Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1686: Defying Heaven to Change Fate


Liu Qingzhu is really going to be pissed off!

These are all strong men and geniuses, and there are even many seniors she admires here, but she never expected that in this case, they would choose something that made her feel sick. way of doing!

On the contrary, it was Lin Xuan who took the initiative to try to find a way to cause harm to Taotie when everyone was running away!

Coming here is entirely for the benefit of these people. They are here for the treasure, including her, Liu Qingzhu. However, everyone has said what happened, so you can just come in. Even now...

What a shame!

Lin Xuan couldn't help but laugh in his heart!

Hey, sure enough, human nature is the same everywhere!

Then it would be a shame for them to die!

"Then I would also like to thank you!"

Taotie's blood-red eyes stared at Lin Xuan and said!


Hearing this, everyone showed surprised expressions!

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have escaped from the seal so quickly! The way to thank you is to leave you a whole corpse, and the whole corpses of others will not be left! Everyone will die! Roar——"

Lin Xuan laughed: "Then can you kill the others first and then me?"



Then Taotie rushed towards the others!

Lin Xuan just watched Taotie slaughter everyone!

Death is not a pity!

Originally, Lin Xuan was still thinking that maybe these people also died because of him. Although he reminded them, Lin Xuan was kind after all. After all, they were all humans, and they were facing monsters. No matter what, he had to stand on the side of humans. In terms of safety, if you have the ability, it would be a good thing to be able to save their lives!

But after what happened just now, Lin Xuan was really convinced!

Die! Let's all die!

"come over!"

Lin Xuan flashed to Liu Qingzhu's side, and then led her to a corner!

Liu Qingzhu left a good impression on Lin Xuan, and was the only one Lin Xuan wanted to protect. Of course, it wasn't just because she was beautiful! She is a very decent person!

There are many other girls, but they have just joined the ranks of blaming Lin Xuan!

"Little sister, you won't blame me, will you?"

"What's your fault?"

"It's my fault for killing you."

"It's not you!"

Liu Qingzhu held the sword in his hand and said.

Lin Xuan laughed.

"You can still laugh? You're going to die."

Liu Qingzhu looked at Lin Xuan with her beautiful eyes.

"Oh, yes, they are all going to die!"

Lin Xuan sighed.

"But before you die, why don't you struggle a little?"

“Struggling…will happen.


Liu Qingzhu clenched the sword in his hand and said.

Originally, Lin Xuan really had no choice but...

Suddenly he thought of something!

He still has confidence!

What is it! ?

That sword!

That's right, on Sky Blue Star, when I went with Linglongxue to the so-called senior of Linglongxue, Lin Xuan got the inheritance from a strong man. In addition to the inheritance, Lin Xuan also got a holy sword!

This holy sword, Lin Xuan, is rarely used, but it is extremely powerful!

Although he is only in the Xuantian realm now, but... maybe he can finally give it a try! This is his only confidence!

One after another, people died tragically in Taotie's hands!

Soon, they were all dead!

For Liu Qingzhu, the death of these people was nothing more than a pity!

Very disappointed.


Taotie roared like a king and looked at Lin Xuan and Liu Qingzhu with his bloody eyes!

"Little sister, get behind me!" Yunnan

Lin Xuan said.

r /\u003e Liu Qingzhu frowned.


"What are you doing? Protect you!"


Lin Xuan stretched out his hand, and the holy sword glowing with golden light was held in his hand!


Powerful golden light burst out, and at the same time, a power burst out from Lin Xuan's body!

The holy sword in his hand was trembling constantly, and Lin Xuan used great strength to hold it tightly!

The Taotie felt a powerful force and roared angrily!

"court death!"

"Taotie has been poisoned by me. This poison still has a restrictive effect on it. Its own cultivation level is one star of Tianzun Realm, but..."

"Field, open!"


Although Lin Xuan has not reached the realm, his realm can be released!

In the Xuantian realm, his realm ignores the realm, but it cannot reduce Taotie's four-star cultivation level, but it can reduce it by one star!

This star is the key to changing your destiny against heaven! Because it is no longer a Tianzun, but... a realm!

Liu Qingzhu looked at Lin Xuan in shock from behind, feeling the terrifying power erupting from Lin Xuan at this moment!

"Winning or losing is just one move!"

Lin Xuan clenched the holy sword in his hand!

"God-level martial arts, the world is at zero!"

Lin Xuan exploded with his own terrifying power, condensing it on the holy sword!

"Twice the power! Create the law! Give me full power!"


Lin Xuan's hair and clothes are dancing wildly!

"Give me, go to hell!"


Lin Xuan jumped forward and rushed forward!



The two forces collided together!

In an instant, the entire space was filled with power!

Taotie has the ability to absorb power. The thunder attribute power they condensed previously caused damage to Taotie, so Lin Xuan felt that if he wanted to kill Taotie, he must kill him with one strike!

There was a huge difference in realm, but this holy sword gave Lin Xuan unimaginable power!

"Cough cough cough——"

Liu Qingzhu coughed and climbed up from the ground, looking at the dust in front of her...

The dust slowly dispersed, and she vaguely saw a figure standing there holding two swords...

The dust slowly dispersed, and the figure gradually became clear!

Liu Qingzhu's pupils suddenly shrank!

What's going could...this happen?

The glutton was lying there in three pieces...

Lin Xuan originally just used the Holy Sword, but when the two forces collided, Lin Xuan found that it seemed not enough! Not enough power!

He wanted to use the second sword, but at this time, he suddenly felt a sword stirring in the space ring. Yes, it was the sword that was in front of the stone tablet at that time. It was thrown away by Xuanyuan Luo and picked up by Lin Xuan. That sword! Lin Xuan thinks that sword is extraordinary! as expected!

Maybe this sword was originally used to seal Taotie's power? Maybe he felt Lin Xuan's power? Anyway, at the critical moment, the sword burst out with power and the rust disappeared!

Lin Xuan sacrificed it, with both swords in his hands, he cut Taotie into three halves!

Liu Qingzhu looked at this scene in disbelief!



Lin Xuan's body suddenly knelt on the ground, with the swords in both hands stuck on the ground.


Liu Qingzhu galloped away and supported Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then fell into the little sister's arms.

"Ding...congratulations on completing your mission and killing Taotie."

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