Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1652: Absolute Comeback

Mu Qingya said: "I just asked Zhang Yang. Everything is on track and research and development is starting. I want to ask, do I need to find a few patients first and then try it?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "No, as long as it is carried out according to the normal process, I will take a look. Don't worry. You can go to the Food and Drug Administration in person and take the medicine to apply for the exclusive patent and drug qualification certificate."


Not many people know the formula, and even if they do, it doesn't matter. Now they have applied for an exclusive patent, and this drug will definitely pass drug testing standards.

Lin Xuan came to inspect various major factories.

There is no big problem, then just wait for them to make a comeback!

Three days later...


Mu Feifei sniffed and sold her car aggrievedly.

I don’t have a small amount of money anymore…

The Mushi Group has been having a very, very bad time these days. All they can do now is borrow money everywhere and fill in the blanks!

Fortunately, the Qin family has always stood behind the Mu family, and the Qin family also knew what the Mu family was doing. Of course, they were willing to help the Mu family. The Qin family gave up all their assets, because the Qin family was not a professional businessman. At home, it only costs a billion or so, but it really quenches the thirst.

"Huh? Mushi Group hasn't declared bankruptcy yet?"

Lin Tian was sitting in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in Jiangnan City, with two beautiful girls kneeling in front of him helping him with what he was doing. He was drinking red wine and talking on the phone.

"It's been three days. With the Mu Group dragging on like this for three days, the Mu family must have sold their house, right? Oh? It turned out that it was the Qin family who stopped the bleeding for them? Hahaha, so what? More than a dozen people were wasted in vain. If hundreds of millions are wasted, what’s the point? If you just declare bankruptcy earlier, you can at least have tens of millions of assets left, so why bother!”

Lin Tian sneered.

He put down his phone.

Now the situation is very clear, the Mushi Group will be completely bankrupt, and they will even lose the opportunity to become millionaires, and may even become just an ordinary family!

At that time, Mu Qingya would probably beg for herself, right?

On the other side, Lin Xuan and Mu Qingya were sitting in the office discussing something.

"Let's hold a press conference tomorrow."

Lin Xuan said!

"Okay, but... I think we need to find a celebrity to endorse it in advance."

"Celebrity? My Qingya wife is so beautiful, can't you just endorse her as you please?"

Mu Qingya rolled her eyes: "What is needed is fame. Celebrity promotions and press conferences are carried out at the same time."

"Another sum of money."

"It's worth it." Mu Qingya nodded.

"That's no problem. Leave this to me and you go prepare for the press conference."

"You? Are you okay?"

"Damn it! Aren't you just looking for a star?"

"Not only that, we also have to talk to TV stations and advertising companies. They may also be pressured not to cooperate with us, and they have to buy hot searches..."

"You don't need to buy it for hot searches. I don't believe that after this news was released, he wasn't the number one hot search?"

Mu Qingya pondered slightly: "Yes."

"Don't worry, please give me the drug certificate. I believe that no TV station would dare to go against the International. They are eager to broadcast this kind of advertisement on their station, and even wish to broadcast it several times more."

Lin Xuan curled his lips!

"What you said makes sense." Mu Qingya nodded.

"The press conference was simple. The state took over it personally. They waited for a moment from us and personally hosted it for us."

Mu Qingya said.

To be honest, she was a little flattered! Leader No. 1 actually received her in person yesterday.

There is no way. This kind of thing has really caused headaches for the entire world for countless years, and this kind of cancer is indeed a very common disease. However, there may be ways to do it in the early and middle stages, but in the later stages, there is really no way. , and it is basically in the late stage when it is discovered, but this drug can even directly cure patients who have already entered the late stage in just a few days.

The terminal illness turned into a cold!

Do you think leaders take it seriously? Take it too seriously! There has even been an exaggerated improvement in international prestige!

"There are cards! Then what are we worried about?" Lin Xuan said with a smile on his face!

Leader No. 1, originally Lin Xuan thought he was from the Xuanyuan family, but no, it is not the case now. The current No. 1 leader is... from the Dongfang family!

"You mean..."

At this moment, Xiaoyu ran in!

"Mr. Mu, there is someone looking for you outside."


" seems to be something I often see on TV..."

Then two people walked in very low-key!

Lin Xuan took a look and didn't recognize him. He probably wasn't from the Dongfang family.

"Mr. Mu, nice to meet you!"

That person who is about fifty years old cannot be said to be an old man. His status is too high. Deputy Zhuxi, Zhou Jiuhe.

"Master Zhou..."

"Hey, no, no, I'm here in secret this time. Just treat me as an ordinary partner, Mr. Mu!"

Mu Qingya sat down nervously.

"Xiaoyu, pour some tea."

Zhou Jiuhe looked at Mu Qingya with a smile and said, "Mr. Mu is really young and promising. This terminal disease that has troubled the world for many years was actually solved by your company, and even made the terminal disease become like a common cold. Just take medicine." It’s a great blessing for mankind to be able to solve it!”

"Master Zhou...Mr. Zhou, the person who developed the drug is..."

Lin Xuan quickly shook his head.

Mu Qingya then coughed dryly and said, "We also hope to do something, and the current situation of Mu Shi Group is not optimistic. This must be done to avoid bankruptcy. Otherwise, we will definitely reduce the price of this drug a lot."

"It doesn't matter. I just came over to take a look and see if there is anything the Mushi Group needs help with. You can just ask."

Mu Qingya shook her head: "It's nothing, it's just a matter of publicity now!"

"Don't worry about promoting it. When do you plan to start the official sale?"


Zhou Jiuhe said: "Then I will go back and make preparations now, ask celebrities to endorse, and display advertisements on various platforms and major TV stations. Don't worry, we will pay for this matter."

For countries, what they gain is international prestige and the capital to negotiate with other countries. This is the most important thing!

"Isn't this... bad?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. You don't need to feel any psychological burden if the country pays for it. Why would the country pay for it if it doesn't get any benefits?"

Zhou Jiuhe smiled and said.

"Thank you Mr. Zhou."

"Well, I'll go back first."

They then walked away.

"Lin Xuan, I have never..."

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "There will be more opportunities in the future. Now that the Mushi Group is protected by the state, no one dares to touch it!"

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