Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,628 It’s as if he was once a human on Earth

Qin Yijun was shocked!


Is this person dead?

That person standing in front of her? ?


Qingya said that she saw this man blocking cars on the highway. He was standing alone in the middle of the highway blocking cars in the middle of the night. This was so scary! Coupled with this information, could it be...


Qin Yijun swallowed.

No, no!

How can there be ghosts? How can there be ghosts in this world! Moreover, he is dressed in a human-like manner and is not dirty at all!

The only explanation is...


He forged a death certificate for himself!

That means he has an ulterior secret! In addition, he wanted to kidnap Mu Qingya, so he must belong to some extremely terrifying organization! He even forged a death certificate and made him disappear. He must not be simple!

And in addition, he even defeated her by easily letting go of the handcuffs just now... She has the right to doubt...

But there are doubts!

First, he kidnapped Mu Qingya, but it was so troublesome given his ability, so he just took her away. He would not make such a mistake!

Second, since he forged a death certificate, why did he tell her his original identity?

so annoying! How weird!

Lin Xuan; "..."

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment when he heard what she muttered!

Holy shit!

Yes, he should be dead in this world. Even if no one found out that he was dead, it would be wrong to have no signs of activity for several years!

Apparently someone from the Xuanyuan family forged a death certificate for him and he fell off a cliff and died?

"Who the hell are you!"

Qin Yijun has no intention of revenge now. She has no intention of avenging this bastard for being so naughty and supporting her from behind. That's not right! To be precise, she was planning to do something big. If some shocking information was found out about Lin Xuan, she would be punished with the death penalty or something like that. This was called venting her anger!

"Me? An ordinary person."

"Why do you have this death certificate if you're not dead?"

Qin Yijun stared at Lin Xuan.

"Actually, I did fall off the cliff back then! Heart Burial Cliff, an abyss of several thousand meters!"

Lin Xuan said.

"Then what?"

"Then when I woke up, I found that I was blocked by a branch. At the same time, I discovered that there was a cave behind the branch growing on the cliff! So I went in, and then I found that there was actually a cave in the cave. There was a corpse from many years ago, and in front of the bones there was a book of exercises called Nine Yang Squeezing... The magic skills. I walked through the cave, and behind it was a paradise. I had practiced the magic skills there for three years, but now I lost them when I came out of the mountain. ID card, no money..."

Qin Yijun:? ? ?

Damn it!

"Don't say yes!"

Qin Yijun then said: "Lock him in!"

"Yes, head!"

"Hey hey hey, you can't do this!"

Lin Xuan was then imprisoned very bitterly!

Lin Xuan feels uncomfortable! He still has a mission!

"Head, that person..."

Qin Yijun sat in front of the computer and said: "Everyone is working overtime tonight. No one is allowed to leave. Please turn over Lin Xuan's information for me."

"Boss, my wife has given birth."

A man said aggrievedly!

Another man picked up his phone!

"What? My wife cuckolded me? I'm coming over right now!"

There is another man holding his stomach and running to the toilet!

"Come back to me!"

Qin Yijun shouted, then pointed at them and said: "This is a big case. If it is solved, maybe all of you will be able to receive first-class merit! A person forged a death certificate. You said, the case behind this If it is found... look at Zhang Ming, he has already started investigating!"

"Holy crap! Fake death certificate? My stomach doesn't hurt anymore!"

"What? My wife is over? Then I won't go!"

Then a group of people worked overtime crazily.

"Boss, there's nothing special about this guy."

They turned over Lin Xuan's information completely.

"Yes, he was twenty years old, that is, he fell off a cliff and died three years ago.

Before that, he was just a person who didn't even go to high school. Junior high school was just an ordinary junior high school. After graduation, he started working, washing cars, working as a network administrator, and serving dishes. The only special thing about this is that I have been sweeping the land in the Shaolin Temple for three months, and the rented house is only 300 yuan a month. I have never had a fight, never committed a crime, and it seems I haven’t had a girlfriend yet, so that’s nothing. "

That's right, this is Lin Xuan's life on earth!

If you work hard enough that you can't work any harder, then you are a pure Diao Si.

"One more thing, he is actually an orphan!"

Qin Yijun frowned!

You want to say that this is no problem, and it is indeed no problem, but now it feels like the problem is big!

A forged death certificate, a pure wire, disappeared for three years and became so powerful...the three-year blank period...what happened?

"Can we find out anything else? Does he have any friends?"

"There is one friend... I have been with him for a long time. Zhang Yang, a junior high school classmate, is also a diao. Now... let me check... well, he is now working as a security guard at the Mushi Group!"

"Mushi Group?"

Qin Yijun frowned!

It feels like so many things are inexplicably connected together?

"Boss, if we can't find any evidence, what he did doesn't constitute a crime and he has to be let go."

Zhang Ming said.

"Depend on!"

Yes, what Lin Xuan did did not constitute a crime!

Firstly, Lin Xuan did not threaten Mu Qingya, secondly, he did not cause any personal harm to her, thirdly, he did not rob or rape her, and he even asked to borrow money in advance to buy a mobile phone... Therefore, if it was more than 48 hours, he could only let her go.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Qin Yijun is extremely unhappy!

Why do I feel like there is a big case involving this person!


"Okay, let's go back and rest!"

Qin Yijun put on her coat and left the police station helplessly.

She had to go find Mu Qingya and talk about the specific details if she wasn't asleep.

And Lin Xuan was lying there with his eyes closed, feeling helpless!

Normally he can practice, but the system means that he can only restore his realm by completing tasks, so he can't practice now!

"Damn it! What a disaster."

"But there is no evidence and I can only detain him for two days at most, right? I haven't committed any crime anyway, so they won't be able to find out no matter how hard they check!"

Lin Xuan went to sleep comfortably after thinking of this.

Early the next morning, Qin Yijun and Mu Qingya came here together!

"Qingya, you slept last night. Lin Xuan is quite strange about this. I told you too. Do you have any details?"

Mu Qingya shook her head.

"I thought about it carefully. Maybe I was too sensitive. He didn't do anything to threaten my safety."

Mu Qingya looked at her and said.

"Isn't there any threat at all?"

"No, it just feels weird. It's as if... he was once an Earthling, or he hasn't seen the world for a while. That's how it feels."

Mu Qingya pondered.

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