Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1606: Choke you to death

Lin Xuan walked out of the secret realm of the Evil God Fire Palace and came to the Xiao family.

The Xiao family was not surprised when they saw Lin Xuan!

It's best for him not to get poisoned in the Evil God's Fire Palace. As long as he gets poisoned outside, no matter how he died or what happened, he wouldn't be able to think of them, right? Even if you think of it, what evidence is there?

And can Lin Xuan make it easier for them?

How could Lin Xuan not know that for the Evil God Fire Palace, profit is the most important thing. Now that he has joined the Evil God Fire Palace, for the Evil God Fire Palace, the benefits brought by the Xiao family are not important. !

The benefit that the Xiao family gives to the Evil God Fire Palace is the Xiao family's huge industry, and no matter how big it is, can you be bigger than the Yaxuan Group?

However, having a Xiao family is better than nothing, but in this case, he must make a choice. It is definitely impossible to kill all the Xiao family, but at least Xiao Jianguo and Xiao Yun as Lin Xuan said will definitely die!

Of course Lin Xuan knew that it was too easy for the Lord of the Evil God Fire Palace to kill them, but he told himself that he would definitely kill them if he was given some time!

Why does it take time?

That may be that he wants to kill them in a relatively silent way without attracting the attention of the Xiao family. Then, when the rest of the Xiao family succeeds, he can still control the Xiao family's enterprises.

"Master Lin, are you done talking?"

Xiao Yun saw Lin Xuan coming out and asked with a smile.

I feel so comfortable! There is nothing more comfortable than Lin Xuan dying.

"Well, we're done talking!"

"How was the chat?" Xiao Yun asked with a smile.

"It's okay, it just gave me a seat as the sixth elder, and nothing else." Lin Xuan shrugged and said!

Xiao Yun: "..."

Xiao Jianguo: "..."


Sixth Elder!

These six elders have almost all the rights in the Evil God Fire Palace!

Like the Xiao family, who has worked hard for so many years and brought so much benefit to the Evil God Fire Palace, it is just that Xiao Jianguo became the eighteenth elder!

What is the status of these eighteen elders?

To give the simplest example, the Sixth Elder is qualified to order some members of the Evil God Fire Palace to do something, and the Eighteenth Elder may be the one who is ordered!

Xiao Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief!


This Evil God Fire Palace will indeed reuse Lin Xuan, which can be seen from the rights and status given to him!

Fortunately, he was poisoned. Once Lin Xuan dies, the Xiao family will be fine. If Lin Xuan doesn't die, the Xiao family's status will definitely be squeezed!

"Hehehe, the Sixth Elder is already very good!"

Xiao Jianguo said with a smile.

"I guess. If there's nothing else to do, I'll leave first. I still have some things to do."

Lin Xuan said.

"See you later," Xiao Yun said. .


Lin Xuan nodded and walked out!


Xiao Yun snorted coldly.

To say goodbye is to see his body!

"Father, luckily he was poisoned, otherwise his power would be so great that our Xiao family would be in danger."

Xiao Yun said!

"It is estimated that he does not have two hours to live. As long as he is poisoned after leaving the Xiao family, it cannot be blamed on my Xiao family." Xiao Jianguo sneered.

"Go, send someone to keep an eye on it."

Xiao Jianguo Road.


On the other side, Lin Xuan walked happily on the bustling streets of Tiandu!

He has only been to Tiandu three times in total. Once he was a guest of the Ling family and the Han family during the Chinese New Year, once he went to God's Domain and passed by here when he went to the temple, and then this time!

Lin Xuan doesn't like big cities much. Mad, it's really unpleasant to hold his urine at night and not be able to find a remote place with no one to pee outside.

Lin Xuan then took out his cell phone and sent a message to the group. He called Ling Ying, Han Chuxue and Murong Yu.

"Xiao Yingying, Xiao Chuxue, Xiao Yuyu, I'm here in Tiandu, let's come out and play."

This news was seen by other girls,

Everyone was extremely unhappy, and started to express their feelings for Linxuan, and then they posted emoticons that would kill you, causing the group to explode.

"playing what?"

Ling Ying then asked in the group.

"I'm not going, let's have dinner at home."

Murong Yu sent a message and said.

Han Chuxue also replied: "Dinner at home."

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

"Holy crap! What day is it? Why are you all having a dinner at home? Xiao Yingying, why don't you have a dinner together?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Today is Qingming Festival, and I have to worship."


Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

Ling Ying said: "My lady has already finished her worship and has almost finished her lunch. I don't have enough time to chat with my grandparents for a while, so I only have time in the evening."

Lin Xuan sat on the street.

Ahhhh! ! so boring!

Then Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Xiao Yuyu, shall I go to your house?"

Murong Yu frowned slightly.

Now she really doesn’t want Lin Xuan to come to her house!


Her mother seemed to have discovered something some time ago, and then she kept talking about her problems with Lin Xuan, and kept making cliches. Finally, she had no choice but to tell the relationship between her mother and Lin Xuan!

Now, her parents have looked at Lin Xuan as a son-in-law, but she has a headache.

"Stop coming, what are you doing here?"

Murong Yu refused.

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

Damn it! Xiao Yuyu actually rejected herself?

There's a ghost!

"Xiao Yuyu, is there a man visiting your Murong family? Tell me!"

Murong Yu: "..."


Murong Yu replied.

"Fuck! Just wait for me, I'll go over now."

Murong Yu: "..."

She sighed helplessly and took a look upstairs.

There are indeed men down there as guests.

"That's up to you."

Murong Yu shook his head helplessly.

"I don't know if it's true or not."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, Lin Xuan went there to tell Murong Feng about the situation in the Evil God Fire Palace here.

"Then you come to our place at night?"

Ling Ying asked.

"I won't come. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll stay in Xiao Yuyu's bed at night."

Murong Yu: "You are dreaming."

"I don't care, your bed belongs to me tonight!"

Murong Yu: "..."

She then helplessly sent a "Strangle you to death" emoticon and left!

In the living room below, Murong Feng and Murong Yu's mother Lin Yu were sitting on the sofa. On the other side were two men. A man who looked about 26 or 27 years old was very handsome, and he also showed A relatively superior quality.

Next to him is a middle-aged man, who doesn't look simple either!

"Hahaha, we haven't seen each other for several years!"

Ye Haitao looked at Murong Feng with a smile and said!

Murong Feng nodded; "Yes, Brother Ye, we haven't seen each other for several years. What have you been doing these past few years?"

Ye Haitao said with a smile: "Develop human power in the field of monsters!"

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