Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1807: Being cheated?

For those outside, their highest realm is the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Realm, and like Su Darin, although her realm has not recovered yet, she is still in the Taixu Realm, and she is in the Taixu Realm of seven stars, which cannot be compared to the other party.

Think about it, the other party thinks that their cultivation level is the strongest, so they release their spiritual consciousness to explore the situation in the villa. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to find people who are much lower than them. For example, Lin is now Xuan, he didn't even notice this situation.

Su Darin then said lightly: "There is someone."


Mu Feifei was stunned for a moment.

Lin Xuan understood what she meant directly.



Lin Xuan; "..."


Lin Xuan; "..."

"Then it seems..."

Lin Xuan felt that he should be from the Xuanyuan family, or from the Duan Lingxiao sect? The possibility is higher that he belongs to the Xuanyuan family, and of course he could also be the killer!

But the killer sent out the Tianzun realm, which was really awesome.

"Let's go."

Lin Xuan said to Su Darin.

"My lord?"

"If you don't talk nonsense, can you leave me alone?"


Su Darin sat up angrily and put on her plush slippers.

"What are you going to do?"

Mu Feifei and Mu Qingya looked over with beautiful eyes.

"It's a small matter. Just stay here and don't go out. Just leave it to me."

Lin Xuan said.

"Oh, then be careful."

In the past, when Lin Xuan said something, they might not take it seriously, but now, some of the things Lin Xuan said were more likely to be related to warriors, so they would also be accompanied by danger.

"Well, don't worry, don't go out."

Lin Xuan then walked out with Su Darin who looked unhappy.

"Hey, you have to remember your identity. You are my person and my subordinate. What's wrong with you doing something for me? Huh? Why do you still look unhappy?"

Lin Xuan said.

"I know."

Su Darin said unhappily.

She just didn't like being ordered around by others.

"It seems I have to teach you a lesson, otherwise you won't be obedient."

Lin Xuan said.

"How do you want to teach me a lesson?"

Su Darin looked at Lin Xuan with a slight curl of her lips.

Full of temptation.

"Do you want to teach me a lesson in bed?"

Su Darin licked her lips and said.

"Oh, forget it, then I'd rather go to your sister than you. Sorry, I'm not interested in women who others sleep with their arms around every night, especially those who are willing to sacrifice their virginity for some benefits. Yes, I'm even less interested."

Lin Xuan said.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but I'm still a virgin."

Lin Xuan;? ? ?

"What are you talking about? You have been with King Zhou of Shang for so many years, and you are still a virgin? Do you think I am an idiot?"

"Hmm, it's true, because you should know what the Fox clan is best at? It's charm and illusion. King Shang Zhou thought he was having sex with me every night, but in fact he didn't. It was just me giving him It’s just an illusion he unleashed.”

Lin Xuan: "..."

What a mess!

If what Su Darin said was true, wouldn't it be too miserable for King Zhou of Shang? hiss--

A cruel woman.

"Then I don't want to, just do your job honestly. I will check your performance before I leave. If you perform well, I will let you recover and let you Your realm will increase by two stars," Lin Xuan said.

There was nothing we could do about it, because Lin Xuan placed his treasure on Su Darin!

When the time comes for him to leave, he will definitely not be able to come back within half a year. This is something Lin Xuan is sure of. And if Lin Xuan can have Su Darin, a being in the realm of heaven to protect them here, Lin Xuan will still be a little bit better. It's more reassuring, so Lin Xuan may have to spend all the remaining time to improve her favorability.

In other words, let her believe that he can help her reach a higher level and let her get along well with several girls. When the time comes, she sincerely does not want anything to happen to them.

If it can reach this level, Lin Xuan will be relieved.

Su Darin was dubious about Lin Xuan's words. What she believed was that he didn't know what method he used, and even sealed his spiritual power directly. But what she didn't believe was that it was too fantasy, right? She had never heard of such a thing at that time, so why could he?

"Then do you want to return my realm now?"

Su Darin said.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Of course, after all, it's up to you to do it later."

Then Lin Xuan had a thought.

Su Darin felt the surging power returning in her body and showed a hint of surprise.

However, even if her cultivation level comes back, thinking about seems like she can't do anything at the moment.


"Let's go."

Then they walked out.

"People are coming out."

Several strong men on the stage noticed it and said something!

"Everyone came out?"

"No, just two people came out."

" it them?"


Suddenly a voice came from behind them.


Those people turned back to look at Lin Xuan and Su Darin at the same time!

It startled them.

"It's you!" Remember "" on your mobile phone in one second to provide you with wonderful novels to read

When they saw Lin Xuan, their eyes froze!

He actually discovered them?

Does he not know what realm they are in or what? How dare you come here?

This rooftop is very big.

Lin Xuan directly released the power of space jump, then disappeared, and then they appeared in an uninhabited and remote place.

When they landed, the pupils of those strong men shrank!

This person actually took the lead? That won't work!


A strong man said!


Then, the strong man held the thing in his hand, then looked at Lin Xuan and used it directly.

Then, Lin Xuan felt that he could not use his spiritual power.

Damn it! ?

Isn't this what I used before?

Duan Lingxiao!

Fuck you!

This must be Duan Lingxiao's hand! Invite people!

Spicy next door!

Sure enough, he really wanted to take this opportunity to kill himself.

But, there is another Su Darin here in Lin Xuan! They would never have imagined that there was another Su Darin, and they would never have imagined that Su Darin's realm could reach the Taixu realm. Otherwise, they would have sealed Su Darin's cultivation first.


After sealing Lin Xuan's realm, they sneered.

"Do you feel like you can't use your spiritual power?"

The strong man said.


Su Darin glanced at Lin Xuan.

He can't use his spiritual power anymore? Why? Isn't this what Lin Xuan uses? Has she been tricked? In fact, this is a shitty thing?

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