Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,648 News about Dongfang Xue

They all knew why Lin Tian came here.

"Haha, I just came here to see Mr. Mu."

"Oh, what are you bringing flowers for?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"It's a gift for Mr. Mu by the way, but it seems that it won't be needed now."

He then threw the flower directly into the trash can nearby.

Mu Qingya frowned!

This Lin Xuan was obviously irritating him on purpose!

This is no longer good.

Lin Xuan laughed, then smoked a cigarette, and then said: "Does Mr. Lin have anything else to do? If not, please come back. My wife and I still have things to do."

With that said, Lin Xuan walked to Mu Qingya and took her hand.

Mu Qingya: "..."

"Hehehe, no more."

Lin Tian smiled and then turned away, but the moment he turned around, his eyes became very vicious!

"Why did you mess with him?"

Mu Qingya shook Lin Xuan's hand away.

She obviously didn't need to provoke him, so she just stepped forward and sent that Lin Tian away for a while, but this Lin Xuan was provoking Lin Tian.

"I'm not afraid of him."

"The Lin family is an ancient martial arts family. In addition to having extremely strong capital, the Lin family also has some very powerful martial arts practitioners. If he wants to do something, you can't prevent him."

Mu Qingya frowned and looked at Lin Xuan.

"How do you know I can't guard against you? Be good, you still want to kiss me!"


Mu Qingya pointed at Lin Xuan angrily, and finally threw her hand away helplessly!

At this moment, Lin Tian came outside the Mushi Group. He took out his mobile phone and made a call!

"Contact me all the Huaxia companies that can be contacted and ask them to suppress the Mushi Group. In all aspects, I will make the Mushi Group bankrupt within a week!"

Lin Tian's eyes were sinister!

He can't do anything to the world's top 500 companies, but in this huge China, the Lin family's prestige and voice are still very high! Regardless of whether others want it or not, at least they will give it to them. Even if they don’t want to give it, they don’t dare not give it!

The operation between companies is difficult to say, but it is simple to say simple. No matter how big a company is, it depends on the competition between the market and its peers. Every point is related to the life and death of a company!

To put it simply, Mu Qingya's company specializes in skin care, luxury goods and other products, and it is quite famous in China. If it has a certain impact on the reputation of Mu Shi Group...or in other words, various Large companies and groups have invested in suppressing the Mushi Group from all aspects. The simplest reason... The partners of the Mushi Group have terminated cooperation one after another, and the directly-operated stores they opened have suspended cooperation... Online shopping platforms have banned the Mushi Group from being listed on the shelves... …

As a result, all the goods of Mushi Group can only be piled up. In just a few days, this huge company will face collapse!

And the Lin family has this ability!

Even if it's not enough, then he can go find someone from the Xuanyuan family. This kind of trivial matter is still very simple!

"Mu Qingya, the woman that I like, you should also understand in your heart that you can only compromise. If you don't compromise, then you are waiting to perish. How dare you find a boyfriend after being pursued by me? You still know that I have already If you are having an affair with him when you come, then don’t blame me, I will turn your phoenix into a sparrow, please beg me when the time comes!"

Lin Tian's eyes were sinister!

"As for Lin Xuan..."


He clenched his fists!

"Huh! You don't need to exist in this world anymore!"

Although this is a society under the rule of law, for some special forces, no matter what you do, even if you blow up the Mushi Group and cause countless casualties, as long as it cannot be found out and the people don't know, then what does it matter? What can't be done? Just killing someone, it couldn't be easier.

The day passed like this. Lin Xuan and Zhang Yang also had a drink, and then went back to Mu's house with Mu Qingya.

Among the Mu family, Qin Yijun and her family are also here as guests.

"Hahaha, Lin Xuan, I finally see you again."

When Qin Jianguo saw Lin Xuan, he couldn't help but smiled and walked over and patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder.

"Mr. Qin, you are so energetic now."

Lin Xuan said with a smile!

"Hahaha, now that my body is better, I'm certainly stronger."

Mu Qingya was stunned for a moment.

"Grandpa Qin, what's wrong with your health?" Mu Qingya asked quickly.

"Haha, Qingya girl, you are so lucky to have met such a good boy like Xiaoxuan. He easily cured me, an old man, from terminal cancer!"

Qin Jianguo laughed.

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

The person her father took Lin Xuan to treat was actually Mr. Qin?

this? ?

And Lin Xuan was really cured...

this person……

She glanced at Lin Xuan next to her...

"Qingya, it's not that I didn't tell you, I only found out today."

Qin Yijun came over and took her hand.

Mu Qingya nodded.

"It'll be fine."

Qin Yijun looked at Lin Xuan.

Today she went to her workplace again. This time she asked her friends from above to check on Lin Xuan...

This time, she found something special.

This Lin Xuan, he once had a girlfriend... and this girlfriend turned out to be... from the Dongfang family!

As for who it was from the Dongfang family, whether it was a maid or something else, she didn't know and couldn't find out, but... it was incredible that he could actually have a connection and relationship with the Dongfang family!

Her grandfather was the founding father of the country, but as a being of this level, the Qin family is not qualified to be compared with a family like the Dongfang family, because families like the Dongfang family and the Xuanyuan family may even have lasted for thousands of years and have been from very ancient times. It has existed since then, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they created this country!

So, I was shocked!

So was his "death" due to this reason? Was it really the work of the Xuanyuan family?


But this person is definitely not an ordinary person. As for why Mao couldn't afford a mobile phone at the time, who knows. We need to get in touch with him more to find out who he is.

"Where's Feifei?"

Mu Qingya asked.

"That girl has been playing outside all day long. No one knows where she has gone now."

Zhang Ting put the dishes on the table and said.

Then she saw Lin Xuan and suddenly smiled.

"Xiaoxuan, sit down quickly, Qingya, pour some water for Xiaoxuan."


Qin Yijun glanced at Mu Qingya. Based on her understanding of Mu Qingya, the two of them were definitely pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but she actually heard that they slept together...

Then I guess it’s really no choice.

"Hey, I have something to tell you."

Qin Yijun bumped Lin Xuan with her elbow.

There was nothing to hide, everyone heard and saw it.

So what can they say about shameful things? Not possible either.

Lin Xuan actually wanted to find her and see if he could go through her channel. The police should check the current situation of Dongfang Xue. Even if it is the Dongfang family, the information should be loaded into the file, right?

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