Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,681 There is Taotie inside

To be honest, Lin Xuan was a little panicked!

In fact, it would be okay if he was on the ground, but in the water, his Xuantian Realm cultivation would not be able to withstand it for long to be honest! Anyone who leaves the land and enters the water will panic subconsciously.

Lin Xuan stood in front of the door in the water, looking at it!

There are incomprehensible lines on the door, but these lines together give people a very scary feeling!

"Do you want to open it?"

To be honest, Lin Xuan felt that Taotie should be sealed behind this! So what's the strength? He doesn't know! So Lin Xuan is a little afraid!

Lin Xuan is hesitating! He never took action! He is afraid!

You said, if he were on Sky Blue Star, he wouldn't be afraid of anything. After all, his realm is there, and he has such strong cross-level combat ability!

But now, no matter how strong Lin Xuan's cross-level combat ability is, what's the use? How far can he reach in the Xuantian realm?

That’s a glutton! Even if he was sealed, Lin Xuan thought, why should he be at the Tianzun level?

Wouldn't that be sending someone to death?

But... what if it remains sealed? In other words, if you grab it with a knife and it doesn't respond, how can you kill it while it's still alive?

This is impossible to say, right? There should be such an opportunity, right?

But I still don’t dare!


Lin Xuan sighed!

Although people outside have nothing to do with him, Lin Xuan always has a feeling that if people outside die because he released this monster, Lin Xuan will always feel a little weird in his heart!

Although it doesn't matter, although those people are very greedy, but... if it is caused by oneself... then it is a bit bad!

And there is a beautiful young lady outside!


Lin Xuan lingered here for a long time...

Just at this time……



One figure after another jumped down!

That's right, the monsters outside were basically wiped out by these people!

These people, because some people saw Lin Xuan coming directly here, so when they eliminated the monsters here, they came directly here.

Then when they went underwater, they saw what was happening here!


Those people rushed over under the water and stood next to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan; "..."

Mist grass! these people……

What's even the most exaggerated? Lin Xuan was pushed aside directly.

None of them were wet. They released a little force and formed a force around their bodies to block the water!

They can even talk.

"What is this place? Little brother, how did you find this place?"

An old man looked at Lin Xuan!

If he read it correctly,

This kid came straight here after coming in. They were suspicious of something. When they came in and saw this door that didn't look simple, they realized that this place was definitely not simple! And this kid went straight here. Does he know anything about this place?

The more Liu Qingzhu looked at Lin Xuan, the more something seemed wrong!

Everything he showed before and after seemed to be very familiar with this place!

He knows where the entrance is, he knows where the trap is, he knows how to break certain things...

it's wired!

Now he is standing here again...

This seemed to be a place where no one had ever been, how could he know? Then what he said, everyone will die, isn't it also true?

Lin Xuan said, "That's how I discovered it!"

"Hmph! I think you'd better tell us something if you want to survive."

A strong man snorted and said.

They felt that this boy must know this place, otherwise, why could the Five Divine Beasts Formation be broken? Otherwise, why did he go straight here after coming in?

"Okay, let me tell you, I got a parchment roll, and the content of the parchment roll is this place!"

Lin Xuan started to make things up!

"Where's the parchment roll?"

They must believe it! How else to explain that this person seems to know a lot about this place?

"Parchment roll? Disappeared!"

"What? Disappeared?"

They frowned!

"Yes! When I got the parchment roll and saw the content on the parchment roll, the content inside came to my mind, and then the parchment roll burned automatically."

Lin Xuan said!

They frowned!

"Boy, don't talk nonsense! Hand over the parchment quickly! We can protect your safety. Otherwise, with your Xuantian Realm cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to survive here! Do you understand?"

Xuanyuan Luo said with focused eyes!

This is his chance!

He is just a branch of the Xuanyuan family, but if he can get any heaven-defying treasure here, he will become a dragon directly!

Moreover, there must be top-notch treasures here, maybe ancient artifacts!

Ancient artifact!

"I understand, I understand!"

Lin Xuan nodded "obediently"!

"But the thing inside is in my brain, what can I do? You want to dig out my head and take a look?"


"Okay! Then tell me, what is recorded on the parchment roll? What else is behind it?"

Xuanyuan Luo asked!

Lin Xuan said, "What is recorded is that there are some entrances here. If you avoid some mechanisms, well... there is nothing else behind, basically gone! As for the content recorded on the parchment roll... it is Taotie!"


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, they showed shocked expressions!

"Yes, it's Taotie! Taotie is sealed here!"

They looked at each other with surprised expressions!

"Impossible! If Taotie is sealed here, how come you dare to come here?"

Xuanyuan Luo was the first to retort.

"So, I have been standing at the door and not going in, because I didn't dare to open the door and go in, because I don't know how much cultivation Taotie has been sealed inside!"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said!

"Then are there any treasures here?"

"I don't know! I only know that there is Taotie here. I only know that there must be treasures where Taotie is sealed, so I will come and take a look! If you want to go in, this door can be easily opened, as long as everyone drops a drop of their own blood , then it will be opened, and you will be qualified to enter!”

They looked at each other.

Do you believe it? Doubtful! But they didn't know if there was Taotie inside. He didn't know what treasures Lin Xuan said were inside. No one believed it!

"Let's go in together!"

They looked at each other and said!

"Okay! Even if it is Taotie, it has been sealed for thousands of years. It is estimated that he has no cultivation level. We still have Digital Heavenly Venerable Realm here, don't be afraid! Go in first! See what is inside, boy, if you Lie to us and you will die ugly!"


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