Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,639 I was kicked to death by you

She didn't pay attention. She didn't know whether what Lin Xuan said was true or false!

Lin Xuan said: "Hey, I am so good. I guess aunt is thinking now, how can you be worthy of me? What if you are pretending? I guess there was this suspicion from the beginning. She gave us gifts Milk is actually just observing. I guess I must come here in the middle of the night to see what happens. If we sleep separately at that time, then..."

"I locked the door."

"Auntie, doesn't she have the key to your room?"

Mu Qingya: "..."

hateful! Damn it! ! !

"Go take a shower!"

Lin Xuan curled his lips and walked into the bathroom!

Mu Qingya gritted her silver teeth and quickly put on another pair of pajamas. She didn't feel safe wearing just one!


After taking a shower, Lin Xuan came out humming a tune.


He happily lit a cigarette!

"No smoking!"

"You are my wife? Do you still care about me?"

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes!

Mu Qingya: "..."

She opened the window, and Lin Xuan looked at her graceful figure, invincible!

"Get some sleep."

Lin Xuan took a long puff, flicked the cigarette out, then happily got into her bed and slept where she just lay.

"Hey, it smells so good."

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

"You go to the other side!"

She is really going crazy! There is a man sleeping in my bed!

Lin Xuan smiled and went to the other end.

Mu Qingya took a deep breath and turned off the light, lying on her side with her back to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan didn't go too far, he couldn't go too far, because the favorability level wasn't high yet.

"When I met, were you on a mission? I your mission?"

Mu Qingya suddenly asked this question.

She felt that everything was too incredible and too coincidental. This Lin Xuan was not simple and he would never be short of money. Then he was deliberately approaching her to achieve a certain purpose!

"Sister, what kind of mission do you have that I can take a fancy to? Kidnap you? Then why should I do this? Make money? I can make money. I told you before that I wanted you to invest one billion in a project and you didn't agree. I have to do it myself. Your father said, I’m just greedy for your body.”

Mu Qingya: "..."


Lin Xuan curled his lips and stretched out his foot to rub Mu Qingya's vagina.

Mu Qingya:? ? ?


She sat up suddenly!


"I'm holding you!"

Lin Xuan smiled and stretched out his hand!


Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and fell asleep!

I'm very sleepy, I didn't sleep well in prison, and I'm not in a state of mind now, so I need rest and sleep.

Early the next morning, Mu Qingya opened her eyes, and then she was stunned!

She was actually in Lin Xuan's arms, resting on Lin Xuan's arm?

She widened her beautiful eyes and quickly sat up! Somewhat at a loss, she was arranging her messy hair.

Lin Xuan opened his eyes when he heard the noise and looked at Mu Qingya whose hair looked like it was flying away!

"I said, you seem so cold on the surface, why don't you sleep honestly at night? I was kicked to death by you."

Lin Xuan said sadly!

Mu Qingya: "..."

The last person to say this about her was Mu Feifei!

Ever since, she loved to kick the quilt when she slept. Mu Feifei was kicked by her when she slept with her before. From then on, Mu Feifei swore never to sleep with her again.

"Get up and have breakfast, I'm going to the company."

Mu Qingya said lightly and walked into the bathroom.

"Hey, aren't you going to get medical treatment today? Aren't you going?"

"No matter whether it can be cured or not, for me, what I want to know more is the ending. Moreover, it is my father's elder, and I probably don't know him very well. There is no point in going there. Besides, there will be a very important person coming to the company today. I Need to talk about it.”

"Just talking, won't I make a lot of money as soon as my product goes online?"

"That's your money.


Mu Qingya said!

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend, isn't what's mine yours?"

Mu Qingya: "..."


Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders.

After breakfast, Mu Qingya went to the company, Zhang Ting, Mu Hao, Mu Feifei and Lin Xuan, and Mu Feifei drove to the hospital.

"Lin Xuan, is it okay?"

Mu Hao asked Lin Xuan again.

"It depends on how serious the disease is. The later stages are also different. If it has caused damage in other aspects, I may not be able to do much at the moment."

Lin Xuan said.

"I'm not sure either. Let's go over and have a look."


Lin Xuan nodded.

"Brother-in-law, why doesn't sister come? Did you and her have a conflict last night?"

Mu Feifei sat next to Lin Xuan, rubbing her feet against Lin Xuan intentionally or unintentionally.

"No, she said something happened at the company."

"Hey, isn't it disharmonious?"

"You girl, shut up!"

"I know, I know!"

Jiangnan First People's Hospital...

Qin Yijun came here carrying the chicken soup she cooked and some fruits!

Her eyes were very red and she looked like she had been crying for a long time.


At the entrance of the hospital, a middle-aged man stood there with more than a dozen military guards, looking at Qin Yijun in front of him!

"Where is grandpa?"

Qin Yijun asked.

"I'll take you there."

Qin Yuan sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Qin Yijun's eyes were red!

"Your grandfather didn't want me to tell you, so he asked me to lie to you that he was traveling."

Qin Yuan said!

Qin Yijun wiped her tears.

Her parents were very busy. She was raised by her grandparents when she was a child. Her grandmother passed away two years ago, and her grandfather was the only one left. Her favorite thing was to spend time with her grandfather, but she really didn't expect that her grandfather, who had always been physically strong, would...

"Your grandfather's health is very poor now, so I can only tell you, otherwise..."

Qin Yuan shook his head.

Qin Yijun walked in quickly!

Mu Qingya didn't know, and even Mu Feifei who came with her didn't know who her father's sick elder was. Otherwise, Mu Qingya would definitely come. The Qin family and the Mu family have been friends for hundreds of years! The two girls have been very good since childhood. They are friends, best friends and rivals!

It’s just that they chose different paths in the end. Mu Qingya inherited the property because of Mu Hao’s health. Qin Yijun fulfilled her dream and became a jingcha who eliminates evil for the people. She climbed up step by step and was in no family. With help, he achieved several meritorious deeds in just over a year and took the position of captain of the first team in Jiangnan City.


Qin Yijun opened the door of the ward and looked at the thin old man lying on the hospital bed who was somewhat unrecognizable to her...

Her tears burst out in an instant!


Qin Yijun rushed over!


Qin Jianguo looked at his granddaughter with a kind smile on his lips.

"I told you to smoke less, I told you to smoke less, but you just didn't listen."

Qin Yijun burst into tears.

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