Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,630 Oh, you still have a sister?

Lin Xuan didn't expect that this person was Mu Qingya. In such a big place and with so many people, how could it be such a coincidence.

It was even more impossible for Mu Qingya to think that the other end of the phone was Lin Xuan!

She didn't know what the mobile phone number Lin Xuan had at that time was.

Lin Xuan then asked: "When?"

"I'll be waiting for you in Box 3 of Yixuan Pavilion at 7 o'clock tonight. There are some things I need to tell you in advance."

Lin Xuan took a sip of noodles and nodded: "Okay!"

Mu Qingya frowned when she heard the sound of noodles being sucked from the opposite side!

"A friendly reminder, my parents are not ordinary parents."

She said something!

"no problem."

Lin Xuan said.

"Okay, where's the reward?"

Mu Qingya asked.

"One hundred thousand."

She frowned.

It's not that she can't come up with 100,000 yuan, but... 100,000 yuan for pretending to be a boyfriend?

"Isn't it a bit expensive?"

Mu Qingya asked.

She even wondered if this was a liar?

"We are all the elites among the elites. You also said that your parents are not simple, which is a test for our staff, and I will guarantee that our people can make you have no worries at all. My father-in-law and mother-in-law love it very much.”

Mu Qingya pondered slightly, but since they dared to hand over so much money, it also proved their confidence!

"If you do it well, I'll give you five times the amount."

"Okay, see you at six o'clock."

Mu Qingya then hung up the phone!

Lin Xuan ate all the noodles, paid eight yuan and walked away.

"Do you need to be talented? Do you need to know how to do business? What my parents-in-law wants is that they like me, but that's not all."

Lin Xuan has a lot of experience meeting father-in-law and mother-in-law, so he still understands this.

At six o'clock in the evening, Mu Qingya was waiting for Lin Xuan in Box 3 of Yixuan Pavilion.

She had bought the gifts herself, and then she could just pretend that they were bought by her fake boyfriend. They were all liked by her parents, and she, as a daughter, knew very well.

Dong dong dong——


Mu Qingya said lightly, then the door was pushed open and Lin Xuan walked in!

"Hello, I'm...fuck! Why is it you?"

Lin Xuan was shocked when he saw the cold and beautiful woman in front of him.

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

Is this person poisonous?

Why is it him? Have you not read the almanac these days?

No... is he talented? Do you know how to do business?

What the hell is this?

Why is it him?

Could it be that he planned everything carefully?

Otherwise it couldn't be such a coincidence, right?

However, that website... is impossible...

"How did you..."

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose and said: "I know what you are going to say, but everything is such a coincidence. What do you think is a coincidence? I just finished the website and prepared to start a business, and you became the first customer of my website. ”

Mu Qingya quickly took out her mobile phone and checked. The website registration date was yesterday!

this? ?

I’m convinced!

Ai? So how did she know about this website?

By the way, it seems that advertisements for this website pop up when surfing the Internet. This person built the website in one day. Have the advertisements been placed?


Mu Qingya took a deep breath!

Really are……

"That's up to you."

It's too late now. She has to go home at seven o'clock. It's six o'clock now. Could it be that she just randomly found someone on the road? So since the person in front of me has already done this website, he is better than just finding someone by himself, right?

"I will serve you wholeheartedly. Then I will deduct 5,000 yuan from the 100,000 yuan that will be paid. The 5,000 yuan will be the money I paid for you to buy the mobile phone."

Lin Xuan curled his lips.

"Anything works!"

Mu Qingya nodded.

What a coincidence, but when Lin Xuan said this, she felt that he was not a liar or a fraud, right?

If you want to kidnap her, why do this? Just do it in the middle of the night, there is no need to go to such a big trouble.

Everything is a coincidence, but the coincidence is a bit scary!

"Then do you meet the requirements I set for you?" Mu Qingya asked.


Mu Qingya had a splitting headache when she saw Lin Xuan's expression!

"Versatile, I can do any talent you can think of!"

Lin Xuan said.

"That's not important. What about doing business?"

"It's okay. My group has a market value of about tens of trillions, maybe more."

Mu Qingya;? ? ?

Where did this idiot come from?

With a market value of tens of trillions, you want to borrow 5,000 yuan from me to buy a mobile phone?

Is this person crazy?

“What is a company’s tax rate?”

Mu Qingya asked.


Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

“What does listing mean?”


"What is GDP?"


Mu Qingya:? ? ?

Now she just picks up someone on the street. At least we know about GDP, listings, etc., right?

She was convinced.

Mu Qingya bit her silver teeth!

"You're the only one who still accepts orders? Your Mu family is a business family. My parents will definitely ask you about some things. You can't even answer this. Why are you pretending to be my boyfriend?"

Mu Qingya was about to explode.

"Then let me ask you, what is the ultimate purpose of bringing your boyfriend home?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Mu Qingya frowned slightly.

"Satisfy your parents!"

"By the way, I can satisfy your parents. You don't want me unless you are your son-in-law. I can do this, and you don't have to worry about the rest."


Mu Qingya took a deep breath!

There is really no other way! Why don't you call your mother and tell her that your boyfriend has something to do today and won't be able to come?

That won't work. It will lower your goodwill.

Damn it!

It will be in the hands of this bastard!

"Forget it! Then your clothes must..."

Lin Xuan waved his hand: "No, no, do you know what contrast is? First give my father-in-law and mother-in-law a bad impression, and then use my talents to make them change their minds quickly. I have studied everything. You, a layman, can't Do not worry."

Mu Qingya: "..."


"Let me believe you for now."

If she doesn't believe it, there's nothing she can do.

There are two important points now. First, their parents must not see that they are pretending. Second, they must satisfy their parents so that they will not let themselves go on a blind date again.

But why do you feel like everything is broken?

Hey, that's it, let it happen.

"This is my information. It takes me an hour to memorize it, including when we met, how we fell in love, what my hobbies are, and what I hate. It's all written clearly in it."

Mu Qingya handed Lin Xuan a pile of information.

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Where's your information?"

Mu Qingya stretched out her hand.

"Lin Xuan, male, 23 years old, 20 centimeters..."

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

"You are sick?"

"Orphan, with a junior high school education, and working out of junior high school. This is my information. You can make up the rest as you like."

Mu Qingya: "..."


She took a deep breath!

The whole person is not well.

What evil had she committed?

"Oh, you have a younger sister?"

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up as he flipped through the information.

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