Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1821 Is he picking up girls?

Although Lin Xuan is a junior, because of his special characteristics, even under such circumstances, Lin Xuan's words are still convincing to a certain extent in front of so many big bosses.

Although Lin Xuan's words seemed to be a bit exaggerated, and they had never expected this to be the case, but if they thought about it carefully, it might be possible.

Anyway, even if you believe it, nothing bad will happen.

"Everyone, let's continue to talk according to this idea. We must talk about something today. So far, the results are remarkable!"

Kunlunzi said.

"Okay, let's continue talking."

Time passed slowly and they talked about a lot of things.

"Now, one last thing!"

Kunlunzi stood up and glanced at the people below, and said: "I don't know if you have received any invitations or temptations from some powerful people who have awakened. Please think clearly, no matter what they prescribe to you, Conditions, you have to understand that you are not friends, you are nothing. You are just a tool in their hands. Whether he will fulfill his promise or not, no matter how nice he says, there is no guarantee, and you still betrayed us... So, if there is , I hope you will come forward, we will not say anything, and hope you can provide us with some information.”

Everyone was silent.

At this time, a woman stood up and said, "Then let me tell you!"

Everyone looked at her.

She looks very young, probably in her early twenties.

"Oh? Did you meet Miss Li?"

The girl nodded: "Yes, just two days ago, a senior found me and told me his purpose, hoping to let me cooperate with them. The specific content of the cooperation was not mentioned, and I don't know who they are. Anyway, I refused at the time. I just wanted to tell everyone that this matter must exist, and my talent is not considered to be the best among this generation of warriors. However, I received the invitation. I think it’s more likely that there are so many stronger geniuses.”

Those strong men nodded: "Well, you also allowed us to thoroughly confirm this possibility. Is there anyone else?"

Then two more people stood up one after another. They didn't provide much useful information, but they made everyone more convinced about the matter.

"Okay, maybe we all know it too! So now there is still a very important question, and that is about the leaders of the major families!"

Kunlunzi glanced at everyone and said: "Since these children can receive invitations from some people, then you control the major families and the leaders of the major forces are their targets, because you have obtained your invitations." Support is equivalent to the support of your entire family and business! In modern society, there are many things that cannot be done without money, even for them. Therefore, I hope that such a thing will not happen. As the helmsman of the family, People should be better able to understand the pros and cons! I won’t say much more, just eat, drink and have fun with each other!”

The crowd then dispersed to chat and interact with each other in the venue.

Xuanyuan Qingtian's eyes were always on Su Darin and it was hard to leave.

This woman is so fucking beautiful! I can't stand this kind of temperament.

Su Darin stood there drinking alone, and then Xuanyuan Qingtian walked over.

He really didn't find any information about her, and no one he asked knew her, but this didn't seem to be too important. Someone must know her, but he couldn't ask just that, because it didn't fit with his personality. consistent.

But it’s okay and normal to just go over and get to know each other.


Xuanyuan Qingtian walked over with a red wine glass and said hello with a smile.

Su Darin turned around and looked at her with beautiful eyes.


Xuanyuan Qingtian couldn't help but take a deep breath.

What a nice view! These eyes are so captivating, so beautiful.

Although Su Darin is disguised, she is indeed very beautiful, mainly because of her temperament.

A woman's temperament is a plus.


Su Darin smiled and nodded.

"The girl looks very familiar, I have never seen her before."

"Well, I rarely participate in these occasions, but I know you."

Su Darin said with a smile.

Hearing Su Darin's words, Xuanyuan Qingtian felt very complacent in his heart!

Well, it is relatively normal to know him, after all, he is Xuanyuan Qingtian.

Xuanyuan Qingtian is still very confident in his abilities and excellence.

"It's just some false reputation. I don't know what the girl is..."

"Rogue cultivator, Su Darin."

Su Darin...

Hearing this name still touched him.

After all, I feel that this name fits her temperament very well.

"I see, but... I think girls are not simple." Remember "" on your mobile phone in one second to provide you with wonderful novels to read

Su Darin smiled and said: "It should be difficult for anyone to be able to come here, but... there should be few people who can compare with Master Xuanyuan. "

"The girl praised me."

Then Xuanyuan Qingtian asked: "I wonder if I can get to know the girl and add her on WeChat."

" is an honor to have Mr. Xuanyuan as a good friend."

Then they added friends.

"Can you invite Miss Su for a drink?"


Then they stepped aside.

Lin Xuan also quietly paid attention to the situation there. Seeing that Su Darin had hooked up Xuanyuan Qingtian, Lin Xuan was very satisfied.

If Su Darin could succeed, he thought for a moment and decided not to poison her. Lin Xuan always felt that he was not very confident with this poison.

If she succeeds, it would be safest to let her kill Xuanyuan Qingtian!

On the other side, Duan Lingxiao is also looking for opportunities to poison Lin Xuan!

It is impossible for him to succeed, because Lin Xuan must be very wary of him, but now, there is actually a chance!

Because everyone starts talking to each other and starts moving around, you can poison him by casually passing by him at this time.

He looked at Xuanyuan Qingtian, and then frowned.

What's happening here? Is he picking up girls?

Since when are you actually picking up girls? You don’t know what you should do instead? Damn it!

What a fucking idiot! I thought that Xuanyuan Qingtian would be some kind of hero, but now it seems that he is just a waste!

Duan Lingxiao clenched his fists!

Of course Xuanyuan Qingtian has not forgotten what happened tonight. He is thinking that killing Lin Xuan is important, but picking up girls is also important. He also wants to kill Lin Xuan, but his desire for this is not as great as Duan Lingxiao, because Duan Lingxiao does not kill He would have to die if he killed Lin Xuan, but Xuanyuan Qingtian had no pressure in this regard. For him, Lin Xuan wanted to be killed, but there was no time requirement.

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