Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,624 This is Earth!

Mu Qingya secretly tightened her hand holding the fruit knife!

Danger! very dangerous!

He is not very old, but in this wilderness, let her take him back? How could she dare?

However, if he refuses, will he get angry and kill him directly? No, he will definitely have sex with her before killing him!


No! Mu Qingya, you are a calm woman. When something like this happens, you should know what to do! You know! Think about those previous need to calm down!

"I'm going to Jiangnan City, will you go too?"

Mu Qingya then asked!

"Jiangnan City?"

Lin Xuan's eyes widened!

"You mean Jiangnan City?"


Lin Xuan shook his head; "It's okay, I'll go! Take me there!"

"Get in the car!"

Mu Qingya tensed up and got into the driver's seat!

"Wow! Luxurious car! Rich woman?"

Lin Xuan sat in the passenger seat and looked at the car. I'm afraid he couldn't get the car without 30 million, right?

Mu Qingya broke into a cold sweat when she heard Lin Xuan's words!

It’s over! He knows he has money... wouldn't that be...

etc! If she acts like she is rich, then in a normal human heart, she will definitely want more, and then she will have a chance to survive!

"It's okay! I'm only worth a few hundred billion."


The sports car started and then sped forward!

Lin Xuan took a breath!

Wow go! Randomly met a rich woman of this level? She has beautiful legs, a kind heart, and is damn rich!

"Then...can you lend me some money?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Mu Qingya frowned slightly!


wrong! This person is trying to eliminate his psychological defense against him!

"How many?"

Mu Qingya asked while driving the car, her left hand secretly unlocking her phone with her fingerprint. She was very smart and deliberately turned on the interior lights, fearing that the light of her phone would be seen by Lin Xuan.

"Ten thousand, okay?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Ten thousand?"

She was surprised.

Shouldn't it be to blackmail her for hundreds of millions?

"I'll just buy a mobile phone and have a meal."

After all, Lin Xuan has no realm here, he still needs to eat! Now he is very hungry! It's been a long time since I've felt this way.


Mu Qingya nodded and dialed the number back with the help of her peripheral vision and feeling.

"Wow! Are you so happy?"

Lin Xuan was shocked!

What a kind, long-legged sister.

Woohoo, so touched, there are still so many good people!

"Hey, what are you doing with your hands? Can you get me some money?"

Lin Xuan glanced at her other hand.

"Be careful not to be distracted while driving and use two hands!"


Mu Qingya was startled and dropped her phone.

"Um... get some money for you, but it suddenly occurred to me that I don't have any cash."

Mu Qingya said.

"It's okay. When we get there, will you buy a mobile phone for me? And then transfer the money to me?"


No matter what she does now, she can only obey him temporarily, otherwise if he is unhappy, she will be in danger!

As for why he only needs 10,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone? She wasn't sure, it was the first time this happened to her.

Lin Xuan felt extremely comfortable meeting such a kind and beautiful sister.

"What, what's your name?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Mu Qingya."

"sounds so good."

Murong Ya nodded stiffly without answering!

It’s over! The phone fell and there was no way she could make a call! And now there are still three hours' drive from Jiangnan City. She doesn't know what will happen to her in these three hours!

"My name is Lin Xuan, nice to meet you."

Lin Xuan smiled.


Mu Qingya nodded.

"Hey, drive slower! Drive slower!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help shouting!

Now he has no realm,

He was driving so fast, if something happened he would be dead!

Mu Qingya just wanted to go to Jiangnan City quickly to be safe, but...he told herself to drive slower, so she could only slow down.

"Is there any cigarette?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Yes, there is a storage box in front of you."

Lin Xuan opened the storage box and took out a small black pair of underwear.

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

"I'll go! You... shouldn't be in the car, right?"

Lin Xuan was shocked!

" sister's."

Mu Qingya didn't dare not answer Lin Xuan now.

It’s over! It’s over!

If he sees something like this, will he suddenly feel lustful, and then...

It was indeed her sister's. As for why Mao was in her car, that girl liked to play. She drove her car and went crazy with some of her best friends. When she was drunk, she would compare the beauty of others' underwear, and then throw it in her car. Got it!

"You still have a sister. Did your sister cheat with someone else?"

Lin Xuan asked in surprise.

The world of rich people is really crazy.

"have no idea."

Lin Xuan then took out a pack of cigarettes and frowned!


this? ?

Lin Xuan lit a cigarette and tried his best to restrain the excitement caused by his suspicion.


Mu Qingya coughed, then drove to the slow lane and opened the window a little.

"You don't smoke?"


"Then why do you have a cigarette? Your sister's?"

"You'll need it when dining with clients."

Mu Qingya said obediently, but her tone was cold. After all, this girl had such a personality.

"I see!"

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Miss Qingya, you said you were going to Jiangnan City, right?"

"Um. "

Mu Qingya nodded.

"Then is there Yanjing here?"


This person is so strange!

Lin Xuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Is it listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange?"


Lin Xuan: "..."

"Is this... the earth?"

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

This man is mentally disturbed! no! It's too dangerous, she's too dangerous!


Lin Xuan:? ? ?


Lin Xuan shouted!

Mu Qingya trembled all over!

Although she is a strong woman, she is not afraid of such men, but in this situation, she is really alone and helpless!

Lin Xuan sat there in shock, his hand holding the cigarette trembling!


He returned to Earth?

This is the earth?

Passing through the Gate of Divine Inspiration turns out to be...the Earth! ?

He really couldn't restrain his shock and excitement!

Earth! He is back! And he can go back again! Go back in three months!

That is to say...

If he could do something, he might be able to shuttle back and forth between the Sky Blue Star and the Earth. Is it really possible that he can do it without becoming a so-called god?

this? ? ?


Lin Xuan murmured!

It should have been about three years since he left the earth and arrived at Sky Blue Star. If the timeline is the same, then three years have passed since the earth. Dongfang Xue... how is she?

When he left, his heart was broken by Xuanyuan Qingtian of the hidden family Xuanyuan Family, he fell from the cliff and then traveled through time, while Dongfang Xue was taken away by the Dongfang Family before that!

Xuanyuan Qingtian has been coveting Dongfang Xue!

Now, he's back!


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