Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,647 They actually...

The Mr. Lin mentioned by this assistant was Mu Qingya's number one suitor, Lin Tian, ​​the eldest son of the Lin family.

This Lin Tian should be regarded as one of the best people on earth!

With a proud background, superior conditions, and even being a warrior, he comes from a top ancient martial arts family. For him, there is basically no woman he is not worthy of, except for those who may be more exaggerated than the Lin family.

And Mu Qingya is very beautiful, very beautiful, especially with that kind of momentum. In her twenties, she controlled a 100 billion group, and this 100 billion group was built by her. Before she took over the Mu family, the assets of the Mu family were only one billion. !

This kind of woman is naturally Lin Tian's favorite!

"Lin Tian?"

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows and looked over.

"It's okay, just avoid it for a while."

Mu Qingya looked at Lin Xuan with her beautiful eyes and said.

"Why should I avoid you? You are my wife, why should I avoid you?"

The pretty assistant next to her opened her mouth wide...

No way? Could this really be Mr. Mu’s boyfriend?

"That Lin Tian's identity is not ordinary. I can just send him away."

Mu Qingya stood up and ignored Lin Xuan's address to her for the time being.


Lin Xuan then hugged Mu Qingya's waist!

The assistant next to him opened his mouth.

Well, she had nothing to doubt.


Mu Qingya gritted her silver teeth and tried to take Lin Xuan's hand away. Even if this person's hand was wrapped around her, it was still there, touching it here and there.

"Mr. Mu, I...I'm going down first."

After saying that, the assistant lowered his head and ran away.

"Let go!"

Mu Qingya is convinced!

You said, you are angry with this Lin Xuan but you can't get angry with him. You want to slap him. But you really want to, no, more than one slap, but you can't slap him.

"I don't!"

"The Lin family is very powerful. I can just send him away. If you come forward, that's another concept, and it may be dangerous."

Lin Xuan looked at her and said, "What? Do you still want to keep the fact that you have a boyfriend a secret from others? And then try to catch other good guys? Bah, you scumbag!"

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

"First, you and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend. Second, it has nothing to do with you whether I am a good guy or not. Third, I am not a scumbag."

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and said: "First, you are my girlfriend. We both sleep together. From now on, I will sleep in your room every day. Second, Uncle Mu has recognized me as his son-in-law. Third, you are a scumbag." !”

Mu Qingya: "..."


She took a deep breath, she was going to be pissed off by Lin Xuan!

"Then don't cause trouble. He is very powerful and can easily destroy the Mushi Group."

Mu Qingya said.

"You mean capital?"

"Yes, and more than that."

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Then when my things start to be sold, do you think we will crush him in terms of capital, or will he crush us?"


"Then what are you afraid of?"

"That's your money."

Mu Qingya said calmly.

"You are my wife, and what is mine is yours."

"I'm not."

Lin Xuan sat on the chair and patted his legs.

"Sit down."


"Hurry up." Lin Xuan patted his leg again.

Mu Qingya straightened her clothes, ignored Lin Xuan, and prepared to walk away!

At this time, Lin Xuan directly stretched out his hand and pulled her onto his lap to hold her!

"Lin Xuan, you!!"

" he comes."


At this time, there was a knock on the office door, and then it was opened!

An assistant wearing a suit, holding a bouquet of expensive-looking flowers, and talking and laughing with Mu Qingya came over.

"Hahaha, you are right. Your Mr. Mu's character is indeed like this. Therefore, I am willing to spend more time and energy pursuing her.

Invest all my emotions, as long as she can feel my sincerity..."

Before Lin Tian finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank!

There was a man sitting on Mu Qingya's seat in front of him. Mu Qingya was sitting on the man's lap. He couldn't see Mu Qingya's expression clearly because Mu Qingya's back was facing him, but he could see it. , these two people are actually kissing!

Grass mud horse!

At that moment, his mentality exploded!

Mu Qingya, this is Mu Qingya, you can call her ordinary. She is not ordinary. With this appearance and ability, even his father praised Mu Qingya's ability. And her appearance has changed since she attended a press conference. After that, she immediately became popular all over the country, with countless admirers. She was even called the most beautiful CEO in history. Not to mention Lin Tian, ​​even other top families also admired her, so Lin Tian thought about it as soon as possible. Mu Qingya caught up!

However, such a woman is actually kissing an unknown man in the office. If you come over later, what can you do at the desk?

But... why?

Mu Qingya felt uncomfortable, her first kiss... was gone!

No more!

She pushed Lin Xuan away, then quickly got off Lin Xuan's legs, stood up, straightened her messy hair, and looked at Lin Tian with her beautiful eyes!

"Sorry, I lost my temper. Mr. Lin, please sit down."

Mu Qingya was Mu Qingya after all, and in an instant she at least regained her composure on the surface.

Lin Tian looked extremely ugly, especially since he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

Mu Qingya scolded Lin Xuan ten thousand times in her heart!


Lin Tian smiled and then sat there!

"Xiao Shui, pour some tea."

"No need, Mr. Mu has found a boyfriend?"

Lin Tian smiled and said!

"um, yes."

Mu Qingya nodded.


Lin Tian smiled: "I'm really happy for Mr. Mu."

Then he looked at Lin Xuan.


He was ordinary, not handsome, and he was wearing a brand name that he had never seen before. Logically speaking, how could he possibly pursue Mu Qingya?

Damn it!

Lin Tian then stood up, walked to Lin Xuan, and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Lin Tian."

"Lin Xuan."

Lin Xuan shook his hand!

"Brother Lin Xuan is really awesome. Mr. Mu is the dream lover of many people, but they didn't expect that these people would lose to someone they don't even know!"

Lin Tian smiled and looked at Lin Xuan and said.


Lin Xuan lit a cigarette, but didn't even try to pass one to Lin Tian.


Lin Tian frowned.

Why did Lin Xuan in front of him give him a slightly familiar feeling?

He couldn't remember it, but it always felt like this.

Lin Xuan still has some impression of the Lin Tian in front of him. The Xuanyuan family's dog often helps the Xuanyuan family, and Lin Xuan also has a grudge against the Lin family. This Lin family is not Lin Xuan's family, Lin Xuan's family is just Just an ordinary small family.

"What is the purpose of Mr. Lin's trip?"

Mu Qingya asked lightly.

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