Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1822 It’s time to take action

Of course, this doesn't mean Xuanyuan Qingtian won't do it. He will definitely do it tonight, but he's not in such a hurry.

Su Dalin is a fox demon. She knows how to seduce a man's heart. She is experienced and smart enough. Facing a twenty-something Xuanyuan Qingtian, she can play with him. How can a person who has lived for more than twenty years play chess with an old fox?

Time passed slowly...

Xuanyuan Qingtian and Su Dalin were chatting happily. God knows what they were talking about.

"Brother Xuanyuan."

Duan Lingxiao couldn't stand it anymore. He quickly came to Xuanyuan Qingtian and said something.

When Xuanyuan Qingtian saw Duan Lingxiao, he realized, damn! He almost forgot the business.

This also proved how Su Dalin seduced him.

"Well, excuse me."

Xuanyuan Qingtian said to Su Dalin, and then walked aside with Duan Lingxiao.

"Brother Xuanyuan, if we don't do it, this banquet may be over."ぷ999小 @説首發⿱

Xuanyuan Qingtian said: "Is the opportunity good now?"

"After all, he is walking back and forth, there should be a chance."

"My poison needs to be taken by him, do you have a way to make him take it?"

Xuanyuan Qingtian said.


Duan Lingxiao glanced at Lin Xuan.

At this moment, Lin Xuan was drinking and chatting with those strong men.

"The opportunity now is really not good, after all, he is with a group of strong men."

"If he drinks this, it is estimated that the banquet will be over. I think the chance is not great."

"What should we do? Are we going to stop like this?"

Xuanyuan Qingtian shook his head: "That is naturally impossible. Find an opportunity. You keep an eye on it. If there is a good opportunity, tell me. I have arranged the people and will wait for the opportunity."

"Then can I find an opportunity to poison his food?"

Duan Lingxiao asked.

"Of course, but do you think it can be done?"

"It's a bit difficult!"

"Well, so my idea is to find a way and an opportunity after leaving tonight!"


Xuanyuan Qingtian said: "They will definitely not go back tonight. Tomorrow morning, Shaolin Temple will definitely provide breakfast, and I have already learned that breakfast will be delivered to their corresponding rooms. That will be a good opportunity to poison them!"

Duan Lingxiao's eyes suddenly lit up!


"Then I don't need to supervise this matter personally, right? Regardless of whether it succeeds in the end, the premise is that the poison must be put into his breakfast tomorrow morning. Can you do this?"

"Don't worry, this is easy!"

Duan Lingxiao nodded.


Xuanyuan Qingtian then handed him a jade bottle.

"The poison is here, and the rest is up to you."

He didn't say that he didn't care about this matter, but he could see that Duan Lingxiao was too obsessed with killing Lin Xuan. He seemed to want to kill Lin Xuan more than Xuanyuan Qingtian, so he could definitely rest assured if he was handed over to him.

The rest depends on fate. Whether it will work or not depends on whether Lin Xuan eats breakfast!

He thinks that putting poison in Lin Xuan's breakfast is a very simple thing, and Duan Lingxiao is definitely capable of doing it!

Duan Lingxiao nodded; "No problem, leave it to me."


Xuanyuan Qingtian nodded, then walked away and came to Su Dalin again.

"Sorry, I just dealt with some things. I have a bottle of good wine that I have collected for many years. I wonder if Miss Su wants to try it?"

Xuanyuan Qingtian found that she seemed to love wine tasting, which also shows that she is a woman who knows how to enjoy and live.

This kind of woman really makes him very fond of it.

Dongfang Xue? Well... since he can't get it, then he doesn't want it? Anyway, the woman in front of him is also very good!

Moreover, he was chatting her up.

Normally, everyone knows that he is chatting her up, and since she chose to accept his chatting up, and they chatted very well, then he has reason to think that this Su Dalin has a good impression of him! He has a chance to pursue her! This is completely different from many other girls, such as Dongfang Xue and Murong Yu over there. They have no good feelings towards him at all, and Xuanyuan Qingtian also feels this very clearly.

"Well... where?"

Su Dalin's words made her seem a little conservative or worried. This actually stimulated Xuanyuan Qingtian, and he felt that this woman was very safe.

If he invited her, Su Dalin nodded without hesitation, which might be a good thing, but it would undoubtedly make Xuanyuan Qingtian a little suspicious. If Su Dalin took the initiative to ask him to go out for something, he would be more suspicious. Obviously, Su Dalin's words made him no longer suspicious.

So, to fight her, ten Xuanyuan Qingtians are not enough.

This is why Lin Xuan is absolutely relieved.

"In my room."

"Xuanyuan Gongzi, are you going to let me go to your place?"

Su Dalin said with a smile.

"No, no, no, of course not. I just want to invite Miss Su to have a taste. Anywhere is fine, it can be in the yard outside, or even here. I can go get it now." Xuanyuan Qingtian said. "Well...then let's go to the yard." "Okay! Then please wait for Miss Su." Xuanyuan Qingtian then walked away with a smile. Take off!

Su Darin's consciousness flashed, and then she sent a message to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was chatting with those strong men. When he heard the good news about Su Darin, he smiled in his heart.

Sure enough, Su Dalin is still Su Dalin, but it’s not simple!

So tonight, it might be the end of Xuanyuan Qingtian.

Lin Xuan was quite excited.

It was late at night and the party was over.

"Everyone, the rooms have been prepared for you. One room per person. If you want to stay in Shaolin Temple for a few more days, it's okay. If you want to leave, please leave tomorrow. Breakfast will be prepared for you in the morning and delivered to you. room, it’s getting late, everyone, please go back and rest early.”


Then everyone left.

Where has this shameless Lin Xuan gone? He slipped directly towards Murong Yu.

Holy shit!

It’s been so long, I’m so hungry!

Others didn't know yet and thought Lin Xuan, the B, was in the room.

Zhuge Qingtian and Su Darin were sitting in the courtyard drinking and chatting.

"Why don't you two go and rest?"

A strong man passed by and asked with a smile.

"Senior Zhang, please go and rest first. We still have something to talk about."

Xuanyuan Qingtian said.

"Well, I won't disturb you."

Su Darin is really annoyed to death! Ahhhh! ! She can't stand it anymore!

She clearly doesn't like it, but she still pretends to like it and agrees with a smile. Really, if this Lin Xuan hadn't asked her to do it, she wouldn't have done it! It’s so hard to bear!

Why is it not yet time! no! She had to prepare to take action, but Lin Xuan didn't give her any news.

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