Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1638: So handsome and manly

Lin Xuan didn't do anything excessive. Instead, he added Mu Qingya's WeChat account.

"Feifei what are you doing?"

Zhang Ting was holding two glasses of milk, and then saw Mu Feifei listening with her ear at the door of Mu Qingya's room.

"Ah...Mother Queen."

Mu Feifei quickly stood up.

"What are you eavesdropping on here? You girl, you are not serious all the time, you just fool around every day, what are you doing here eavesdropping on your sister and Lin Xuan now?"

Mu Feifei stuck out her pink tongue.

"I just want to hear what my sister sounds like when she has sex."

Mu Feifei said with a smile!

Actually, it wasn't true. She didn't know that she came here to eavesdrop or something. She couldn't stay in the room, so she came here to eavesdrop and have fun. Who knows, she couldn't hear anything. She could vaguely hear someone chatting inside.

There was no way. She was originally just curious about what kind of man her sister could find to pretend to be her boyfriend. Even if he was pretending, it should be good, right?

Then she was so disappointed at first. She was wearing a pair of pants with Mu Qingya, and she felt that it was over this time. Then Lin Xuan's wonderful operation conquered her, and she began to realize that this man was terrifyingly powerful! If he could really cure cancer, that would be amazing!

She is curious!

She thought, she must get to know this person, wow! It feels so exciting to take it out to play.

"You girl, you are so ridiculous! What are they already there?"

Zhang Ting asked.

"No, I seem to be chatting."

Zhang Ting nodded and knocked on the door.

"Qingya, Xiaoxuan, let me bring you a glass of milk. Are you still awake?"

"No, aunt, come in!"


Zhang Ting opened the door and walked in, followed by Mu Feifei!

"Wow!, your so good!"

Mu Feifei was dumbfounded when she saw Lin Xuan's descendants!

At this moment, Lin Xuan was shirtless. Mu Qingya asked him to take a shower. No matter where he slept, Lin Xuan had to take a shower. This Lin Xuan had never taken a shower since he met her and was still wearing the same clothes. Now the weather is no longer cold. She sweats a lot and it stinks to death. She really can't stand it!


She was shocked!

When Lin Xuan took off his upper body clothes, just now, she saw that Lin Xuan's figure was not only frighteningly perfect, but also his abdominal muscles and muscles. Originally, Lin Xuan was not fat, nor was he very thin. She felt that the muscles were particularly perfect. Coupled with the upper abdominal muscles, it actually made Mu Qingya blush a little at a glance!

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is, why are there so many scars on his body? It is no longer obvious, but this scar does not look like those knife wounds or gunshot wounds. Some scars can scare people to death. She can imagine how shocking this body is when this wound exists!

Who is he? You said that she would understand if there were knife wounds, gunshot wounds, etc., but this is not the case. It is difficult for her to imagine that a modern person can have so many and such scars on his body, but this definitely proves that this Lin Xuan is really not him An ordinary person.

Before I could ask anything, Zhang Ting came in!

And why does Lin Xuan have scars on his body?

In fact, he could use the Law of Creation to erase them, but because once when he had sex with Ling Ying and Han Chuxue, they said it was very masculine, so Lin Xuan thought, so be it, Pretty good too.

Lin Xuan coughed dryly and said, "I exercise regularly and I'm in good shape!"

Mu Feifei opened her mouth!

Wow! Simply! This figure, these muscles, these abs...wait, there are so many scars!

"Xiao Xuan, why are there so many scars on your body?"

Zhang Ting frowned when she saw this scene!

Isn't this Lin Xuan a businessman? Why are there so many scars on his body? And the scar doesn’t look like a knife or gunshot wound...

"Oh, I joined an organization before, trained there, and performed missions. These were all injuries I sustained during missions.


"Isn't it some bad organization? I heard that there are some killer organizations..."

Zhang Ting asked.

"Don't worry, Auntie. I joined a regular secret organization and fought for the country. As for what I am, I won't expose it to anyone."

"So that's it, this is milk, you drink it and go to bed early!"

"I know, Auntie."


Zhang Ting patted Mu Feifei's head, who was in a daze!


Mu Feifei glanced at Lin Xuan's body with nostalgia!

Wow wow wow! She can't stand men like this anymore. It doesn't matter if they have abs or muscles. She has seen it too much. She usually runs in the gym, but the kind of body she dreams of is Lin Xuan's who is not fat or explosive. Muscles, bronzed skin, and most importantly, the kind of shallow scars that can only be seen on TV!

Wow! She actually saw it!

so amazing! This Lin Xuan feels so extraordinary!

organize? So it also shows that he is not simple. Could it be like in urban novels, where the King of War returns to the city or something? Wow wow wow! I can't stand it! !

", good night."

Mu Feifei bowed her little hand to Lin Xuan, and then blinked.

Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat when he saw her blinking. What does this sister-in-law mean? What to do?

"Good night."

The two men then walked out!

"Girl, don't talk nonsense. This Lin Xuan is indeed not simple. He may not only be a businessman, but your sister must have a special reason for liking him! He may have many secrets. You must Freeze said!"

Zhang Ting said to her little daughter!

"I know, I know, my lord, my lord, my lord."


Zhang Ting looked at her second daughter.

"Mother, do you mind if Feifei and your sister become his girlfriend?"


"It hurts."

Mu Feifei covered her vagina.

"You girl, don't even want a penny of your pocket money if you keep talking nonsense!"

After saying that, Zhang Ting walked away!

"Huh! Don't ask for your sister."

Zhao Feifei's beautiful eyes flashed with cunning!

My appearance is not that bad compared to my sister's, um... Why don't you find a chance to seduce her? Wow! If this person misses it, there won't be another one.

"The scars on your body..."

Mu Qingya looked still a little disturbed.

"Want to touch me? I'll touch you as much as I can after you take a shower."

Lin Xuan laughed evilly.


Her pretty face suddenly turned red, and then she pointed to the indoor bathroom and said, "Go and wash it! There are new towels inside, so you can wear clothes when you come out!"

"I know, honey, honey, let's sleep in the same bed tonight."

"You have a good idea, you sleep on the bed and I sleep on the sofa."

"What if auntie comes in while we are asleep? I saw the look in auntie's eyes before she left, but she still doubts about our relationship."

Lin Xuan smiled.

Mu Qingya frowned.

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