Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1830: Kidnapped the wrong person?

Duan Lingxiao took a deep breath!

Whether he lives or dies, it really depends on tonight!

He is talking about himself!

If he failed tonight, he really wouldn't know what to do.

"Get ready to take action! Take him to the abandoned building over there. I told you when I passed by before."

Duan Lingxiao said.

"Yeah, no problem."

They were really unhappy with Duan Lingxiao, but if they thought about it, if they didn't get it right and it was because they underestimated the enemy, then their heads would be angry, and they would definitely be blamed.

Duan Lingxiao is sure that no one is in the Heavenly Dao realm, because they have said that even if they were in the Heavenly Dao realm before, it will still take some time to recover. Therefore, at least during this period, there will be no Heavenly Dao realm within half a year.

Therefore, there must be no Heavenly Dao realm around Lin Xuan, and there is no such thing in his system.

"Do it!"

Duan Lingxiao saw Qin Yijun leaving the canteen, turning around and coming to a deserted alley, and directly ordered to take action!

Then the space attribute warrior of the Taixu Realm released it without hesitation. The space power was released, and Qin Yijun disappeared from the spot.


Duan Lingxiao nodded; "Well, control it, and the rest of me will use the headset to communicate with you at any time."

"You won't show up?"

an old man asked.

"I won't show up anymore!"

The main reason is that he is really afraid of Lin Xuan now. If it were a normal gathering like the Shaolin Temple, he would not be afraid. But now he wants to kill Lin Xuan. Although he thinks it is impossible to fail this time, his caution tells him that He can't come forward, he really can't come forward, unless he is absolutely sure that Lin Xuan is dead, but even then he won't come forward, and he may even come forward after seeing Lin Xuan dead!

He had read a lot of novels, and he felt that the deaths of characters in many novels were due to carelessness and overconfidence, and he couldn't do this.

Duan Lingxiao also came to the abandoned building. On the rooftop of the 20th floor, Qin Yijun was already tied up there.

Several strong men stood beside her.

"This woman is really beautiful."

"Yes, she is much more beautiful than the imperial concubine. Is this the woman of the boy we want to kill? He is really blessed."

"What can I do if I'm blessed? I'm still going to die?"

And what is Duan Lingxiao doing? He is in a place quite far away from here, but he redeemed the Law of Creation before. He used the Law of Creation to create several things like cameras here, which can pay attention to the situation here in real time. He dare not directly come over.

"Ask her for Lin Xuan's contact information."

Duan Lingxiao then contacted a strong man in Taixu Realm.

The strong man walked up to Qin Yijun and tore off the tape on her mouth.

"If you want to survive, just tell us Lin Xuan's contact information. Don't be tricky! Contact him yourself."

The old man said.


She sniffed in frustration.

"In the pocket.


Then he took out his phone.

"Password 1314."

The old man entered the password to unlock.

"The note is the evil pen, and the evil pen is Lin Xuan."

she said.

"Don't be naughty!"

The old man drank.

That’s weird!

Didn't they say they were lovers?

Logically speaking, if you encounter this situation, you should never tell your lover that something happened to you to avoid him coming to die.

But why did this woman tell her?

Oh, it turned out that their relationship wasn't that good, their relationship wasn't that deep, and she couldn't accept her death like this.

This is also normal.

Duan Lingxiao's voice then sounded in his ears: "It's okay, this should be Lin Xuan."

According to his understanding, the better the relationship, the more special remarks one will make. This just proves that this is Lin Xuan!

Then the old man called Lin Xuan and placed the phone next to Qin Yijun.


This is Lin Xuan's voice.

"Hey...Lin Xuan, save me, I was kidnapped by bad guys, save me."

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

Lin Xuan was really stunned for a moment.


You're in the heavenly realm, and you were kidnapped by bad guys?

That's right!

This is not Qin Yijun, this is Su Dalin! Su Dalin, a strong person in the Heavenly Realm who is twin to Qin Yijun!

Of course, Duan Lingxiao's investigation of Lin Xuan only found one Qin Yijun. He had no idea that there was a twin sister, and it was even less likely that he would have thought that this sister was in the Heavenly Dao realm!

He had met Su Darin several times, but those times Su Darin was always in disguise.

She came out to buy snacks and then was tied up.

Of course, it was still impossible for them to kidnap Su Darin. If Su Darin hadn't cooperated, would they have been able to kidnap her?

Su Darin was really bored to death during this period. When this happened, she was so happy that it was too late to be happy, especially when she discovered that there were actually four masters of the Taixu Realm. According to Lin Xuan, the current There is no Taixu Realm born in this era, let alone four, so they are also awakened people.

This made Su Darin even more interested.

Now that he recognizes her as her sister, it's fun.

"Where are you?"

At this time, the old man put the phone to his ear!

As strong men who have just awakened, there are some things they must understand. For example, the first thing they understand must be the Internet, mobile phones, and computers.

"Your people are here, come..."

The old man followed what Duan Lingxiao said in the other ear and gave him an address!

"If you dare to touch her hair, I will be at odds with you!"

Lin Xuan said "angry".

Toot toot—

Then the old man hung up the phone.

Su Darin said aggrievedly at this time: "He has already said he is coming, can you let me go now?"

"Of course not, you are still useful!"

The old man said coldly.

"What good do I have? What good do I have besides this face?"

Su Darin struggled and said.

"Shut up! Tape her mouth shut."

Then Su Darin was stuck.

Not to mention, it feels really good to be tied up.


Soon, Lin Xuan arrived nearby.

"People are coming, everyone, get ready!"

Lin Xuan stopped the car, then walked out and looked up at the rooftop above.

The one who was kidnapped was Su Darin, so Lin Xuan was not worried at all, but... Lin Xuan was sure that they had kidnapped the wrong one. In other words, these people were targeting the woman around him!

This is something Lin Xuan absolutely cannot bear. This is Lin Xuan's reverse scale!

You can touch him, but you must not touch his woman! Otherwise, he will be really angry! They tied up Su Darin. Lin Xuan was not that angry, but he had to eradicate her!

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