Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,623 Are you sick?

That’s right!

Lin Xuan was stupid!

So stupid that there are two of them!

First, that’s the mission!

Sharing a boyfriend? ?

This task is to pretend to be someone else's boyfriend, and then make the girl fall in love with you?



This is the door of divine enlightenment! I came here to train myself, so how could such a confusing and inexplicable task be triggered?

Second point, buy a mobile phone?

In other words, this world of the Gate of Divine Enlightenment may really be a new continent, a continent somewhat similar to Sky Blue Star and the Earth, just saying...

Lin Xuan felt it. The spiritual power in the air was very thin. In other words, this continent might be a bit similar to the earth!

What does that mean? It’s not that everyone practices cultivation. Maybe like the earth, 99% of the people are just ordinary people. He doesn’t know that cultivation really exists in reality. In fact, it does exist, but there are too few people practicing it! It’s just that they don’t have access to that world!

Of course, there are also monsters, very few, and basically impossible to encounter. The ones you encounter are basically the kind of monsters that came from sleep hundreds or thousands of years ago and wake up!

Of course, there are also some scary things, creatures like ghosts and resentful spirits... these are real!

Just because the times are different, in a world like this where the spiritual power of heaven and earth is weak, the cultivation level of warriors is destined not to be high!

So Lin Xuan also roughly understood why they were allowed to clear the cultivation base of strong men like them!

Think about it, in a place like this, Taixu Realm is a god! Absolute God, you can rule the world by yourself! For example, if a Sky Blue Star Taixu realm appeared on the earth, then he could really rule the world by himself!

Therefore, although Lin Xuan has not been exposed to it yet, he already has a rough understanding of the situation in this world!


"Miss System, will other people trigger the same tasks as me?"

"Ding... No, ten people will trigger completely different tasks, but the overall difficulty of the tasks is the same."

Lin Xuan nodded; "That's okay!"

Otherwise, Lin Xuan is really worried that the girls around him will trigger the shared girlfriend system, which would be really scary!

"Let's go buy a mobile phone now, right?"

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin!

Damn it!

No Money! He has to get money! But before making money, he must first understand the world. In fact, understanding the world is very simple. You can understand it with a mobile phone!

Then Lin Xuan took a look.

He didn't know where he was, so he could only walk forward aimlessly!

I don't know where Murong Yu and the others are now. They must be as confused as me.

Soon, Lin Xuan saw a highway!

This damn world is really similar to Sky Blue Star and Earth! They are also available on highways and on mobile phones, so that’s easy to accept!

“Since there is a highway, if I’m not lucky, it might be very far from the city!”

Lin Xuan pondered slightly!

"It's late at night. It's actually quite easy to encounter cars on the highway. If you can just stop one, no matter which city you go to, as long as you can get into the city, everything will be easy."

Lin Xuan pondered slightly, then walked to the side of the highway and walked forward.

It's very dark, so dark that you can't even imagine it. And without Lin Xuan's cultivation, his visual ability is just that of an ordinary person, but...

Lin Xuan thought for a while, he also had a male god system, which no one else had! It should be quite useful, right?

And he has the memory of the battle in his mind. Although his physique may be that of an ordinary person, he is definitely not that ordinary.

Because he has no realm, Lin Xuan cannot activate his spiritual power. He only needs a little realm to activate it, but it's a pity that he doesn't have it! But the good thing is that everyone is the same! And everyone is a master. In a place like this, there is no realm but good strength! It will be okay, which makes Lin Xuan even more relieved!

At this moment,

Mu Qingya drove a red supercar speeding on the highway!

"I'm on the road now. I have about two hours to go back to Jiangnan City!"

She had Bluetooth headphones in her ears and stepped on the accelerator quickly.

"I told you, I don't go on blind dates! I don't need it, just leave it like that, hang up now, I'm driving."

Then she turned off the Bluetooth headset.

Suddenly, she saw a man standing in front of the high beam with his arms spread out as if he was blocking a car. She was stunned!


In the dark night, a rapid sound of braking pierced the sky!

Lin Xuan was shocked!

Damn it! so fast! This car has at least 200 mph on it, right?

So what can he do? He saw the high-beam lights on from a distance. The high-beam lights and Lin Xuan's current visual ability would make it impossible for him to determine the speed and distance! It wasn't until very close that Lin Xuan realized, I'm crazy! This goes so fast!

The car stopped about three meters in front of Lin Xuan!


Mu Qingya frowned and touched her forehead.

The brake was still very sharp, but it caused her to hit her head. It was not serious, but she was very angry!

She quickly drove the car to the temporary parking strip on the highway next to it.


Mu Qingya opened the car door and got out!

"Are you sick?"

She stared angrily at Lin Xuan in front of her.

Lin Xuan looked at Mu Qingya in front of him!

Holy shit!

So beautiful!

This is definitely a beauty that the male god system needs to trigger a mission! However, it seems that in another world, the male god system no longer triggers tasks!

This woman has a noble and cool feeling. She is wearing a very formal white-collar outfit, black clothes, a white shirt underneath, and a professional short skirt underneath, which is not too short, revealing a pair of straight beautiful legs!

This appearance is definitely not inferior to that of Ling Ying or any of them!

The delicate facial features, cold eyes, and small cherry mouth are perfectly inlaid on this face.

What does it feel like?

It's Lin Ya's feeling. Of course, it's Lin Ya's feeling in Yaxuan Group, not the gentle feeling in front of Lin Xuan!

It’s so fucking amazing!

Mu Qingya realized something at this time!

On the highway late at night in the wilderness, there is a man in front of me. If he has evil intentions, I...

At this time, she quietly put her hands behind her back.

That’s right, carry a fruit knife with you!

Nothing else, just for self-defense.

There's also pepper spray and stuff, just in the bag.

"Beauty, I'm sorry. I had no choice but to stop the car. Please help me."

Lin Xuan said helplessly.

"What?" Mu Qingya frowned!

"Where are you driving to? No matter where you go, just go to a city with people. You can give me a ride along the way."

Lin Xuan looked at her awkwardly and said.

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

She was confused, very confused!

A person appeared in the middle of the night on the most remote highway dozens of kilometers away from the nearest city. How did you get here? Came here? Who believes it!

Could it be...could he come here in the middle of the night to kill people and abandon them?

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