Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1495 Heading to the bottom of the sea

There are ice crystals everywhere in the underground palace. To be honest, they are quite beautiful!

The Wind-Chasing Tiger needs to be feared. First, the tiger is a relatively strong creature. All monsters that are close to the tiger are relatively powerful in the same realm and bloodline, and the Wind-Chasing Tiger’s bloodline It is relatively strong, otherwise it would be impossible to reach the Taixu Realm!

The most important thing is that Chasing the Wind Tiger is incredibly fast! There is truth in the saying that only fast martial arts can be defeated!

Monsters rarely control space and time. For Lin Xuan and others, the biggest threat is not the so-called most powerful destructive thunder or ice, but the wind or dark forces!

The Wind-Chasing Tiger clan has this kind of power! It’s not that they can’t beat them, but they have to be extra vigilant and careful!

At this moment, deep in the underground palace, there is a very beautiful place with tables and chairs, and there are all kinds of meat and fruits on the tables and chairs! All kinds of fish! We even paid a special visit to some offal! I don’t know if it’s animal offal or... human.

In this large space, there are about forty or fifty Wind-Chasing Tigers who have transformed into human forms.

At this moment, a middle-aged man was holding two pretty girls from the Wind-Chasing Tiger clan in his arms, and they were toasting and drinking.

"Brother, today is your birthday. This is my special gift to you!"

A slightly younger man offered a heart with his hands.

"Oh? This is it?"

"This is the heart of a Heavenly Master from the human race. It is a great tonic. A few days ago, I left specially to go to the Ice and Snow City of the Human Race. Then I locked onto a Heavenly Master, assassinated him, and took out his heart! "

Brother Zhui Fenghu laughed loudly: "Second brother is interested."

"Under your leadership, my eldest brother, I, the Wind-Chasing Tiger Clan, have been able to advance to this level. I even advanced to the Taixu Realm with your help. Compared to what my eldest brother has done, what I have done is just trivial and small things. !”

"Hahaha, reward, she will reward you."

Then the eldest brother of the Wind-Chasing Tiger Clan pushed a girl in his arms directly to his second brother.

"Thank you, brother!"

"Brother, when are we going to capture the Ice and Snow City?"

someone asked.

"It's too difficult. Although most of Ice and Snow City is trash, it has a large population and a lot of strong people. It's only possible if I can reach the Heavenly Dao realm one day, otherwise... it's absolutely impossible!"

"It would be great if Lord Demon God raised his troops to attack. To be honest, this human territory is really prosperous. It is much better than places like ours, where even food is hard to find."

The eldest brother Hu thought for a while and said: "This is a matter of the Demon Temple. If the Demon Temple doesn't give the order, it will be impossible no matter how we think about it!"

"But brother, it seems that human beings have come to the North Pole one after another during this period. I don't know what is going on?"

Tora asked.

"I don't know, it seems like there are still some younger people from the human race? Huh, if they dare to come, if I encounter them, I will kill them!"

Hu Yi sneered.

"Brother is mighty!"

"A toast to my brother!"


Suddenly, a group of people started licking wildly.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

At this moment, a person ran in from outside.

"Why are you so panicked?"

Hu Yi frowned, looking displeased!

Today is his birthday, and he still looks so flustered. Isn't this a slap in his face?

"Brother, outside, there are people from outside who have broken in and have killed many of our brothers!"

The man pointed in the direction outside and shouted.


Everyone stood up one after another.


"Human race? What realm?"

" seems like they are all Heavenly Lords!"

Hu Yi and Hu Er both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tianzun? Tianzun dares to come here?"

They breathed a sigh of relief and showed surprised expressions.

They have Taixu here, why would a few Tianzun-level people dare to kill them?

At the beginning,

They were even shocked!

Holy shit! Someone dared to come to them. What kind of strong man would he be? Then... Tianzun?


At this moment, several figures flew in, hit the wall of this space, vomited blood, and died immediately after vomiting!

"What about the strong ones? Why aren't there any strong ones?"

A voice came, and then seven figures from Lin Xuan walked in!

When Ling Ying and the other six girls came in, the eyes of Tiger, Tiger and others all lit up!

"Strong one? The strong one you want is right here!"

Tiger Er's momentum immediately exploded!

"Second brother, don't hurt these women!"

Hu Yi said quickly.

"I understand, brother!"

When Hu Er saw these girls, his eyes lit up!

No way, this is the man!

"I said you men are so disgusting."

Ling Ying rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan.

"Hey, hey, hey, the attack area is too wide."

Lin Xuan said helplessly.


Hu Yi, Hu Er and other strong men here were stunned for a moment.

Do they still have the time to chat?

"Do it directly! Xintong!"


Then Wang Xintong released his own domain and improved their realm!

Lin Xuan investigated and found out that Tiger One was at the second level of the Taixu Realm, and that Tiger Two was at the first level of the Taixu Realm! Hmm... not much use!

"Reduced realm!"

Lin Xuan then directly released his own domain. In the next moment, the two Taixu realms instantly became...

Heavenly Realm! Under Wang Xintong's domain increase, Lin Xuan's realm was raised to the nine-star level of Tianzun Realm! Yes, Wang Xintong can improve their Samsung level, while Lin Xuan suppresses Samsung! In this instant, the six-star gap was made up!

"Broken the law!"

Lin Xuan's power is released.

"Broken the law!"

At the same time, Murong Yu's power was released! Murong Yu released on the weak ones around him, while Lin Xuan released on the two Taixu Realm.


In an instant, the two people's law of destruction was directly invincible. Those people in the entire space were dead and seriously injured.

Hu Yi and Hu Er were stunned and fell to the ground vomiting blood.

"Leave it to you."

Lin Xuan's face turned a little pale, and his spiritual power was a little serious!


Whoosh whoosh——

Then they rushed forward.

"SS-level forces, nothing more! Let's go, deal with the other one, and then we go to SSS-level forces!"

Lin Xuan stood up!

"Do you really want to go? This SSS-level force, they said, there may even be those with five stars or above in the Taixu Realm. Your law of destruction, domain, etc., when faced with five stars or above in the Taixu Realm, the effect should be..."

Ling Ying said worriedly.

Lin Xuan said: "We haven't released our true power since the fight. We haven't really taken action yet. I think the SSS-level forces not only have a high score for us, but also train us." The chance, isn't it? Moreover, we have teleportation crystals and space attributes, so they must not be able to defeat them and run away!"

"Okay then! Let's go!"

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