Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1607 Ye Feifan

This Ye Haitao is a bit awesome!

He is Murong Feng's cousin! He is a cousin with a relatively distant bloodline, but if he can establish a relationship with Murong Feng, it will definitely not be easy!

On the mainland, the three major forces are at the top. The three major forces control the continent and ensure the safety of the people!

To put it simply, the three major forces are state departments! Although the five empires are five empires, they are actually one family!

However, in addition to the three major forces, in addition to some personal forces, there must be other national forces, similar to the three major forces, but not as strong or as large-scale as the three major forces!

The force that Ye Haitao belongs to is called the Anti-Demon Alliance. It is not under the jurisdiction of the three major forces. It is an independent organization and may be under the jurisdiction of the ultimate ruler behind the three major forces, such as the Light Association.

This anti-demon alliance can be understood as the most dangerous organization in the entire human race! Because the duty of the members of their organization is to break into the demon clan!

To put it simply, their members may be in the realm of monsters every day, or even stealing information from monster organizations, dancing on the tip of a knife every day! It is truly admirable.

"Oh? The human race is planning to directly establish power among the demon race? How to achieve it?"

Murong Feng asked curiously.

"This demon clan can win over our human clan, but the human clan can't win over the demon clan? At present, the main task of the anti-monster alliance is to win over some demon clans who can take the bait in various places in the demon beast realm, and use these demon clans to form our organization! "

Murong Feng pondered slightly; "Is it that easy to achieve?"

"It's not easy, but we are slowly realizing it. No matter how small the chance is, no matter how small the reward is, it will still be useful." Ye Haitao said!

"Actually, I think sometimes there is really no need to do things with small rewards!"

Ye Haitao smiled and said: "Hahaha, you need to eat. After all, my anti-demon alliance still has so many people to feed. It's okay. Everyone is in the monster field every day. Although the danger is higher, the risks brought by it are still high." It will also greatly improve yourself!”

"Well, Feifan has also joined the Anti-demon Alliance now?"

Murong Feng smiled and looked at the twenty-six or seven-year-old Ye Feifan next to him.

"Yeah, I feel like it's something I want to do."

"Okay! As expected of a strong man who came out of the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, Feifan, you should be about to hit the heavens now, right?"

Ye Feifan nodded; "Well, it's just that this Heavenly Dao realm is too difficult. I don't know when I can hit it."

"Hahaha, it's just a matter of time. You can be promoted to the Heavenly Dao after all. This human race will soon have another Heavenly Dao. It's great to congratulate you. If you are promoted to the Heavenly Dao, you should be the youngest person in the history of the human race to be promoted to the Heavenly Dao. Be one of them!"

Murong Feng nodded with satisfaction.

"Those are all false names. Improving yourself is the most important thing."

Ye Feifan said.

"Hahaha, what I'm saying is, wife, go make some food."

Lin Yu nodded; "You drink tea, and I'll cook."

"Brother Murong, I came here for one thing this time."

Ye Haitao looked at Murong Feng, then took a sip of tea and said!

"Brother Ye, please tell me."

Murong Feng nodded.

"My son..."

Ye Haitao patted Ye Feifan's shoulder next to him and said: "You also know that my son has liked Xiao Yu since he was a child. He has never forgotten Xiao Yu for so many years. In order to be worthy of her, Feifan trains hard every day. At such a young age, he is ready to challenge the way of heaven, and sometimes I am frightened by his cultivation."

Murong Feng nodded; "Yes, it's no wonder that this kid is able to attack the heavens at a young age. There is a reason."

"This boy Feifan has liked Xiaoyu since he was a child. After so many years, he is not young anymore. He is already twenty-seven years old. That girl Xiaoyu is also twenty-two or twenty-three, right?"

Murong Feng nodded.

"So, I don't know what you mean, Brother Murong?? Come here today,

I came to propose marriage with Fei Fei, and I also hope to give Fei Fei, including Xiao Yu, a better family. "

Ye Haitao said!

"Uncle Murong, I really like Murong Yu."

Ye Feifan looked at Murong Feng and said!


Murong Feng smiled and said: "Now is an open society. It is no longer the ancient tradition of parents ordering matchmakers. It is up to the children to decide the children's affairs. As a father, I will not care about it. I will only consider one thing, and that is whether this girl Xiaoyu will be a good person in the future, and I will not interfere in other matters."

"But this girl Xiaoyu should be very obedient to your words, Brother Murong."

Murong Feng nodded; "Well, this girl is indeed very obedient, but it's up to the children to make their own choices in this matter. I won't get involved. Fei Fei is indeed very good. If my daughter likes it, of course I will be happy to do so." ”

"Then I will work hard." Ye Feifan said!

"Hahaha, okay!"

At this time Murong Yu came down from upstairs.


Ye Feifan looked at this extremely beautiful Murong Yu and was so excited that he couldn't express it in words. It was so beautiful! If his wife is her in the future, his life will really be enough.

"Uncle Ye, cousin."

Murong Yu shouted and then sat next to Murong Feng.

"Hahaha, Xiaoyu is getting more and more beautiful as she grows."

Ye Haitao said with a smile.

"Thank you Uncle Ye for the compliment."

"What state has Xiaoyu reached?"

"We just arrived in Taixu." Murong Yu said.

"Not bad! It's very good. It's better than my Feifan. I'm afraid it will be a disaster if you come out of the Gate of Divine Enlightenment."

Ye Haitao complimented.

Murong Yu said: "That's not true. It would be great to be able to improve a little!"

"It's a pity that although I came out of the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, I have forgotten what happened inside after I came out. Otherwise, I can give you some reminders."

Ye Feifan said.

"It's okay, it's all the same, but the unknown is a kind of experience." Murong Yu said lightly!

"Hahaha, this girl Xiaoyu is still at a high level."

At this time, Murong Yu's cell phone rang.

"Dad, I'm going to pick someone up."

Murong Yu said.


Then Murong Yu walked out.

"Does Brother Murong have any guests today?"

Ye Haitao asked.

Murong Feng smiled and said, "Xiaoyu just told me that a friend is coming over to be a guest."

"Xiaoyu's friend?"

Murong Feng smiled and nodded.

"That must be a rare genius!"

Outside, Lin Xuan waved to Murong Yu, and Murong Yu walked out and opened the door of the manor.

"You're really here."

"Of course I'm here. If I say I want to sleep in your bed, I will!" Lin Xuan grinned.

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