Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1629: Sharing boyfriend, start!

Qin Yijun heard what Mu Qingya said, and then thought of what Lin Xuan said.

Could it be that this person has really been practicing for three years?

Nonsence! How could she believe such nonsense?

"Yijun, what's wrong? Did you find something?"

Mu Qingya took a sip of hot water and then looked at Qin Yijun with her beautiful eyes and asked.

Qin Yijun shook her head: "No, on the contrary, this person is just a thief."


Mu Qingya straightened her rags a little, then stood up and said, "I'm probably too sensitive. I'm at the company. If you have any questions, please contact me."


Mu Qingya then walked away.


Qin Yijun grabbed his hair and then locked Lin Xuan in the room.


Qin Yijun leaned there and looked at Lin Xuan.

"I said eldest sister, let him go."

Lin Xuan stood up and looked at Qin Yijun.

"Do you think you can still come out?"

Qin Yijun took a sip of tea and said.

"Tell me what crime I have committed! I did not rob or threaten you. I borrowed the money to buy the mobile phone. What crime have I committed? Be careful and I will sue you!"

Lin Xuan glared at that woman!

it's beautiful!

There was no white top last night.


Qin Yijun opened the door.

"Let's go!"

Lin Xuan walked out and glanced at her.

"You just wait for me and waste my whole day. I'll pay hundreds of thousands per minute!"

Lin Xuan said!

"Come on, poor B, you have to borrow other people's money to buy a mobile phone." After that, she threw Lin Xuan's mobile phone to him.


Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose!

"We'll see you later!"

Lin Xuan didn't want to stay here any longer, so he quickly ran away!

"Boss, don't you doubt him? Why did you let him go before he had enough time in the past forty-eight hours?"

Zhang Ming asked puzzledly.


Qin Yijun's lips curled up: "You don't have to worry about it!"

Why did she let Lin Xuan go?

Don't forget who she is. Lin Xuan's cell phone has been installed with eavesdropping and positioning devices. She doesn't believe it. If there is something wrong with this person, she can't find it?

Lin Xuan had a headache while walking on the busy street!

I bought a mobile phone and forgot to borrow the money. Fortunately, I ate some skewers last night and I can handle it for the time being!

"I don't know...has Xiaoxue changed her mobile phone number?"

Lin Xuan picked up the phone and pondered as he walked forward, feeling a little excited!

Then Lin Xuan dialed the number that had been hidden in his memory for a long time.

"The application you are dialing does not exist."

Lin Xuan sighed.

Let’s just say I have some expectations!

Now it’s clear, make money, and share boyfriend tasks.

Lin Xuan came to sit on a chair on the roadside and turned on his mobile phone!

Then Lin Xuan got a website, entered the website, Lin Xuan had the highest power, and then Lin Xuan took a look.

What does it probably mean?

If those girls need to temporarily pretend to be their boyfriends, they can come to this website to send messages. Lin Xuan will screen them, choose two and then do the task. Of course, he needs to make these two girls like him!

Now Lin Xuan took a look, and there was no one!

"Hey, system, do I need publicity?"

"Ding... No need. If necessary, girls will automatically know this website in their minds."

"Okay, can you borrow some money? I'm hungry."

system:? ? ?


Lin Xuan said that it was so difficult for him. When he came to this earth, why did he feel that everything he did was not as easy as on Sky Blue Star?

Maybe there's another reason, he doesn't have the strength.

Mu Qingya was sitting in the office and reviewing some contracts. After all, she was the boss of such a big company!

At this time, a person opened the door and walked in!

Mu Qingya looked up.

She was confused at first, why would someone enter her office without knocking?


"Mom, why are you here?"

What came in was a beautiful woman who was well-maintained and it was obvious at a glance that she must have been very beautiful when she was young.

It's just that these people in this world have not practiced cultivation, so their faces are still covered with many traces of time.

"I said, why are you still in the company today? I have arranged several blind dates for you today. They are all the sons of business giants or the best boys of your generation. You don't have to work today. Leave it to your assistant. Hurry up. Change your clothes and go on a blind date.”

Mu Qingya had a splitting headache.

"Mom, I don't go on blind dates!"

"No blind date? I said Qingya, how old are you? You are already twenty-five. People who are twenty-five have children. We are not in no condition to find a boyfriend. Your father is not in good health. You should hurry up. It would be great to find a boyfriend and get married. We won’t be short of money and we don’t need to earn much.”

Zhang Ting came over and packed her things and said.



Yes, this is what gives Mu Qingya a headache!

Twenty-five is indeed not too young!

On Earth, it is different from Sky Blue Star. On Sky Blue Star, people can have realms and delay aging, but here everything is normal.

But she really has never met a boy she likes.

Blind date?

Yes, those men are indeed excellent, and there are many people chasing her, who can line up tens of thousands of meters away, but what can you do if you don't like her?

"Mom, I have a boyfriend."

Mu Qingya could only find an opportunity to deal with it temporarily.

"What? You have a boyfriend?"

Zhang Ting was stunned!

"Well, I just found my boyfriend two days ago."

"How about it?"

Mu Qingya said: "It's okay."

Zhang Ting looked at her beautiful daughter.

"Daughter, please don't lie to me."

"No, Mom, I'll take him home tonight to show you and dad." Mu Qingya said!

"You young people like to find people to pretend to be boyfriends now. You girl suddenly got a boyfriend. Wouldn't you be the same..."

Mu Qingya: "..."

"No, don't worry, Mom."

"Then you call him now and I want to listen."

Mu Qingya: "..."

"He's at work, so he probably doesn't have time. He just has some time at night."

"what does he do?"

"Create... start a business."

Zhang Ting glanced at her daughter.

"Take it home tonight."


Then she walked away.

Mu Qingya took a long breath, sat on the chair and rubbed her temples.

So what can she do?

She opened her beautiful eyes, her eyes cold and helpless. Then she quickly turned on her computer and entered a website address. When she saw the phone number on the website, she dialed it.


On the other side, Lin Xuan, the chicken thief, was eating fried noodles using Huabei to pay.

"Excuse me, are you the customer service representative of Shared Boyfriend?"

Lin Xuan bit off the fried noodles and nodded quickly; "Yes."

"I need to pretend to be a boyfriend. I just need to look normal, but I need to have a strong cultural background, understand all kinds of business information, and preferably have some talents. Is there anyone who matches?"

"Ding...the mission is started, and the host will gain various talents such as [Piano], [Guitar], etc."

Lin Xuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"No problem." Lin Xuan then said.

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