Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1820 A new era

After hearing Kunlunzi's words, everyone shook their heads.

"Although our Xuanyuan family has a very long history, and countless top-notch experts have been born in history, there is indeed no news about this. Otherwise, our Xuanyuan family would have known that such a thing would happen. If something happens, it won’t be caught off guard until those people are born.”

Xuanyuan Long, the head of the Xuanyuan family, said.

"Yes, this is another bad news!"

"Yes, logically speaking, we have so many sects and so many ancient family heads. If they are asleep, why don't they leave a trace of news?"

"Are you worried that the peace will be disturbed by future generations? This is possible! Just settle it once and for all and regard it as dead. In this case, it will be absolutely peaceful and safe!"

Everyone started talking!

Anyway, many people have learned a lot today!

"So, the most important question now is, why do they want to wake up in this era?"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly, then stood up.

"Let me say a few words about this."

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xuan.

For Lin Xuan, everyone is now a grasshopper on the same rope. Helping them is also helping himself, it is also helping modern mankind, and it is also good for his girls! This is not a secret that cannot be told!

"Oh? Does Brother Lin know anything about this?"

"That's right! Brother Lin went deep into Emperor Xin's tomb before, did he get any terrible news?"

They asked one after another!

In the eyes of these people, even the strong ones, they still respect Lin Xuan. Although he is a junior, he is capable and has made great contributions, so this does not affect him.

Lin Xuan said: "There is no terrible news, but I know the reason why the strongest men in the past were born one after another in this era!"

"Oh? Brother Lin, come and listen!"

Lin Xuan nodded; "Well, in the Tomb of Emperor Xin, I did meet a strong man from the Tomb of Emperor Xin. At the same time, I also had some discussions. Regarding this, the news I got is that for a long time In the past, the eras including Nuwa, Descendants, and later Dayu were an era of relatively prosperous cultivation. Even the periods in which Nuwa, Descendants, Pangu, etc. existed in legends were called the Age of the Gods. This should be correct. Right?"

They nodded; "That's right! That period was indeed the age of the gods. After all, it is said that these beings are the gods! Although we can't be sure whether they really exist, we think they do exist, but we can't say that. Confirm the authenticity of Pangu’s creation of heaven and earth and Nuwa’s creation of human beings!”

Lin Xuan nodded: "Well, although that era was the most prosperous, some subsequent eras were also pretty good, but they didn't reach this level, and then they gradually declined. The Shang Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, etc., became more and more... Decline, until our current era, we have reached an era when the spiritual power of the world is most exhausted!"

"Yes, this is what I don't understand. I can probably guess the purpose of their sleep, because after all, even in the Heavenly Dao realm, lifespan is limited, and it seems that there may be no time passing during their sleep. They want to Preserving their lifespan until they wake up at a later time, but the weird thing is that they wake up in this very weak era of ours. Do they think that they can unify the continent more easily? I don’t think so!”

Lin Xuan nodded; "It is indeed not the case. There may be some reasons for this, but the most important reason, according to what she said, is that our era has come to an end, and after the end there is light, so It seems to be reincarnated every few years. It is said that in a short time, our earth will once again enter an extremely prosperous era. This era may not be weaker than the previous era of gods!"


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, the strong men showed shocked expressions.

Lin Xuan continued: "Everyone also knows how important the spiritual power of heaven and earth is to our cultivation. Why can't we advance to the Taixu Realm or even the Heavenly Dao Realm in our era? It's not that our talents are not enough, but that If the spiritual power of heaven and earth is not enough, it will absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth when we advance. If the spiritual power of heaven and earth is not strong enough, it will not support us in reaching a higher realm! The same is true for those strong ones! "999 novel is updated fastest on the computer! :

Lin Xuan said: "Perhaps many of them have reached the Heavenly Dao Realm, but their time is no longer enough for them to support breaking through to a higher level of the Heavenly Dao Realm. Even most importantly, breaking through the Heavenly Dao Realm and reaching a realm above the Heavenly Dao Realm." , maybe it was the realm of existences such as Pangu and Nuwa! They knew this news and knew that such an era was coming, so they wanted to wake up in this era so that they could advance better and give them the opportunity to reach higher levels. realm!”


Everyone gasped!

Lin Xuan's words made them suddenly realize, and they felt that they agreed very much!


"Brother Lin, are you sure about this news?"

Lin Xuan shook his head; "I'm not sure. After all, everyone has seen that the spiritual power in this era is so weak, and it may suddenly increase a hundred times. Senior, it feels a bit unbelievable, but the news I got is this. Half a year , half a year later is the time they predicted, whether it is true or not, we may know it in half a year! "

Those strong men were secretly speechless!

To be honest, it is impossible to completely believe that. After all, Lin Xuan also listens to what others say. Although Su Darin said it, Lin Xuan does not completely believe Su Darin, and it is impossible to believe everything! But Lin Xuan thinks that may be the case!

Those strong people know what they are doing.

"Then let's continue with this idea!"

"Well, this matter is actually quite easy to verify. If we find other people who are sleeping and awake, and if they say the same thing, it should be true. And there seems to be no need for them to hide this matter!"

"Yes, it's mainly a matter of trust! Then if this thing is true... it will also be a good thing for us!"

"It's a good thing, but it also means that... the era of our earth is indeed going to change! Our normal life will also be completely changed! We are entering a new era, so we may need to take some measures as soon as possible , such as organizing a warrior academy, organizing some forces, formulating new rules, and each major sect may also need to recruit a large number of disciples, after all, these children are the future of our earth. "

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