Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,646 The Lin Family

Zhang Yang was really shocked! We haven’t seen each other for three years. This Lin Xuan disappeared for three years. Why did he come back and become such a powerful person?

He had realized his previous ideal, but he was still just doing nothing as a security guard.

Lin Xuan patted him on the shoulder and said, "I believe you!"

Zhang Yang looked at Lin Xuan excitedly!

"Lin Xuan, thank you! Otherwise... I really don't know what to do..."

In fact, there is another reason why he is reluctant to lose this job. His father had an accident at the construction site before, and now he has become the only breadwinner in the family!

"Go! Let's eat and drink together at noon!"


Zhang Yang finished filling out the information and was taken upstairs by Mu Qingya's beautiful assistant.

"The position of general manager is indeed a bit too high. He has no diploma, no experience, and knows nothing."

Mu Qingya stirred the coffee and looked at Lin Xuan and said!

"He's my brother."

"I know, so I agreed."

After all, the project Lin Xuan wanted to do was done in the name of Mushi Group. The money this project could earn was unimaginable. In fact, it was okay to just pay him a salary in this position.

"Don't worry about him. His character is very good. You know this better than me. I haven't seen him for several years."

Mu Qingya nodded.

Many people pass by here and look at it out of curiosity!

"Hey, who is the person opposite Mr. Mu?"

"I don't know, I don't think it's anything special, but do you know? Mr. Mu just went out personally to bring him in. Is he a business partner?"

"That's not true. When I received Mr. Mu from a Fortune 500 company in the past, I didn't greet him in person, but waited in the office. And did you notice? Mr. Mu's assistant just brought the security guard at the door upstairs. This is to What are you doing?”

"Shh, I know, that man is Mr. Mu's boyfriend."


"Really, I just saw Mr. Mu picking him up when I came in at the door. I originally wanted to call Mr. Mu, but suddenly I heard the man calling Mr. Mu his wife. I was dumbfounded!"

"Holy crap! It's really fake. It seems that this man looks ordinary, but in fact he may not be simple!"


"Honey, do you want to go to dinner together tonight??"

Lin Xuan smiled and stretched out his hand, then placed it on Mu Qingya's slender hand on the table!

"Holy shit, shit, shit! Look..."

"There is nothing to doubt now, my God! This man is not handsome either. Why did Mr. Mu choose him? It's quite strange."

"Hey, tell me, what would the young master of the Lin family do if he knew about this?"


The young master of the Lin family they refer to is the eldest young master of the Lin family of the Guwu family and Mu Qingya's number one suitor. Maybe ordinary people only know that the Lin family's industry ranks among the top 50 in the world's top 500, but people who know it also know that the Lin family It's the ancient hidden ancient martial arts family!

What everyone sees is just the superficial Lin family, but not the real Lin family!

Mu Qingya was very unhappy and was about to withdraw her hand.

"Xiao Qingya, if you pull your hand back, what will happen to Uncle Mu if someone sees it..."

Lin Xuan curled his lips.


Mu Qingya gritted her teeth and stared at Lin Xuan.


Mu Qingya then took her hand out and stirred the coffee. There was nothing abnormal about this, right?

"A batch of the materials you requested have arrived. The factory has been vacated. I have also vacated the employees. They are all waiting. Some of them have been poached at several times the market salary. They are just waiting for you. What? When can we start?”

Lin Xuan said: "Tomorrow, prepare everything today, and I will go to the factory first tomorrow."

"The formula won't be leaked, right?"

Mu Qingya looked at Lin Xuan with her beautiful eyes.

Lin Xuan said: "Don't worry.

It's not that easy! "

"Okay, anything else?"

Mu Qingya asked.

"Yes, I want to watch my wife work."

Mu Qingya shook her head, then stood up and walked upstairs. Lin Xuan followed her happily. Then we came to Mu Qingya’s office!

There's nothing special about the office, it's very formal, but it just smells like her!

"Mr. Mu."

The big-eyed girl who looked to be in her early twenties shouted.


The assistant nodded; "It has been arranged. The rest is up to President Mu to give orders. After all, the senior general manager needs to convene a board meeting to make an announcement."

More than 170% of the Mu Group is controlled by the Mu family. Therefore, according to the usual arrangements for the general manager, it has to be decided by the board of directors. However, because the Mu family controls too much, the Mu family can directly decide.

"No, just make an announcement in the company then. There are other things to do now, so you can go out first."


She glanced at Lin Xuan and then walked out!

"Xiao Qingya, I will live in your home from now on. I wish you a room."

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

She looked up at Lin Xuan.

"I made an agreement with Uncle Mu. Since I don't have a place to live now anyway, Uncle Mu will let me live in your house with you and sleep with you."

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

Your sister!

"Lin Xuan, you!!"

"I didn't suggest it, I swear!"

Lin Xuan raised his hand!


Mu Qingya took a deep breath!

what to do?

Find someone to pretend to be your boyfriend, and now they're living together?

Forget about living together, or living together in the same room?

She is stupid.

"By the way, I will find a way to help you solve your heart disease during this period. I can also cure Uncle Mu's as well!"

Mu Qingya showed a shocked expression.

"You...are you okay with the cancer treatment you went to do this morning?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "It's ready."

Mu Qingya still had a hard time accepting it. This was completely beyond people's understanding!


"How can I thank you? You are not allowed to formally agree to be my girlfriend?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"Look for Feifei. She loves to play and is pretty. If she is interested in you, she is also a good choice." Mu Qingya used her biological sister as a shield!

"She can't do it. She doesn't have the taste like you."

Lin Xuan walked over and put his hand on her leg!

Mu Qingya's delicate body trembled suddenly.

"Don't go too far!"

She quickly moved her legs to the side!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Lin Xuan lowered his head and looked at it.

So beautiful...

Regarding her heart disease, Lin Xuan needs something, which happens to be unavailable now, but the earth does have it, but Lin Xuan may need to go through some Guwu families to get it!

At this moment, the beautiful assistant knocked on the door and walked in again.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Lin is here."

Mu Qingya frowned.

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