Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,682 Taotie Appears

Lin Xuan sneered in his heart.

And died miserably?

Just say this, die for me!

Obviously, the thinking of these people is that they are half-trusting of themselves, and they also feel that they may be hiding something from them!

Lin Xuan doesn't know, anyway, he only knows that there is Taotie here, and he has told them all the news about him!

"Everyone, prepare to enter!"


Then they all forced out a drop of their own blood.

"I suggest you don't go in."

Lin Xuan came close to Liu Qingzhu, then stretched out his hand and gently scratched her white palm.

Liu Qingzhu "..."

"Will you definitely die?"

Liu Qingzhu asked.

"I don't know, I really don't know. How do I know how strong Taotie is?"

"Then I want to take a look!"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders.

Really, stupid woman!

Why is it so hard to have sex with such a stupid woman?


She is still as naive as my sister-in-law and is easy to deceive!

No, the sister-in-law was not fooled by Lin Xuan at all. Lin Xuan just showed his hands, and then she sacrificed herself directly.

This kind of girl is better.

"Okay! It's up to you! Don't blame me if you die."

Liu Qingzhu nodded.

Then the door opened. Although the door was open, there was still something similar to a barrier!

The man dripping with blood directly penetrated the barrier and walked in!

Lin Xuan also dripped a drop of blood and walked in!

After walking in, there is a huge passage with no one! After walking for a while, they all came to a unique place!

This is obviously still the bottom of the lake, but when you look up, it's so beautiful. It's like there's a moon above your head, as if there's moonlight projected over you. There are all kinds of spiritual stones on the ground! You can even see some rare heaven and earth spiritual objects!

The spiritual power of heaven and earth here is somewhat strong!

This space is very, very large. It looks like a huge space in a cave, and you can't even see the edge at a glance!

"Everyone, be careful, there seems to be no way to get here!"

Then someone looked at Lin Xuan.

"Boy, are there other passages here?"

Lin Xuan's cave spirit eye investigated.

"No, this is the end!"

"Everyone beware!"

Xuanyuan Luo shouted, and everyone dispersed, looking for something in this huge place!

"Hey, look, this is Liuwei Dihuangcao! There can be such a level of heaven and earth spiritual things here!"

"Quick! Collect!"

Then those people collected many heaven and earth spiritual objects here one after another!

Xuanyuan Luo and others walked together,

Their eyes fell on a huge stone tablet in front of them! In front of this stone tablet, there is a sword inserted. This sword did not attract many people's attention, because there are too many swords in the whole space, not even ten thousand but eight thousand, and this sword is the same as other swords. , is also rusty.

"This stone monument is the most special place in the entire space!"

They groaned!

"I've looked around, but I haven't found Taotie or any monsters!"

Then Xuanyuan Luo looked at Lin Xuan who was wandering not far away!

"Boy, where's the Taotie? Didn't you say there was a Taotie?"

Lin Xuan looked over and took a look with his cave spirit eyes.

I go!

That sword...

"Taotie, it's in this stone tablet."

Lin Xuan took a look and said!


Xuanyuan Luo sneered, then flashed in front of Lin Xuan, pinched Lin Xuan's neck, "Boy, you'd better tell me the truth!"

Lin Xuan is really unhappy!

"I told you, Taotie is in the stone tablet!"

"Okay! How to open it?" Love Books

Lin Xuan then said, "Pull out the sword in front of the stone monument!"

Xuanyuan Luo frowned, then walked over and put his hand on the sword!


The next moment, he pulled the sword up from the ground!


At the same time, the entire space was shaking... Everyone stood there, looking around in horror!

Lin Xuan secretly shook his head.

I don’t know if this sword has something to do with Taotie’s seal after it is pulled out! Or, Taotie will be released directly!

But it wasn't him who let it go.


Those people looked at each other!


At this moment, a powerful force blocked the entire space!

Lin Xuan's pupils suddenly shrank!

Fuck you!

Can you please stop doing this?

This power is similar to a barrier, or a space blockade, and this intensity leaves Lin Xuan helpless! The other strong men are even more impossible!

"Not good! The space we are in is blocked!"

A strong man's pupils shrank!


Xuanyuan Luo threw aside the rusty sword in his hand, then stretched out his hand and offered his spiritual weapon!

"Everyone, be alert and prepare to fight!"



A beastly roar like a king appeared in the void!

With this sound, everyone's heart trembled!

This definitely belongs to a very powerful existence. In this voice, there is the aura of an absolute king! Just like when a person hears the roar of a tiger, his heart will naturally tremble!

"Little sister, come with me!"

Lin Xuan took Liu Qingzhu's hand and dragged her away from the stone monument!

"Is it really Taotie?"

Liu Qingzhu frowned and asked!

"Nonsense! Can I lie to you?"

"Then what are you here for?"

"For what?"

Could it be that Lin Xuan told her that he wanted to kill Taotie?


Lin Xuan felt like he was making a bit of money!


Because of this sword in my hand!

This sword was the sword that was inserted in front of the stone tablet at that time. It was the rusty sword that Xuanyuan Luo pulled out and threw away!

But Lin Xuan knows that although the rust on the outside of this sword is real, it does not mean that the sword is really rusted, but that it has been added to it over time!

This is a true artifact!

What an idiot!

Throw away all these artifacts!

Just think about it, can this sword be the same as the others?

Other swords are scattered everywhere, but this sword will release the seal when it is pulled out. Don't you think about this?

As for what this sword is, Lin Xuan doesn't know, but this sword is definitely not ordinary!

At this moment, a whirlpool appeared in the sky above the stone tablet in front, something similar to a portal.



First, a thick leg stepped out from inside!

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly when they saw this scene!


Is he really a glutton?


Those people swallowed a mouthful of saliva!

To be honest, they didn't believe it at first, but when they saw this leg, the deterrent power this monster gave them was unimaginable!


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