Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1829 The plan begins

The matter on the Xuanyuan family's side has been resolved. After it is resolved, the Xuanyuan family will also know that they have no trace, which will definitely make them more suspicious of Lin Xuan. They will probably do some small tricks, but they probably won't do it in a short time!

Lin Xuan couldn't do the rest, because he was leaving soon.

I asked other girls about their tasks, and they have all completed them. Now I am waiting for the time to come and then go back.


Lin Xuan lay on the bed and tossed and turned.

"What's wrong?"

Mu Qingya looked at Lin Xuan doubtfully.


Lin Xuan shook his head.

"terribly upset?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "That's right, there are a lot of things that I don't know what will happen in the future, so I just don't feel at ease."

Lin Xuan is used to having to take the lead in everything so that he can feel at ease, so now that the earth is like this and he is leaving, he will be very melancholy.

"Don't worry too much, we are not vases that will break when touched."

Mu Qingya said softly.

"Harm, what are you talking about? The main thing is that I don't worry about other things. It's easy to hide from open guns and hard to prevent hidden arrows. What I worry about are some conspiracies."

"Although I'm not as smart as you, I'm not a fool either."

Mu Qingya said.

Lin Xuan looked at her.

"Okay, okay! Sleep."


On the other side, Duan Lingxiao is ready!

A total of eight people were prepared for him!

There are four Taixu realms, the highest realm is Taixu realm five stars!

Originally, I only planned to give him a Tianzun-level space attribute warrior, but Duan Lingxiao knew that the Xuanyuan family sent a Tianzun-level space-attribute warrior to kill Lin Xuan before, so this time it would definitely not be Tianzun level. Therefore, in the end, Send him a warrior from the Taixu Realm!

This is really his strongest and only way! If it fails this time, he is really gone.

"Everyone, I will act with you this time."

Duan Lingxiao said.

"No need."

A Taixu Realm expert said.

"You must go there in person, otherwise you will not be able to succeed!"

He never expected that Lin Xuan would have someone from the Heavenly Dao Realm beside him. He thought that the Taixu Realm was as strong as the sky, right? In other words, he just assisted the system to do it.

"It's just to kill a boy with spatial attributes in the realm. Four Taixu, four Tianzun, not to mention so many people, I am enough alone. I can strangle him with just a little release of momentum."

The old man said.

"Hmph! If he is really so easy to kill, would I have asked your boss to give me the Taixu Realm? I would like to advise you, there were several Tianzun Realm, the highest realm Tianzun Realm Nine Stars, and even some The space attribute warriors in the Tianzun realm all took action together, and there was no news from them all, but he did it well. Although I don’t know how he did it, this is the fact. If you don’t pay attention at all, then by then If you die, don’t blame me!”

After hearing Duan Lingxiao's words, they became cautious.

"You mean, he is protected by top-notch experts?"

The old man asked.

"I'm not sure, but this possibility exists, and at the same time, his own ability is very powerful. Although he only has the domain realm, he can easily defeat the Tianzun realm. Since he can defeat the Tianzun realm, does he have the ability? Defeat Taixu Realm, or run away from Taixu Realm? I am not sure. Now, I only have one request. When facing him, treat him as a person who is higher than your realm. Let the experts look at it!”

Duan Lingxiao said.

Lin Xuan has become his biggest shadow and inner demon. Even though he thought it would be easy to kill Lin Xuan due to hunger, he really didn't think it was that simple.


They didn't believe it when Duan Lingxiao said something so mysterious.

"It's simply ridiculous. When facing a realm, we should treat it as a person with a higher level of cultivation than us. Let alone being trapped, even at that time, there were no geniuses of this level. ! I think you are crazy!"

"If you don't want to die, you'd better listen to me!"

After Duan Lingxiao finished speaking, he looked ahead and said: "Your boss has said it himself, at least for the next two days, you must listen to me, let's go now!"

Then they came to Jiangnan City!

Lin Xuan stayed at home for another day.

He planned to go to Dongfang Xue to have a good exchange of feelings in the next few days.

On the other side, Duan Lingxiao had already brought people not far from Lin Xuan's residence.

"How to act?"

"How to act? Just go in and kill. How else do you want to act?"

Duan Lingxiao's eyes narrowed and he said: "I told you, listen to me!"

"Okay! Then what do you think we should do?"

Duan Lingxiao looked at a figure in the canteen in front and said: "This woman's name is Qin Yijun. She is a girl next to Lin Xuan. This Lin Xuan is good at everything but too attached to love and justice. She is probably Lin Xuan's woman." , after all, the looks and figure are here.”

"It is difficult to attack Mu Qingya and Mu Feifei in the villa, at least tonight. With Lin Xuan here, and maybe even some things he has arranged in advance, they must not do it in the villa, but the same goes for catching her. "

Duan Lingxiao said.

"Do you want me to ask a few strong men of Tianzun Realm and Taixu Realm to catch a little girl and then use this little girl to blackmail him? It's unnecessary!"

Those strong men really felt like they were playing house.

They have four Taixu realms and four Tianzun realms. You said that if they deal with a Taixu realm, even a one-star Taixu realm, then there is no problem with them being cautious. But they want to do this when dealing with a domain realm. You say they Can you bear it?

Even their self-esteem can't bear it. A group of strong men still use this method to deal with a realm...

"What an unnecessary move? Have you forgotten what I told you before? There is no news about the death of seven or eight Tianzun realms. Even before they died, no news was spread. There is no chance of Taixu realm. Do you think this is called Is this unnecessary?”

Duan Lingxiao really couldn't stand these people's disrespect!

The main reason is that this matter is too important to him, but these people don't care at all, which makes him feel uncomfortable. Only by being more serious will he feel that he has a greater chance of success!

With such subordinates, their master probably doesn’t have much ability!

He could understand that it was normal for a group of people in the Taixu Realm not to pay attention to the Domain Realm, but it was obvious that there might be a Taixu Realm.

"Then so be it."

Although I am very unhappy with Duan Lingxiao, looking at his expression, it seems that this matter is really real. I really need to be careful. After all... it is quite scary that the Tianzun Realm with spatial attributes has disappeared without any news.

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