Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,684 Absorbing Power

These people do not have a space or time attribute!

It is enough to show how rare time and space are on Earth. It is much rarer than on Sky Blue Star!

But it’s normal. After all, the current earth is no better than Sky Blue Star in terms of cultivation!

Although Lin Xuan is not at a high level, his attribute strength is very terrifying. Even though he is a six-star in the Xuantian realm, even though he is in the Tianzun realm, Lin Xuan's pure space and doubled mental power can create the law. Improvement can at least guarantee that this Taotie can be trapped for a while...

If they hadn't released the space blockade themselves, these people would have worked so hard and exhausted almost all of their thunder-attribute spiritual energy to condense the terrifying thunder, and I'm afraid it would not have been possible for it to fall on that Taotie!

However, Lin Xuan thinks it is feasible!

These powerful, thunder-attribute warriors have released so much thunder-attribute power condensed by spiritual power. If it falls on Taotie, it will definitely cause great damage to Taotie!


Then, a terrifying thunder bombarded the past!

The Taotie wanted to hide, but it did!

After everyone saw it, their hearts suddenly jumped!

But it suddenly seemed to have encountered some invisible barrier and was blocked!

Everyone then showed expressions of surprise!


The terrifying power bombarded the Taotie body!

Taotie released its own defensive power to resist. However, Taotie is a water-attributed being. The defensive power it released actually condensed the water element to defend the surroundings, and thunder can restrain water, so for them, this A terrifying concentrated move, even if Taotie releases its defensive power, it can definitely cause huge damage to it!

as expected……


A groan of pain came, and the Taotie's body directly wrapped around Thunder and flew out, hitting the wall in the distance, and even felt the whole space tremble!

"Well done!"

Seeing this scene, those people showed expressions of surprise!

Liu Qingzhu's beautiful eyes also lit up.

"Hahaha, Taotie, that's what Taotie is like! I thought he could be so strong!"

"Hahaha, that's right! Is this Taotie? Hahaha!"

Those people couldn't help laughing!

Lin Xuan shook his head secretly.

Do they think Taotie can't resist like this?

It’s not that simple!

This is an ancient ferocious beast!

At this moment, everyone's pupils shrank!

"Everyone, be careful. That Taotie is not dead yet. He must gather the power of thunder and do it again!"


Then they gathered their powerful thunder-attribute power and once again blasted at the Taotie who had not yet gotten up from the ground.


The power fell steadily on that Taotie!

"Well done!"

"This Taotie is dead! Such a powerful force fell on it twice in a row, and it is dead!"

"And it didn't even hide the second time, so it must have been completely incapacitated!"

"Go! Destroy it completely!"

Whoosh whoosh——

Then Xuanyuan Luo shouted and rushed over with a few Tianzun realms!

"If I remember correctly, Taotie is a water beast. According to legend, there should be a very powerful water-attribute bead in Taotie's body. If I can get it... this should also be the most precious treasure here. Come on!"

Xuanyuan Luo thought in his heart!


The swords of the three men fell on the Taotie!


But they suddenly discovered that their power fell on Taotie's body. It was indeed true, it was solid, and they even felt the touch of it falling on Taotie's body!


Where's the injury?

Where is its injury?

Their eyes widened!

Including the injuries caused when the thunder bombarded it before?

It was indeed attacked, and it even made a cry of pain before, but where was the injury?

This is beyond their explanation!


They discovered something...

Their hands... can't be taken out?

They held their swords and attacked the gluttonous hand,

He couldn't let go, and even the sword couldn't be moved away from Taotie's body! They pulled back hard, but they couldn't move at all!

Lin Xuan looked at those people. At this moment, those people were standing in the air, holding out their hands and holding swords, frozen there!

"What's going on!? What's going on?"

"They, their spiritual power is being extracted, have you seen it?"

"It's true, including their vitality, they are being stripped away!"



The three people screamed!

Lin Xuan frowned!

"Is this what Taotie is?"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly!

Taotie, in legend, represents gluttony, but that’s just a rumor!

Therefore, the main reason why Lin Xuan has not taken action is that this glutton, glutton, and a bottomless pit in his belly, what does it mean? Where will it be reflected?

Now Lin Xuan has seen it!

The so-called gluttony is actually the ability of Taotie to absorb the power of others!

Including before, they gathered the terrifying thunder attribute power twice to bombard Taotie. Taotie seemed to be in pain, but in fact, it was absorbing the power released by those people to strengthen itself!

"What the hell?"

Lin Xuan opened his mouth wide!

Is this Taotie?

"Save people! Help people!"

Someone shouted from behind!



The three people flew out, hit the wall, and died!

They were sucked to death by gluttony!


Taotie stood up, shook his head, and seemed completely uninjured. He roared angrily, and stared at the people in front of him with his blood-red eyes!

Everyone:? ? ?


They gulped!

"It's terrible! He's terrible!"

"It, he, he, he can actually convert the power we use to attack him into his own power. How can he fight this? He is invincible!"

"What should I do? Are we all going to die here?"

Those people showed desperate expressions!

Liu Qingzhu bit her lip! She glanced at Lin Xuan.

Is this why he didn't take action? Did he always know this was the case? Then why didn't he say it? Is it because, in his eyes, everyone is a bunch of idiots?

it seems to be like this!

They are indeed a bunch of idiots!

I didn't expect this, I really didn't expect it.

"Humble ants!"

The glutton's blood-red eyes stared at everyone.

Everyone:? ? ?

Spoken words! ?

Lin Xuan; "..."

To be honest, this scene is actually quite common on the Sky Blue Star, where monsters speak human words, but on Earth, this scene is honestly a bit exaggerated!

Is this the ancient ferocious beast?

Lin Xuan frowned!

what to do? What can he do?

He is only in the Xuantian realm now, what can he do?

system? Is there anything in the system that can get him through this crisis?

(I still wrote it out)

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