters lying at the door of this underground palace. As the boss is a force in the Taixu Realm, you can't treat that kind of ordinary things at all. Look at this place from the perspective of a monster spawning place!

This will definitely be an orderly force!

"Broken the law!"

Lin Xuan stood there, silently releasing the Law of Destruction, and then killed the two monsters in an instant without even making any sound! This is also where breaking the law is powerful.

"Chasing the Wind Tiger!"

Murong Yu frowned slightly.

"This is actually the Wind-Chasing Tiger clan. This Wind-Chasing Tiger is much stronger than the Snow Leopard!" Han Chuxue pondered slightly.

"Then we have to go in, let's go!"

Then several of them entered the underground palace.

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