Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,685 This is human nature

Lin Xuan suddenly realized, damn!

His system is so rubbish! Nothing!

The key is that Lin Xuan is not afraid under normal circumstances, but now, his state is too bad!

Depend on!

This dogecoin mission! If he had come alone, wouldn't he have been killed long ago?


Everyone swallowed wildly!

"You humble ants, please be the first meal when this king wakes up! Roar——"

The Taotie looked up to the sky and let out a roar, with a ball of power that seemed to be gathered from cold power condensed on his head!

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank!

"Don't confront it head-on, look for opportunities to escape!"

An old man shouted!


How to hide?

You strong men may be able to escape, but what will they do?

It’s over! It's really over!

In the Tianzun realm, several Tianzun died in front of them, and they were in despair!

yes! This Taotie is indeed only one star in the Tianzun realm, but its strength is too terrifying! He is still an ancient ferocious beast, not on the same level at all!

They believe that, let alone these people now, even if you come with so many people again, you will never be able to do anything to Taotie!

The most important thing is that the strongest move they had gathered before, the power of all the thunder attribute warriors, hit Taotie. They watched helplessly as it hit Taotie, but in that case, the power was completely useless. Effect, the combined power is comparable to the legendary Taixu Realm, right? None of this power caused it any harm, so what could they do?

Yes, maybe you can survive by hiding, but how long can you survive?

Now they just want to escape from here, but they can't escape!


The next moment, the terrifying power blasted towards them!

"Defend! Defend!"

Everyone released powerful defense forces!


When the two forces collided, those people spit out blood! But the power gathered by the Taotie did not directly bombard them!

Lin Xuan glanced at the other side.

This Taotie has very strong abilities and combat power. It cannot be treated as an ordinary one-star Tianzun Realm, but... no matter how defiant it is, it is still only a Tianzun Realm. Its condensed ultimate move still cannot be killed with a crushing attitude. Everyone, these people can still survive for a while.

Lin Xuan frowned.

But what to do?

There is nothing he can do to get rid of this glutton!

Liu Qingzhu wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth!

To be honest, it’s not that I regret it! It just feels a little unbelievable... maybe, that's all it can do!

Her beautiful eyes glanced at Lin Xuan.

Then why does he dare to come here?


The Taotie rushed over!

In an instant,

The man fell on his back!

One after another, figures fell into a pool of blood, screaming in agony! Everyone fled in all directions. Those geniuses completely lost the arrogance they had before. They ran away in a panic. Some even hid somewhere, lying there, huddled there...


Liu Qingzhu's figure also kept running away. There was no way, and there was nothing she could do!

Lin Xuan frowned!

"What should I do? What should I do? What can I do!"

Lin Xuan stood there, letting figures keep running away around him.

It doesn't matter whether these people die or not, what matters is that he must die too!


"Wait a minute! This Taotie can absorb all power, but what if it's poison?"

Lin Xuan suddenly realized this!

It can't be absorbed by poison, right?


The next moment, Lin Xuan stretched out his hand, and a poisonous needle was caught in Lin Xuan's hand!

With the appearance of the poisonous needle, even Lin Xuan's hands turned purple

Black, this is nothing, even Lin Xuan's body seems to be surrounded by a terrifying green poisonous mist!

The Taotie seemed to feel a threatening force, and suddenly stopped attacking the man in front of him, and looked at Lin Xuan with his blood-red eyes. Search and read e-books


It roared angrily and then rushed towards Lin Xuan.


A slap with terrifying power was directed towards Lin Xuan!


Liu Qingzhu shouted, although it seemed very pale and weak!



Lin Xuan's figure disappeared from the spot!

The glutton was empty.

Liu Qingzhu:? ? ?


She was shocked!

Isn’t this a top-notch space attribute? He actually has spatial attributes? Who is he?

This may be nothing on Sky Blue Star, but on Earth, it is a very exaggerated matter.

Lin Xuan suddenly appeared behind the Taotie!

"Go to hell!"


Lin Xuan flicked his hand and shot the poisonous needle!


The poisonous needle directly penetrated Taotie's defense, then penetrated his body and penetrated!


The Taotie once again roared in anger, and of course, the roar was mixed with groans of pain.

Everyone looked at Lin Xuan in shock.


Lin Xuan landed!


This time, the Taotie seemed to be in different pain than before. It was going crazy and seemed to be in great pain!

Lin Xuan sneered!

This is a poisonous needle that he used to refine from the poisons of heaven and earth when he was on Sky Blue Star. What should I say? The poison of this poisonous needle would kill someone in the Taixu Realm under normal circumstances! Of course, this was refined before and is of no use, because Lin Xuan is already in the virtual realm and is not very afraid, but I didn't expect to use it at this time!


The next moment, the Taotie erupted with extremely terrifying power, accompanied by a roar!


Some people around him flew out directly!

"Damn humans!"

Its blood-red eyes stared angrily at Lin Xuan!

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Isn't it? It's useless, isn't it?"

Lin Xuan is convinced!

It's not that it's useless, it's useful. The Taotie's combat power has been greatly affected, but... even if it has been greatly affected, it may not be something they can resist!

"Your Excellency Taotie, this is the man who asked us to come here. He is here to kill you! We are just passing by. I hope you can be noble and let us go. In return, we are willing to kill him for you!"

At this time, an old man said respectfully to Taotie!

Since this Taotie can speak human words, he must also be able to understand what he says!

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

Liu Qingzhu:? ? ?

Lin Xuan was shocked!

Damn it! How could there be such a disgusting person?

"Yes, Lord Taotie, that person is coming. We heard it with our own ears. It has nothing to do with us. It really has nothing to do with us! Please let us go!"

Someone pointed at Lin Xuan and said!

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

"That's right! It's him, that's him!"

For a moment, as if those people had found a life-saving straw, they pointed at Lin Xuan, and then said respectfully to Taotie!

"You! You!!"

Liu Qingzhu pointed at them...with a look of anger on his face!

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