Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,653 A global sensation

after one day……

The whole earth was shocked!


At first, they thought it was nothing, because they had more or less seen the drugs that were about to be released to treat cancer on TV, computers, and mobile phones. What they saw was that within seven days after taking the drugs, whether Early or late stage, cancer cells can definitely be cured!

What else do you need to think about? Isn't this a liar? There are too many such scammers on the Internet and even TV shows, especially a certain TV show, a certain old woman... a certain old man!


When they switched to other channels, they actually saw the same ad a while later.

Then, they actually saw the advertisement on big channels like Hunan Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV, and they thought, it can’t be true, right? After all, the TV station behind a channel like Hunan Satellite TV really doesn't dare to mess with anything. They won't agree to release such deceptive advertisements just to make money, unless... this is true?

And young people thought it was all fake at first, but...

They found out that it was Chu Xinxin, the most popular little actress at the moment, the big star who is known as a man's dream girl, who was the spokesperson. They thought, it couldn't be true, right?

Chu Xinxin is not short of money. It is impossible for her to endorse fake things because of money, let alone fake medicines! You might end up going to jail. If something goes wrong, the compensation will cost you to death, and it will have a great impact on your reputation! Unless... it's true?

Then they saw the major celebrities, big and small, who seemed to have a tacit understanding. They were all in their own circle of friends and forwarded the advertisement news on Weibo...

Then, Huaia became a sensation! After Huaia became a sensation, other countries also got the news more or less, but it was not spread so widely.

"Hey, hey, have you heard? I heard that a new type of drug will be released soon. It is said that this drug can treat cancer. It only takes a few days to cure cancer. Do you think it is true? "

"No way?"

“Really, Baidu, Weibo, and Sogou have always ranked first in the hot searches that can be seen, and the hot search value has broken the highest record in history. All major celebrities have forwarded it on Weibo and promoted it through their various methods. , endorsed by the big star Chu Xinxin, this news can be seen on all channels, and even if you log in to the game now, this advertisement will appear for a few seconds. This cannot be fake, this is definitely true, haha Haha, great, after so long, there is finally a drug that can treat it!”

"Just, when will it be released?"

"It seems that it's just these two days. Didn't the advertisement say that? Tomorrow you can watch the live broadcast and follow the press conference on major channels. At the press conference, all problems will be solved."

"Damn it! You must pay attention to it tomorrow!"


"Master, Master is not good!"

Lin Tian was playing on the golf course, and then a man ran over, breathing heavily!


Lin Tian knocked the golf ball away, glanced into the distance, and said calmly: "What's wrong?"

“The Mushi Group is the Mushi Group.


"Huh? Can the Mu Shi Group come back to life?"

Lin Tian smiled playfully.

"Not just resurrecting the dead, but maybe even... a complete rise, an unstoppable rise!" 18

"What did you say?"

Lin Tian frowned.

The man then took out his cell phone and handed it to Lin Tian.

"Tsk - you said this is a drug developed by the Mushi Group? It's just a marketing tool." Lin Tian sneered!

"No, young master, this news has completely exploded now. It is the first hot search, breaking the highest record in history. All major TV stations have news. Now open the live broadcast, open the game, and the login page is all about this news. , even celebrities big and small reposted the news on Weibo, it can’t be false, right?”

Lin Tian:? ? ?


Then he quickly took a look at the content of the advertisement! br /\u003e

Regardless of whether the advertisement is true or false, all games, software, advertisements have them, celebrity endorsements... this already shows that it cannot be fake! There are people behind this, and it cannot be the Mu Shi Group. They don’t have this ability, not even the Lin family has this ability, and even the Xuanyuan family doesn’t have this ability. Maybe they need time to do it, but this Mu Qingya...

The person behind this may be... the country!

The country wants to protect the group, and he doesn't dare to mess with it! Isn’t this protected by the state? This is already obvious, right?

It all happened so fast, it was as if you were a member of the KouKou group, and you, the group leader, clicked on everyone and told them something, and they just helped you. That's it. Simple!

But how can reality be so simple? This involves hundreds of companies, real and fake negotiations, interests, etc. However, they all seem to have agreed unanimously... and there seems to be no so-called understanding and negotiation process during this period. What kind of people can How about making them willing to do it without even having to understand it too much?


They cannot believe in others, but they will definitely believe in the country!

No way, right? This Mushi Group...

No wonder Mu Qingya didn't panic...

But why didn't she take it out earlier? Could it be that it was developed just at this time?

"Master, what should we do now?"

Lin Tian clenched his fists!

"What can be done? If it is true, then there is absolutely nothing we can do now."

All his efforts were in vain!

Think about it, if the state protects you, wouldn’t other companies be vying to cooperate with the Mushi Group? They were able to recover their previous losses in a short period of time. In addition to this incident, even if the Mushi Group only has this one drug, but with the previous main projects, it may take off and be out of control.


Lin Tian mused: "It is still impossible for the Mu family to rise to become a top family. After all, there is only one drug. Although this drug is sensational enough, after all, the cancer patients in the world are not that so-called Many, just saying that it is very common, just saying that it will continue to appear in the future, but if you want to rely on this kind, they will slowly stop as time goes by! "

"However, the Mu Group is definitely still standing. They are the only ones who have the formula and have applied for an exclusive patent. If nothing else, the country will definitely protect the Mu family to the death for this!"

"We'll see the press conference tomorrow. If that's the case, it's actually very easy to crack. The formula can always be found!"

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