Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1806: The Xuanyuan family takes action

In KFC, they sat in a corner chatting and eating.

"This stuff is delicious."

Su Dalin found that she had come to this era, and she seemed to be conquered by the various foods of this era.

Especially, every time she ate something with a new flavor, it really surprised her.

For example, the hamburger in front of her now, she had never eaten it before, and it was new and unique when she ate it for the first time, and she liked it very much.

"Then I'll order another one for you."

Qin Yijun said.

"Order that one."

Su Dalin pointed to the grilled wings on the poster.

She didn't know what that thing was, but the color seemed to be very appetizing.


Lin Xuan said to Mu Qingya: "Xiao Qingya, how much capital does the Xuanyuan family have?"

"What are you going to do?"

Lin Xuan said: "Just ask."

Really just ask, otherwise Lin Xuan would ask the Dongfang family.

Mu Qingya still remembered that the last time Lin Xuan asked her this kind of question was about the Lin family. At that time, Lin Xuan wanted to destroy the Lin family and asked this. Now...

No way?


Mu Qingya said.

"Brother-in-law, what are you going to do?"

"I want to wipe out the Xuanyuan family."


Qin Yijun beside her sipped a mouthful of porridge and spat it out.

"Are you sick?"

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes.

"Eat your food."


Qin Yijun rolled her eyes.

"Xuanyuan family? Which Xuanyuan family? Could they be descendants of Emperor Xuanyuan?"

Su Dalin said.

"Are the Xuanyuan family descendants of Emperor Xuanyuan?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Is Emperor Xuanyuan the Yellow Emperor?"

"No, I don't know."

Qin Yijun shook her head.

Su Dalin said: "Maybe, or it can be said that his bloodline is slightly closer to his. This is the explanation. Of course, if the so-called Xuanyuan family is the Xuanyuan family, in my time, the Xuanyuan family was a hegemon. If it develops normally, it should be a hegemon now." Lin Xuan said: "That should be it." "And the Xuanyuan Sword in your hand should also be theirs." Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders; "Whoever holds it, it belongs to him." "Are you serious?" Mu Qingya looked at Lin Xuan. "No, just talking." Lin Xuan himself does not need to say that he wants to destroy such a family, but he may have this idea, but think about it, many people are innocent, Lin Xuan only needs to destroy Xuanyuan Qingtian, at most add some people related to Xuanyuan Qingtian! But when to take action, this is a problem! Lin Xuan's ultimate mission is this, he has to find an opportunity! I believe Xuanyuan Qingtian should also be trying to do something to him, right? However, Xuanyuan Qingtian is a very cautious person, and he may not be easy to show up!

But this depends on the opportunity.

Lin Xuan thinks it is not a big problem.

They played outside for a day, and then went back.

Qin Yijun went home. Su Dalin lived in another villa. It seemed a bit indifferent to her, but she has learned something now...

In the evening, Lin Xuan, Mu Qingya and Mu Feifei went to Su Dalin's house next door to play with her.

"I'll go!"

Mu Feifei was stunned by the scene in front of her.

The big coffee table was filled with all kinds of food, including milk tea, snacks, stir-fried vegetables, fried noodles, hamburgers, steaks, etc., and Su Dalin sat on the sofa, watching TV and eating delicious food. Genius remembers in one second噺バ壹中文m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

She didn't learn anything else, but she learned how to order takeout. She also had tens of thousands of yuan in her account, which was of course paid by Qin Yijun. She felt that she didn't spend much money on a daily basis, and in fact, it was true. How much can you spend on ordering takeout? How much can you spend on eating? New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest PC version: www. @x81zw@@

Su Dalin glanced at the three people who came in and said, "I said that you TV shooters are really shooting randomly. You don't know that the real historical situation is being filmed here. Su Daji is a human? Was she possessed by a fox demon? Isn't this a lie?"

She shook her head helplessly.

"Then you still caught up with more than 30 episodes?"

Lin Xuan said.


Su Dalin said lightly.

Lin Xuan felt that the current situation was gradually getting better.

What's the situation?

Su Dalin, from the ambitious and ambitious person before, gradually began to adapt to this society and gradually moved towards the life of an ordinary person.

Ordering takeout, watching TV series...

This is the effect that Lin Xuan originally wanted to achieve by keeping her alive. Maybe she herself didn't care too much about this change.

"Sister Su, can you finish it?"

Mu Feifei leaned over and looked at the food.

"If you can't finish it, throw it away. I don't lack this little thing. Didn't I want anything before? What do you want to eat?"

Su Dalin said lightly while lying on the sofa.

Don't say it. The fox clan is the fox clan. She lay there with her jade feet bare. To be honest, it's a bit tempting!

And she is definitely more seductive than Qin Yijun, because she looks like Qin Yijun a few years older. To put it simply, she is already at the level of a royal sister. When the royal sister does some actions, it is indeed the most attractive. generation.

"Then what did Sister Su do before? If I ask you, you won't tell me."

Mu Feifei asked.

Needless to say, Mu Feifei admires her, although she doesn't seem to know why she admires her. Maybe she just thinks...she is a strong person from the Shang Dynasty, so she thinks she is very powerful.

"I'll tell you again when I have the chance."

Why didn't Su Darin want to say it? ? She wanted to let everyone in the world know that she was the overlord of the Shang Dynasty, she was the boss, and she was also the future king of the world, but... if Lin Xuan didn't tell her, then she wouldn't tell her.


At this time, people from the Xuanyuan family also arrived outside!

At the same time, they also got the thing given by Duan Lingxiao.

"Is the position confirmed?"

An old man asked calmly.

Several of them were standing on the rooftop of a tall building.

"Well, the positioning has been determined, it's right there."

An old man pointed to the villa where Lin Xuan and the others were now and said.

"Several people?"

"Currently, we found that there are four people in total. Apart from our target, the others should be ordinary urban people. Even if they are not, their realm cannot be high."

the man said.

"Well, listen up then. Let's start in a moment. Don't think about anything. First follow the order and use this thing to block the spiritual power of our target. We can win quickly. It's not difficult to solve a domain. Just don't be discovered. !”


At this moment, Su Darin had already discovered the situation outside. How high her level was. When they explored her place, she had already discovered the existence of those people.

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