Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,649 Damn it, I’m stupid

Lin Xuan and Qin Yijun walked out.

Mu Feifei gently lifted Mu Qingya's.

Mu Qingya looked at Mu Feifei in confusion. Mu Feifei then leaned into Mu Qingya's ear and said, "Sister, you are going to be cheated on by your best friend."

Mu Qingya: "..."

"What do you think about all day long?"

She patted Mu Feifei on the head.

Mu Feifei covered her head and whispered, "It's true."

"Okay, stop talking and eat!"

Mu Qingya blocked Mu Feifei's mouth with something, but looked out the window inexplicably.

The yard outside...


Lin Xuan smiled and stretched out his hand, pinching Qin Yijun's PP hard.

Qin Yijun:? ? ?


She subconsciously wanted to give Lin Xuan a backhand sweep. How could this person be so bold? Is he crazy?

All right! Indeed, she owed him a huge favor. Even if he stripped her naked now, she seemed unable to do anything, nor could she sue him.

hateful! Damn it!

"Can you please stop doing this."

"Then even if I do this, what can you do to me?"


She took a deep breath and looked at Lin Xuan with her beautiful eyes.

"I checked on you."


"Then I discovered that you are more or less related to the strongest family, Dongfang and Xuanyuan."

Qin Yijun said.

"Oh, the investigation was quite detailed."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"You are definitely not an ordinary person. It must not be because you were poor that you couldn't afford five thousand yuan. There must be other reasons. Can you tell me?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "Not for the time being."

"When can that happen?"

"When you get to my bed and strip naked."

Qin Yijun: "..."

"You are so lustful. You should go and get dressed."

Qin Yijun rolled his eyes.

"You have to take them off."

"Hehehe, you still want to ride on several boats?"

Qin Yijun chuckled.

"Hey, do me a favor."


"Can you check someone through your unit?"


"Eastern snow."

Lin Xuan said.

Qin Yijun frowned!

"Could it be someone from the Dongfang family?"

Lin Xuan nodded.

"I checked, you had a girlfriend at Dongfang's house? Is it Dongfang Xue? Then why didn't you go by yourself? I, I understand, did something happen to you, and then you were wanted by that kind of family, didn't you Dare to go?"

Qin Yijun suddenly realized.

This makes sense. Anyway, Lin Xuan must be related to such a top family. As for the relationship, it doesn't matter. But if he doesn't go and asks her to investigate, then he must not dare to go.

"Roughly the same."

Qin Yijun looked at Lin Xuan with beautiful eyes.

"It's strange, what kind of identity does this Dongfang Xue have that makes you wanted? Let me help you check her current situation. Of course, the premise is that she must have traces of her life, such as appearing in the store, shopping online, etc. If If not, it would be difficult to check.”

Lin Xuan nodded; "Okay, when can you tell me?"

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"Then I will go to your place to find you at noon tomorrow."

"That's okay. By the way, it is recorded in the file that you accidentally fell off a cliff and died while traveling three years ago. Was it the work of a top family?" Qin Yijun looked at Lin Xuan with beautiful eyes.

"Why are you asking so many questions? I'll fuck Qingya tonight, and I'll fuck you tomorrow night."


Lin Xuan:? ? ?

Qin Yijun cursed and walked away!

This Lin Xuan is indeed not simple. Is he also from a top family? No, there is only one powerful family, the Lin family, and he is not the Lin family, and the record of his family is quite simple, which is quite curious.

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan took a taxi and went to Qin Yijun's place!

Well, of course I had a great time sleeping with his little Qingya last night.

But I didn't do anything, so I just took advantage of it.

"Sister, sister!"


Mu Feifei kicked open the door of Mu Qingya's room!


Mu Qingya had just changed her clothes and was getting ready to go to the company!

"That Lin Xuan..."

She pointed outside and said: "I took a taxi to Qin Yijun's place early in the morning, and you were cheated."

Mu Qingya: "..."

"He and I were just pretending, so what's the point?"

Mu Qingya shook her head helplessly.

"Oh, sister, who is sucking the strawberry on your neck?"

Mu Qingya: "..."

At first Mu Feifei thought they were pretending, but later on she felt something was wrong.

"I...I pinched it out myself just to convince my parents."

Mu Qingya said quickly.

This was what that bastard Lin Xuan sucked last night. That person was really horny to the extreme. That’s not the key. The key is that he’s not afraid of anything? When he came up, he pressed himself under him and moved his hands and feet...


Mu Feifei looked at it.

There's a ghost!

This is obviously not pinched.

"Then if Lin Xuan gets into trouble with Qin Yijun, will my sister be angry?"

"Why are you angry? I have nothing to do with him in the first place."

"You all slept together."

"That's acting."

"Okay, okay, hypocritical woman."

Mu Feifei muttered and ran away.


Mu Qingya shook her head helplessly.

Mu Feifei was sitting in the living room very irritated. She didn't know why she was so irritable. She just felt very unhappy.

"No, I have to go take a look."

She then stood up, picked up her small bag and slipped out.

"Where has this girl Feifei gone?"

Zhang Ting took a look.

Mu Hao shook his head helplessly; "This girl is funny, but she is still a sensible person, so it's okay."

On the other side, Qin Yijun was yawning, stirring coffee and sitting in front of the computer!

To be honest, it is really difficult to check information on top families. She came here after dinner last night and checked all night long. She could find it, but it may not be true!

Later, she troubled the provincial government and connected to the system there, but it still didn't work. Finally, she searched for various connections, and finally got the news about Guoanju this morning, and then connected to the system there. system.

No, I'm just starting to check now.

"Holy shit!?"

The first thing she checked was none other than Dongfang Xue!

Lin Xuan's ex-girlfriend, that's quite important.

When she saw a photo, she finally understood that Lin Xuan, Mao, was obsessed with Dongfang Xue!

So beautiful!

She considers herself very beautiful, and Mu Qingya is also very beautiful, but she always feels a little ashamed after seeing a few photos of Dongfang Xue's life!

What a nice view!

She took a sip of her coffee and looked again.

"Isn't it?!"

She widened her beautiful eyes.

This Dongfang the daughter of the Dongfang family? She is the daughter of the head of the Dongfang Family of this generation, the only one, and the only daughter...

This is a bit scary!

"This Lin Xuan has a boyfriend and girlfriend... with the only daughter of the head of the Dongfang family?"

Qin Yijun was already dumbfounded while sitting in front of the computer.

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